Author Topic: Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?  (Read 7387 times)

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Offline TheVirtu

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
Virtu's Reason:
[6yearold]They are pretty and make big holes in things[/6yearold]

Hehe I still enjoy watching the destruction of those beams, well except the Cain's main beam, it can't do crap. Just imagine what would happen if the beams looked like the Lucifer's in FS1 (Eh Creepy)

Its a shame Volition didn't put in a game engine that made holes in the ships from powerful beams, like in the FS2 one where the Lucifer fired the beam straight through that Orion. (the Interpid or Minnow maybe?)

Why do YOU like them?
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Offline Thorn

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
When I first saw the Lillith fire its beams, I nearly crapped myself..
The glow covers half the ship!


Offline Alikchi

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
I remember seeing the BFRed for the first time. It wasn't the focus of my attention, though - Sathanas in the mist = scary.
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Offline TheVirtu

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
Hehe and the loud screeching sound of the super Shivan beams.
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Offline mikhael

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
We like the beams because they scare us, I think.

Here you are in the inkyblack with nothing between you explosive decompression but the all too fragile armor hull of your spacecraft. Suddenly, the inkyblack is gone, replaced by the blinding crimson-white discharge of a beam. A beam bigger than your entire ship. That great gout of energy ripping across space is more powerful than your fragile little craft could ever hope to carry. You fear it ever getting a firing solution on you.

ruhkferret on ICQ/AIM
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Offline CP5670

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
I personally like them because they look awesome and as mikhael said, they are frighteningly powerful.

Hehe and the loud screeching sound of the super Shivan beams.

My brother thinks that the SGreen sounds like a chainsaw while the LRed and BFRed sound like some kind of mega-chainsaw.


Offline Ace

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
(the Interpid or Minnow maybe?)
Adam Pletcher did state that it wasn't the Galatea, so I'm betting it's either the Intrepid or the Minnow as well. (some squadron a long time ago said their flagship was named after that one, since they decided to name that ship in the FS2 intro, but I don't buy that as the official   )

As for why beams are cool, well the first time I got vaped by one was trying to save the GTC Adamant in the FS2 demo. *tears in my eye* Curse the Shivans!

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Offline Setekh

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
Wasn't it the Legion or something? Maybe that was something else.  

Oh, and beams?

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Offline Carl

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
just because they're so frikkin cool
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Offline Shrike

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
Because continuous-dwell energy weapons don't give the target time to cool down?


Offline Kitsune

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
Heh, because star wars didn't have them.

And after we played FS1 we were tired of capships attacking everyone with slow-@$$ turret weapons, then we came here and then we were all blown away by near-instantaneous attacks that were actually EFFECTIVE!

Especially if we were flying in the path of one of them.  

~Space Kitsuné
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"But Sir, we have Tempests, Rockeyes, and unknown bombs."
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Offline Dark_4ce

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
Beams are just so damn cool! Theyre pritty to look at, and they seem to give me atleast that warm fuzzy feeling when they puncture through an enemy ship. And the sound! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM!! Whenever I hear that I freak out hoping I don't fly into one. Simply put, ships with lightsabers.  

Badges?! We don't need no stinking badges!!!
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Offline Nico

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
aaaaaaaah, if slashers could actually cut a capship in two  ... imagine, piouf, a ravanna in two parts  


Offline Zeronet

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
What if you put a destructable suboject on a ship, would the ship split in two if it(the subobject)was destroyed(assuming it was made in a place where this would occur)
Got Ether?


Offline Nico

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
Originally posted by Zeronet:
What if you put a destructable suboject on a ship, would the ship split in two if it(the subobject)was destroyed(assuming it was made in a place where this would occur)

nah, it would be s ship with a hole in it, but the two parts wouldn't move independently.


Offline TheVirtu

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
The only way of splitting a destroyer in two would be a continuous beam barrage slowly making a large hole from the bottom to the top.

I'm sure by then the ship would be exploding.

Plus a powerful weapon wouldnt be able to rotate that fast like a Cruiser/Corvette slashing beams can. Youd blow the weapon if it was modified like that most likely.

[This message has been edited by TheVirtu (edited 12-23-2001).]
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Offline Grey Wolf

Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
Because we play MP and watch our what seems like 100 beams ripping across our view of the battle.
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Offline USS Alexander

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
Wel to tell ya the thruth.....I don't know  
icq 127261564
Tapping I3****


Offline TheVirtu

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?
Hehe one phrase shows you power and amusment.

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Offline vadar_1

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Beams: Why the heck do we like them so much?

fun with life and recharge times!
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