Well, whaddaya know! the Galatea mainhall! looks a little fuzzy, but that's to be expected from a 640x480 to a 1024x786 conversion.

There's a small problem with that, though, but i'm not sure it's mainhall-related. I brought my mouse over to the techroom and the game gave me a fatal error message. When I ran a debug I kept getting this:
Warning: Spelling error in table file. Please change "inital" to "initial".
Line: 2348
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]
Call stack:
fs2_open_d-20060301.exe 007fd29c()
fs2_open_d-20060301.exe 007ffe28()
fs2_open_d-20060301.exe 00a42d3e()
fs2_open_d-20060301.exe 008002ff()
fs2_open_d-20060301.exe 006d8db3()
fs2_open_d-20060301.exe 006e5739()
fs2_open_d-20060301.exe 006e5a69()
fs2_open_d-20060301.exe 00b64777()
kernel32.dll 7c816d4f()
but when i looked through all the tables that
should contain 'initial', i found nothing wrong. in fact, i couldn't even find initial!