Author Topic: Corporations of the Freespace universe  (Read 3928 times)

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Offline ZylonBane

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
I originally posted this over on the VBB... someone rightly pointed out I should post it here too. So here goes...

compiled by ZylonBane

Akheton Corporation
* Shipyards orbit Vasuda Prime.
* GTW-41x Akheton SDG advanced disruptor (1)
* Akh-12 engines (4)
* GVF Horus interceptor (2)
* GVF Serapis advanced interceptor (2)
* GVB Osiris reserve bomber (2)
* GVB Bakha advanced bomber (2)
* GVF Ptah stealth recon (2)
* GVD Hatshepsut destroyer (3)

* cannon turrets, GTSG Alastor (2)

Dave's House o' Fighters
* GTF Myrmidon space superiority fighter (7)

Dynamic Metamer
* GTB Athena light bomber (5)
* GTB Zeus strike bomber (2)

Han-Ronald Corporation
* GTF Apollo space superiorty fighter (5)
* GTV Valkyrie interceptor (5)
* GTF Hercules heavy assault fighter (5)
* GTB Medua heavy bomber (5)
* GTB Ursa assault bomber (2)
* GTF Loki recon fighter (2)
* GTB Artemis medium bomber (2)
* GTB Artemis D.H. medium bomber (2)
* GTC Leviathan cruiser (3)

KresCo Engineering
* GTF Hercules Mark IID heavy assault fighter (8)

Mekhu Enterprises
* Mekhu HL-7 (1)
* GTF Ulysses space superiorty fighter (2)
* GVF Seth heavy fighter (2)
* GVB Sekhmet bomber (2)
* GVS Nephtys support ship (3)

* plasma powerplants (6)

Nankam Aeronautical
* GTF Ares strategic assault fighter (2)
* GTF Pegasus stealth recon fighter (2)
* GTF Perseus interceptor (2)
* NA-27f powerplant - Ares, Artemis D.H. (3)

RNI Systems
* Shipyards orbit Laramis II. (9)
* GTF Hercules Mark II heavy assault fighter (2)
* GTF Myrmidon advanced space superiority fighter (2)
* GTB Boanerges heavy bomber (2)
* GTSG Mjolnir remote beam cannon (3)
* GTC Aeolus (3)

Sahr Corporation
* Shipyards in the Altair system.
* GVF Thoth space superiority fighter (2)
* GVF Tauret heavy fighter (2)

STX Exploration
* Mining operations. (10)

* Subach HL-7 (1)

Triton Dynamics
* GTF Ulysses space superiorty fighter (5)
* GTF Erinyes heavy assault fighter (2)
* SF Mara (terran) advanced space superiority fighter (2)
* GTS Hygeia support ship (2)

* Nankam Aeronautical
* Baranec Aquisitions
* Mekhu Enterprises
* Mesa Corp.
* Comet Propulsion Systems
* Snapka\Flegel Weapons Systems
* Triton Dynamics
* Subach-Innes
* Akheton Corporation

1. Freespace 2, Tech Room, Weapons
2. Freespace 2, Ship Select
3. Freespace 2, Tech Room, Ships
4. Freespace 2, Ship Select, GVB Bakha
5. Freespace 1, Ship Select
6. Freespace 2, Ship Select, GVF Seth
7. Freespace 2, Manual, p.26
8. Freespace 2, Manual, p.56
9. Freespace 2, Tech Room, Ships, Aeolus
10. Freespace 2, Tech Room, Weapons, Rockeye
11. Freespace 2, Tech Room, Cutscenes, Colossus

ZylonBane's opinions do not represent those of the management.


Offline Shrike

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Mmmm, just noticed it.  RNI was another one of the Colossus contractors, I remember it's logo from the cutscene.


Offline Warlock

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Now THIS is useful info  

We need more stuff like this around here! Great background data for all us campaign designers that's either offical...or at least a common source instead of every campaign having contradicting data  

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Offline Ace

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Dave's House O' Fighters is a joke of course  

Also Johnson's Munitions I believe is within the small text of the Colossus cutscene.

Staff member FreeSpace Watch
Self-plagiarism is style.
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Corporations of the Freespace universe
You repeated a couple of ships. GTF Myrmidon is in Dave's House O' Fighters and RNI Systems for example.

What do the numbers mean adjacent to each entry?

I agree with Warlock, great job ZylonBane. It's good to see your work for once, rather than wasting your time flaming everyone in VBB.

Oh and welcome to the HLP Boards. This is the first time I've seen you here.

'Captain' Nick Brown
Callsign: Pegasus V
[email protected]


Offline ZylonBane

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Originally posted by Pegasus V:
You repeated a couple of ships. GTF Myrmidon is in Dave's House O' Fighters and RNI Systems for example.

I only report 'em, not reconcile 'em.  
ZylonBane's opinions do not represent those of the management.

Corporations of the Freespace universe
Originally posted by ZylonBane:
I only report 'em, not reconcile 'em.

Is this because they're referenced twice (edit) or because they jointly developed it (/edit)?

[This message has been edited by Pegasus V (edited 09-02-2001).]


Offline Setekh

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Originally posted by Pegasus V:
   Is this because they're referenced twice (edit) or because they jointly developed it (/edit)?

Referenced twice.

Nice job, Zylon. I can think of a place to put this...
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
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Offline ZylonBane

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Originally posted by Pegasus V:
Is this because they're referenced twice  or because they jointly developed it?

Silly rabbit... might want to have checked the references. Dave's House o' Fighters and KresCo Engineering are both joke names, appearing only in screenshots in the manual.

The only jointly-developed item is the Mekhu-Sahr plasma powerplant. I should probably rework that reference, since since M-S isn't a single company.
ZylonBane's opinions do not represent those of the management.


Offline Ace

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
KresCo was within the FS2 demo as the Herc2's builder.

So KresCo could be a contractor for the prototypes  

(If KresCo is a joke, so is Baranec Acquisition, I'd say that only Dave's House O' Fighters is a joke in the list)

Staff member FreeSpace Watch
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline The Claw

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
 What's that? Did somebody say Krazy Khonsu's used shipyards?  
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"One has plenty of time for contemplation while waiting for the endless waves of bad doggie werewolf monsters that chew your toes while you sleep"-Dradeel, BG2


Offline phreak

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Shorten them to 5 letters and we could put them in IW2 *hint* *hint*    

Good work Zylon.

[This message has been edited by PhReAk (edited 09-04-2001).]
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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Offline Sandwich

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Great job, Zylon! It's exactly the type of thing that I might have done, had I even thought about it...  

To see what people who really have time to waste do, check out The Daystrom Institute Technical Library. Those Trekkies...  

"He who laughs last thinks slowest."
"Just becase you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you."
"To err is human; to really screw up you need a computer."
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[This message has been edited by sandwich (edited 09-04-2001).]
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"...The quintessential quality of our age is that of dreams coming true. Just think of it. For centuries we have dreamt of flying; recently we made that come true: we have always hankered for speed; now we have speeds greater than we can stand: we wanted to speak to far parts of the Earth; we can: we wanted to explore the sea bottom; we have: and so  on, and so on: and, too, we wanted the power to smash our enemies utterly; we have it. If we had truly wanted peace, we should have had that as well. But true peace has never been one of the genuine dreams - we have got little further than preaching against war in order to appease our consciences. The truly wishful dreams, the many-minded dreams are now irresistible - they become facts." - 'The Outward Urge' by John Wyndham

"The very essence of tolerance rests on the fact that we have to be intolerant of intolerance. Stretching right back to Kant, through the Frankfurt School and up to today, liberalism means that we can do anything we like as long as we don't hurt others. This means that if we are tolerant of others' intolerance - especially when that intolerance is a call for genocide - then all we are doing is allowing that intolerance to flourish, and allowing the violence that will spring from that intolerance to continue unabated." - Bren Carlill


Offline Grey Wolf

Corporations of the Freespace universe
Originally posted by sandwich:
To see what people who really have time to waste do, check out The Daystrom Institute Technical Library. Those Trekkies...    
Thanks for that! Now I have something to play with for my ST MODs for FS.  
You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" -George Bernard Shaw


Offline Anaz

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Yamn, those people really need to get lives.

Creator of the mod that will not be coming for a while
Arrr. I'm a pirate.

AotD, DatDB, TVWP, LM. Ph34r.

You WILL go to warpstorm...


Offline Red5

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Btw who made the poseidon and the Chronos?
This is my signature


Offline Carl

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
two nerds in their garage.
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Offline NeoHunter

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Originally posted by ZylonBane:
Dave's House o' Fighters
* GTF Myrmidon space superiority fighter (7)

Where did you see that??? I don't remember seeing that anywhere.....

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Offline Fineus

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Originally posted by Grey Wolf 2009:
Thanks for that! Now I have something to play with for my ST MODs for FS.  

Ohno! trekky power!  


Offline Pez

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Corporations of the Freespace universe
Originally posted by NeoHunter:
Where did you see that??? I don't remember seeing that anywhere.....

Freespace 2, Manual, p.26