Author Topic: Steam: buy mods  (Read 2138 times)

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Offline aldo_14

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[q]The Half-Life 2 modification Garry's Mod is to be sold through Steam for $10, author Garry Newman's confirmed - with money split 50-50 between the mod team and distributor Valve.[/q]


Offline BlackDove

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People actually bought Half-Life 2?


Offline IPAndrews

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It will be interesting to see how many people buy Half Life 2: Episode One. Once bitten...
Be warned: This site's admins stole 100s of hours of my work. They will do it to you.


Offline Fury

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Don't care about mods but in a reply to IP's comment, I might buy the upcoming HL2 expansion(s). HL2 was bundled with my video card since buying the expansion(s) does not involve me actually going to a shop, searching the shelves and buying an expensive frisbee. I'd like to avoid more CD's and DVD's collecting dust in my shelves, having the games on hard drive with possibility to re-download is what I prefer. At least as long as re-downloading is fast and trouble-free.

As for those who still own a dial-up or very slow broadband, cry me a river and get over it. Publishers can screw it too if it means more income to the developers themselves.


Offline Grug

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Don't care about mods but in a reply to IP's comment, I might buy the upcoming HL2 expansion(s). HL2 was bundled with my video card since buying the expansion(s) does not involve me actually going to a shop, searching the shelves and buying an expensive frisbee. I'd like to avoid more CD's and DVD's collecting dust in my shelves, having the games on hard drive with possibility to re-download is what I prefer. At least as long as re-downloading is fast and trouble-free.

As for those who still own a dial-up or very slow broadband, cry me a river and get over it. Publishers can screw it too if it means more income to the developers themselves.

You seem to live up to your name. But yeah. :yes:

Isn't gary's mod currently free?
Infact I think I have it. Seemed pretty crappy though. Don't know what the fuss is all about. =/


Offline Unknown Target

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It's free but the next version will have some new features and be pay-ware.
Personally I think paying for a sandbox editor mod for a crappy game is bullocks.


Offline Turambar

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dammit, you'd think from the reaction that selling Oblivion mods got from its fanbase (mostly: "i paid $2 for ****ing horse armor that doesnt even -do- anything!!11one"), they'd realize that selling mods is NOT A GOOD IDEA

of course, i torrented the horse armor mod

and oblivion
10:55:48   TurambarBlade: i've been selecting my generals based on how much i like their hats
10:55:55   HerraTohtori: me too!
10:56:01   HerraTohtori: :D


Offline Fury

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You seem to live up to your name. But yeah. :yes:

Anyways, I guess this is still on-topic but not about Steam itself. Hollywood seems to be finally realizing the possibilities of internet.

Warner Bros, Universal Pictures, Sony Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox and MGM are offering movies in And at least Sony and Lionsgate are offering movies in

I have to admit, both services seems to be a bit overpriced not to mention the fact that these are only available in USA at the moment. But it can be easily forgiven as this only testing new waters. Now we have the new concept to become more mature and more widely adopted and I am sure it will bring us much good.


Offline Turnsky

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  • huh?.. Who?.. hey you kids, git off me lawn!
i dunno, user mods for sale, i'm not terribly sure about, at least they're not asking 2 bucks for some ****ty horse armor/bling like bethseda are.
do not torment the sleep deprived artist, he may be vicious when cornered,
in case of emergency, administer caffeine to the artist,
he will become docile after that,
and less likely to stab you in the eye with a mechanical pencil


Offline aldo_14

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i dunno, user mods for sale, i'm not terribly sure about, at least they're not asking 2 bucks for some ****ty horse armor/bling like bethseda are.

Well, there's  2 ways to look at it.

Firstly, he's getting money for hard work.  That's ok, albiet I don't do this (modding) for money and i'd hate to think modding - one of the advantages of Pc gaming - could become all commercialized.

Secondly, Valve are taking half that money - $5 - for allowing him to sell it.  Whilst I appreciate the pseudo-licensing issue (albeit they're not providing anything beyond permission, as there'd already be distribution setup), I don't think it's in any way fair for them to take half the money.  Yeah, they have free will to set the price, but it's still pretty grossly unbalanced.


Offline Unknown Target

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I love how Valve has always claimed to be God's gift to gamers and modders, when in reality they've only made two games, made it incredibly hard to mod because of half-assed tools, and basically just gobbles up good mods and sells them for themselves.


Offline Grug

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I love how Valve has always claimed to be God's gift to gamers and modders, when in reality they've only made two games, made it incredibly hard to mod because of half-assed tools, and basically just gobbles up good mods and sells them for themselves.
Heh, quote of the day.
Someone should join a Valve fan boi forum with that in a sig and record the fun.


Offline ZylonBane

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...made it incredibly hard to mod...
Huh... guess I must have just imagined all the dozens of mods that came out over the years.

Sure it doesn't have a mutator system like Unreal, but the SDK gave people a hell of a lot more power to modify the game than, say, Freespace did.

So are you calling Freespace half-assed?
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Offline Unknown Target

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If you've used the SDK, you'd see how hard it is to use. And I'm not calling Freespace half-assed; it has a fully featured, easy to use mission editor. Hammer is notoriously difficult to even comprehend.
And of all those "mods" - that's for Half Life 1. Go check for Half Life 2, and see how many good major mods have been

And Freespace (I'm coming back to it because I couldn't fit it in up there), has a perfectly fine system. You can do virtually everything the devs did, without code editing, it's easier to edit, and like I said above; there is a complete and TOTALLY operational mission builder that is very intuitive. :v: obviously spent time coding it and making it user-friendly.


Offline NGTM-1R

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So are you calling Freespace half-assed?

Actually, based on this observation alone, and the fact you were supposedly once a FRED guru, I'm going to say you're half-assed.
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A Feddie Story


Offline Turambar

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So are you calling Freespace half-assed?

Actually, based on this observation alone, and the fact you were supposedly once a FRED guru, I'm going to say you're half-assed.

actually, i'd have to say that this guy:

is half-assed

Edited by IceFire: Little insensitive there...lets try and a be a little more respectful ok?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2006, 04:32:44 pm by IceFire »
10:55:48   TurambarBlade: i've been selecting my generals based on how much i like their hats
10:55:55   HerraTohtori: me too!
10:56:01   HerraTohtori: :D


Offline vyper

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... I'm hoping someone more vicious than me takes this opportunity to flame you to a crisp for that.
"But you live, you learn.  Unless you die.  Then you're ****ed." - aldo14


Offline aldo_14

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actually, i'd have to say that this guy:

is half-assed

Better than a complete ass though, eh?

That acceptable Rictor?


Offline ZylonBane

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So are you calling Freespace half-assed?

Actually, based on this observation alone, and the fact you were supposedly once a FRED guru, I'm going to say you're half-assed.
Then I'm going to have to call you dumb-assed.

FRED lets you do a lot, but it doesn't let you mod the game. In fact, until the source code was released, the only modding that could be done was changing assets (graphics, sounds, models, etc). Half-Life, on the other hand, provided an SDK that let you actually hook custom code into the game.
ZylonBane's opinions do not represent those of the management.


Offline BlackDove

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Then I'm going to have to call you dumb-assed.
