Author Topic: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.  (Read 9448 times)

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Offline achtung

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U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz


Offline aldo_14

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
What. the. ****?

It's one thing to ignore the law but pretend to follow it - it's another to just say 'screw the law'.


Offline Flipside

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
Well, it's really just admitting what everyone but their own public already knew.


Offline Mars

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
Well, nobody likes napalm so the US came up with a cheaper substitute.
None likes torture, so there's EST.

What can I say?


Offline Kazan

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
Well, it's really just admitting what everyone but including 60% their own public already knew.

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Offline Flipside

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
Well, by their own public, I mean those who have been choosing to defend their 'illegal' actions along with the 'legal' ones (yes, that's terribly generalised, I know) I probably should have made it a bit clearer why I didn't put 'The American Public'. My mistake :)


Offline AlphaOne

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
Umm nice....what's next....! All hail to US ! Once beleived to be an example in human right's law enforcement now not much better then countries like Iran,Irak, the talibans and if this keeps up Bin Laden. Dont take it personal i'm not refering to the US the citizenz that actualy have a brain and see the dezaster this could eventualy lead to. Oh and i'm not talking about those who actualy fight against this law beeing passed  i'm talking about it's current leaders political and milatary.

You do realize of course that other countries will soon follow if this law is passed!

Then where do we end up?? Back in the middle ages or something like that??
Die shivan die!!
Then jumps into his apple stealth pie and goes of to war.What a brave lad....what a brave lad say the ladies in red.

(> < ) 

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Offline aldo_14

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
Then where do we end up?? Back in the middle ages or something like that??

The Age of Illiteracy?


Offline Flipside

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
The Age of Terror, most likely.

When both sides are resorting to torture, abduction and persecution to achieve their goals, you just know there's bad **** on the horizon.

I don't see other countries following suit though, America is losing political influence at an almost exponential rate in the world theatre these days.


Offline Mars

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
The Age of Illiteracy?
Aldo, be  nice.  :wtf:'



Offline AlphaOne

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
Aldo if that was suposed to be an insult you missed . While mi english is good its not that good. Soo unless you can actualy explain what you wanted to the phrase will remain ratherm empty to me.

Well I tend to believe that this will actualy happen. Why? Becasuse countries like China,North Coreea and others like them are just waiting for an excuse.
Die shivan die!!
Then jumps into his apple stealth pie and goes of to war.What a brave lad....what a brave lad say the ladies in red.

(> < ) 

This is Bunny . Copy  Bunny  into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


Offline Flipside

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
Countries like China and North Korea already ignore the Geneva Convention. It was one of the things America actually used to use to explain the difference between 'Free' and 'Oppressive'.


Offline AlphaOne

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
I wonder how they be able to point the figer at other countries now with this new law?

Also this is the perfect excuse for bin ladden and other like him to go around bomming the US and othre countries around the world.

Die shivan die!!
Then jumps into his apple stealth pie and goes of to war.What a brave lad....what a brave lad say the ladies in red.

(> < ) 

This is Bunny . Copy  Bunny  into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


Offline Mars

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
Bush's speach writers will find a way.

(^ ^)
This is dead bunny, I killed him


Offline aldo_14

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
Aldo if that was suposed to be an insult you missed . While mi english is good its not that good. Soo unless you can actualy explain what you wanted to the phrase will remain ratherm empty to me.

Yes  *ahem*

Well I tend to believe that this will actualy happen. Why? Becasuse countries like China,North Coreea and others like them are just waiting for an excuse.

They don't need an excuse, they already do it and say they don't (or say nothing atall).


Offline AlphaOne

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
What like the US is gooing to do from now on?? Not that it did not do until now its just that now they actualy have mae up a legal excuse for it!
Die shivan die!!
Then jumps into his apple stealth pie and goes of to war.What a brave lad....what a brave lad say the ladies in red.

(> < ) 

This is Bunny . Copy  Bunny  into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


Offline achtung

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
I just feel the need to say this.......

**** BUNNY!

The fact that the glow thing is an IE only feature makes me hate bunny even more. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz


Offline Mars

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
Oh, is that why glow never worked! I just looked at the Forum under IE tab in Firefox, and it does work.


Offline Nuke

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
the us has been using napalm for decades, dispite the fact that it is illegal under the geneva convention.
this is not news.
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

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Offline Kosh

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Re: U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.
The Age of Terror, most likely.

When both sides are resorting to torture, abduction and persecution to achieve their goals, you just know there's bad **** on the horizon.

I don't see other countries following suit though, America is losing political influence at an almost exponential rate in the world theatre these days.

I agree.I find it interesting that the US is becoming more like its "enemies" all the time.
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