Author Topic: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'  (Read 2343 times)

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Offline Nuke

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
there are gals who get pregnant to get on the welfare system. they dont really want the child as much as a free ride in life. in theese cases the child usually gets neglected or worse. usually such young women keep the father out of the picture. of course the mother will love her baby, thats instinct, but she will still be governed by that selfish desire to avoid working.  they will go as far as poking holes in condoms to accomplish this goal. its not hard for a gal to take advantage of the male sex drive. even men who think their practicing safe sex may get an unwanted suprise. i dont mind the welfare system supporting accidental pregnancys, even those caused by teenage stupidity. but i do kind of find malitious use of the system as something that needs to be watched out for and prevented. the fallacy of independance needs to be done away with. society is a system of humans after all. one thing effects all other things. it takes away from less fortunate women who actually need and deserve help from the welfare system. women/children with abusive spouses/fathers, rape victims who chose to have the baby, ect.
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Offline Polpolion

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
Although my opinion will more than likely change in the upcoming years, but I would rather stay single, and live my life (what little of one I have) without any nagging from wives or children. Plus, I could live with the same (buyable) luxries as a family that earns $10,000 a year more than me.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2006, 08:44:35 pm by thesizzler »


Offline Krackers87

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
Crazy crazy bastards...
Put this in your profile if you know someone who is fighting, has survived, or has died from an awp no scope.

just like seventies goofballs
he's waiting on last calls
well listen method man
'cause if you leave on the last line
don't leave on the ground kind
born just a little too slow


Offline Grug

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
I want to have kids someday, but want to ensure I'm in the right position, financially, emotionally, and relationship wise before I do so. I do believe in some planning, but I also like to think its good to keep some magic in things and have a few surprises every now and then. :)

The irony is that a couple of century's ago I know of 17 year olds marrying 13 year old wives and starting familys. Obviously life expectancy was much shorter back then. People living to their 30's or 40's at most. Simple health problems that are cured easily today killed many people back then as well.

It's just interesting how with prolonged life, society's views of maturity, marriage, and procreation change.


Offline Turambar

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
It's just interesting how with prolonged life, society's views of maturity, marriage, and procreation change.

it wont be too long before we go the way of numenor...
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Offline Grug

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
Hehehe perhaps. ;)

Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
The irony is that the people who weigh up the situation and decide that they shouldn't have children have already revealed themselves to have more of the qualities necessary in a good parent than many of the people who do have one.

As mentioned in another thread somewhere, the species is comprised of those who procreate.
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Offline Flipside

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
It's just interesting how with prolonged life, society's views of maturity, marriage, and procreation change.

it wont be too long before we go the way of numenor...

You leave those Silmarils alone you naughty man, I don't care if your Dad made them

I think longer life would affect our outlook, because we would see things that happen so slowly we normally find it convenient to ignore them. Things like Evolution would be hard to deny if you had living memory of actual species diverging etc. It'd be hard to say things like 'Isn't it odd that the moon is the same size optically as the Sun', because it would become apparent over the course of several thousand years that it is only now that it is the same optical size, during the times of Ancient Egypt, it was slightly bigger, and soon it will be slightly smaller, since the moon is receding from us. Maybe a little more experience of how the world is changing right under our own feet would do us some good.


Offline Kazan

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
there are gals who get pregnant to get on the welfare system. they dont really want the child as much as a free ride in life.

bull**** - there is a 5 year lifetime maximum on benefits, and you will almost certainly not get them in one straight swoop (IE most of the welfare programs require you atleast try to get a job and can show that you're trying otherwise they'll boot your ass) - infact this entire BULL**** talking point has been dispelled by the simple known facts of the usage pattern.

sure there are some people who manage to cheat the system - but there are NOT girls getting pregnant just to "live on welfare"

infact "living on welfare" you would be making less than a minimum wage job

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Offline Whitelight

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
Raising children in todays world isn`t cheap, it cost lots of money, and takes a lot of free time to raise them..

Me and my wife raised 3,  they have grown and are now on there own...  :p

We now enjoy watchin our grandson, Aden,  he can say and do the funniest things sometimes.  :lol:

In all, its sad to see teens raising kids, they have there hole lifes ahead of them, babies should come later in life
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 09:58:32 pm by Whitelight »
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Offline IceFire

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
Although my opinion will more than likely change in the upcoming years, but I would rather stay single, and live my life (what little of one I have) without any nagging from wives or children. Plus, I could live with the same (buyable) luxries as a family that earns $10,000 a year more than me.
Not sure how much older/younger you are than me but I'm living the wooking stooge/single life thing and I find it entirely unfulfilling.  Its only been a year that I've been out of school now mind you and I'm probably rushing things in my mind but man are things boring.  Not that I'm saying that I should go and have a kid right now to make it interesting...thats not what I mean at all.  Just that working towards that eventual goal would be nice to get started and spend some time working on it.
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Offline Flipside

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
Well, the actual working on it is always fun ;)

Seriously though, theres no rush at all, get out and see some world and enjoy your life before taking on responsiblities that tie you down. Kids are rewarding, but make sure you have your own life before creating any more ;)


Offline Grug

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
Well, the actual working on it is always fun ;)

Seriously though, theres no rush at all, get out and see some world and enjoy your life before taking on responsiblities that tie you down. Kids are rewarding, but make sure you have your own life before creating any more ;)

Aye. Do some travelling. Go on exotic holidays etc. Who knows, you may meet someone along the way anywho. :)


Offline aldo_14

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Offline Kosh

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Re: Teenagers 'choosing motherhood'
i blame brittney spears.  enough girls idolized her before, but now all those girls are going to want to grow up and be white trash.

I blame her and people like her for the same reason.
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