Aboard the GVA SetekhVasudan #23: Sir, the Apocalypse triggered off a huge Electrobeam™ barrage and destroyed or severely damaged all ships in the area. Except us. I think they had
ph33r for our Terran Turret#weaks.
Setekh: And so they should. Radar?
Vasudan #24: All surviving vessels are leaving the area, sir.
Setekh: Excellent. A truly honourable engagement; battle without unnecessary bloodshed. Khonsu II would be proud.
Vasudan #23: Uhh, sir, I hate to interrupt you, but there's an incoming message. It's a Borg cube, sir.
Setekh: Oh dear... what do they want?
Vasudan #23: They, uhhh... want directions to the SI Aracnas
McBobs - they're mumbling something about payment, drive thrus, and Headz specials.
Setekh: What
!! Oh dear... well, this an excuse to use one of Bosch's cool quotes...
Vasudan #24: It is my understanding that all true Vasudans have a deep hate for Bosch and all things related.
Setekh: Yeh, well - it sounds cool, anyway. Vasudans #1-24, salute as we leave the honourable battleground!
Vasudans #1-24: *salute*
Setekh: Here we go...
Helm... engage subspace drive.
Hell of a ride, guys!