(NOTE: If you had a problem requiring -disable_fbo previously, please try without it now and see if the problem has been fixed).
Rodger dodger, I'm on that like white on rice.
*Resume* Well, an hour later and success! I can run without having to add -disable_fbo without a single problem in both FS2 and FSPort. I ran several campaign missions in succession (as a new campaign and as single missions from tech room) and restarted every single one of them a minimum of 3 times apiece......and it worked flawlessly. (Ran both an existing pilot and a new pilot)
I also like the lighting. I think this one even has improvements on how lights shade and shadow (even though I know there is no shader or shadow code involved). I also like that engine glows don't bisect the ship model any more, or if they do, it's practically imperceptible. Ships changing thier orientation now properly occlude (obscure) thier own engine glows FAR more appropriately.
exe_filepath = C:\Games\FreeSpace2\fs2_open_r.exe;
game_flags = -ambient_factor 18.3 -spec_exp 16.7 -spec_point 0.6 -spec_static 0.9 -spec_tube 1.0 -spec -glow -env -jpgtga -mipmap -2d_poof -no_vsync -cache_bitmaps -dualscanlines -targetinfo -orbradar -ship_choice_3d -3dwarp -snd_preload -alpha_env -fps ;
active_mod = mediavps;
I also tested with and without -d3d_bad_tsys. I noted a slightly smoother over all apperance and performance with it on. No surprise there, since many of the textures likely are as inefficient as all get out. I also noted that setting AA in the driver seems to have more of an effect. I previously could not discern wether or not AA was actually enabled or not or be able to differentiate any of the various levels (other than when it was Off, of course.)
I still need to test the FSPort mission Red Alert involving the Zenith. I'm pretty sure the solution can be found in the campaign file and the two related mission files, but I recall someone saying it was an SCP problem, so I'll report back later on that unless someone beats me to it.
Right now, I'm going to now run debug and compare it's output to previous builds. (I'm that bored right now!)