Java Version updated. Updater now works better. You can find a list of everything you installed and its version in C:\Games\FreeSpace2\Installer\installedversions.txt
If you want it to see something as out-of-date, simply change the version of it in installedversions.txt
The main reason I made this update is that it now needs one text file per mod creator. not per mod. for instance, if Axem wanted to put JAD0, JAD1, JAD2, JAD3, JAD4, JAD5, JAD6, and JAD65535 in the installer, he'd only need one text file, which would both install and uninstall (once I finish the uninstaller
) every single JAD campaign.
To see an example of how the mod text files are structured for the Java Installer, go
As for the NSIS Installer, it will continue to be supported until I finish the uninstaller for the Java version, at which point the executable will be taken down. The source for the NSIS Installer will stay up, in case anyone wants it.