Author Topic: Prologue Released!  (Read 197439 times)

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Offline Tolwyn

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Keep the source in mind - This is the guy who managed an overwhelming... what... 5? kills with 25.000 rockeyes. Maybe he just needs 4.999 more torpedoes...

huh? :)
Wing Commander Saga: A Legend Is Reborn | WingCenter
Tolwyn’s reputation for risk taking with other people’s lives was considered  to understate the facts. The admiral’s willingness to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his objectives had long been lauded in the popular press. He was “the man who got things done”.- Colonel Blair

No errors, no random CTDs, just pure fun and proof of why getting hit with missiles is a bad thing.
-WC Saga's beta tester

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Offline Shade

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Guess you missed that thread. Let me go digging a sec... Here we go. It's no big loss to have missed it though. Oh, and it appears it was 4, even, not 5 :p
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"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh ****ing great. 2200 references to entry->index and no idea which is the one that ****ed up" - Karajorma
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<Cobra|> You play this mission too intelligently.


Offline Wobble73

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I'm having difficulty with the third mission, (I think??). Spoilers follow:-

It's the mission that you have to fly to Nav1 and destroy some asteroids, I can only target asteroids that are about a million meters away????????? :confused: there are no asteroids in the vicinity, at all?


BTW guys, great job with this!! Very professionally done!
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Offline Tolwyn

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It's the mission that you have to fly to Nav1 and destroy some asteroids, I can only target asteroids that are about a million meters away????????? :confused: there are no asteroids in the vicinity, at all?

For some lower-end computers, the apperance of asteroid fields causes a significant slowdown. If you are experiencing this problem, enabling “Asteroid Field Performance Fix” option in the installer will fix it. If you are not experiencing this problem, we do not recommend that you use this option.

You should install the "Asteroid Field Performance Fix". On some computers asteroid might vanish. We could not figure out what's causing this, but it is somehow related to the time compression.
Wing Commander Saga: A Legend Is Reborn | WingCenter
Tolwyn’s reputation for risk taking with other people’s lives was considered  to understate the facts. The admiral’s willingness to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his objectives had long been lauded in the popular press. He was “the man who got things done”.- Colonel Blair

No errors, no random CTDs, just pure fun and proof of why getting hit with missiles is a bad thing.
-WC Saga's beta tester

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Offline Mongoose

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Many congrats on the release.  I've never played WC other than a few missions of the GBA port of Prophecy, but I can't wait to get back to school and get this thing installed. :)


Offline Starman01

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I'm having difficulty with the third mission, (I think??). Spoilers follow:-

First off, install the fix as Tolwyn suggested. If that isn't helping, here is a way to get past this part :

spoiler :

While the goal is to "destroy some asteroid", that isn't scriptable at all. I just triggered if the primary weapons are being fired, and after a minute or so the dialogue and the mission will continue. So even without asteroids you should be able to get past this part, just fire your primary guns a few times AFTER the goal is valid

spoiler end.

9 out of 10 voices in my head always tell me that I'm not insane. The 10th is only humming the melody of TETRIS.


Offline Dishwasher

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Hi guys, sorry that I haven't been to usefull lately, but I just want to congratulate you guys with the release, The prologue is Awesome and I'm sure the campaign will be to.

Cheers to some awesome work
Live is Unfair, Kill yourself or get over it.


Offline Dishwasher

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The first reported bug sounds an awefull lot like an out of date graphics driver problem.. I've never had any problems like it running saga.. not even 1 CTD.. except from a very stupid one in the tech database :D
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Offline Wobble73

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It's the mission that you have to fly to Nav1 and destroy some asteroids, I can only target asteroids that are about a million meters away????????? :confused: there are no asteroids in the vicinity, at all?

For some lower-end computers, the apperance of asteroid fields causes a significant slowdown. If you are experiencing this problem, enabling “Asteroid Field Performance Fix” option in the installer will fix it. If you are not experiencing this problem, we do not recommend that you use this option.

You should install the "Asteroid Field Performance Fix". On some computers asteroid might vanish. We could not figure out what's causing this, but it is somehow related to the time compression.

Muchos Gracias Senor!  That did the trick!
Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?
Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
Member of the Scooby Doo Fanclub. And we're not talking a cartoon dog here people!!

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Offline Cobra

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I just played about 6 or so missions, up to the system evacuation mission. I'm impressed guys. You really went all out here, especially with the damage effects. Whenever the damage sparks would fly on the Wellington, the carrier lights would flicker. Nice touch!
To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow. - Metrodorus of Chios
I wept. Mysterious forces beyond my ken had reached into my beautiful mission and energized its pilots with inhuman bomb-firing abilities. I could only imagine the GTVA warriors giving a mighty KIAAIIIIIII shout as they worked their triggers, their biceps bulging with sinew after years of Ivan Drago-esque steroid therapy and weight training. - General Battuta


Offline tracker

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 A release for the users Linux is foreseen?


Offline Tolwyn

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Linux and Macos versions will follow as soon as possible :)
Wing Commander Saga: A Legend Is Reborn | WingCenter
Tolwyn’s reputation for risk taking with other people’s lives was considered  to understate the facts. The admiral’s willingness to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his objectives had long been lauded in the popular press. He was “the man who got things done”.- Colonel Blair

No errors, no random CTDs, just pure fun and proof of why getting hit with missiles is a bad thing.
-WC Saga's beta tester

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Offline Polpolion

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Bug here: (highlight blank space; spoilers)

on the mission in which you escort the wellington to the jump node, we arrive at the final waypoint, except there are no kilrathi. There are supposed to be two cruisers there, but there isn't. So I sit there for about an hour in 64x time compression on, and randomly at about 320 elapsed mission minutes, the two cruisers jump in. what is wrong here?


Offline Goober5000

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What the hell did you edit?
exe and a few other files, it fuks me about i will make sure it dont happen again, i have said on another thread if it dont work then i will hex edit it.

dont worry about it, i edited nothing that will give me an advantage, i only changed a line within the exe, and a few lines within 3 other files.
Um... I second karajorma.  What did you edit?  Tell me exactly which hex edits you made in the EXE, because I'm very curious.  If it's a bug, the SCP needs to know about it. :)


Offline aRaven

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I can't install WCS Prologue because it checks my C: Partition where I have only 400mb left. I tried to install to D: (5GB free space) but it says C: doesn't have enough free space...

can anybody help me?


Offline Centrixo

Guess you missed that thread. Let me go digging a sec... Here we go. It's no big loss to have missed it though. Oh, and it appears it was 4, even, not 5 :p

thanks asshole, and digging up the past to attack me means you have nothing to dig at in the first place, and you got it wrong witch means your no perfect person either(4 idoit 4, not 5!) ;).

cann it shade :blah:.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2007, 10:20:16 pm by Centrixo »
Would you like to have a piece of duct tape shoved up your arse? - 'Duct Tape man', Derelict.

"You never know what your going to find until you take a look" - Snipes, Fs2.

Terwin Castronenves:"Centrixo, your car is slow, bye bye" *zoom*.
Centrixo:*sigh!* Damn!.


Offline Getter Robo G

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Hehe I still run a p4 1.8 with crappy generic 256mb ATI and it was sweet as silk!
I DID see a asteroid flicker but that was as time compression was slowing down, by the time I got into the area things were just fine...

Curious, during "auto-pilot" mode are you ever in any danger from outside sources if something goes wrong?

Pilot chatter was Hilarious! "Arrrgh!"  :lol:  Anyway, I got killed by the pirates in 3 secs and will try on very easy next (I am not ashamed)...

But that will have to wait till next weekend. I got a ton of Trek stuff to redo and my very first kitbash!!! Big things coming my way via email hopefully  :nod:
"Don't think of it as being out-numbered, think of it as having a WIDE target selection!"

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[I'm Just an idea guy, NOT: a modeler, texturer, or coder... Word of advice, "Watch out for the ducks!"]

Robotech II - Continuing...
FS2 Trek - Snails move faster than me...
Star Blazers: Journey to Iscandar...
FS GUNDAM - The Myth lives on... :)

I can't install WCS Prologue because it checks my C: Partition where I have only 400mb left. I tried to install to D: (5GB free space) but it says C: doesn't have enough free space...

can anybody help me?

I had this problem too and I think I had 400mb left too... gotta clean house  :blah:
It looks like it's windows installer thats being used (haven't downloaded the release version yet) so maybe asking windows groups about the  installer will help.
That's cool and ....disturbing at the same time o_o  - Vasudan Admiral

"Don't play games with me. You just killed someone I like, that is not a safe place to stand. I'm the Doctor. And you're in the biggest library in the universe. Look me up."

"Quick everyone out of the universe now!"


Offline Tolwyn

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I can't install WCS Prologue because it checks my C: Partition where I have only 400mb left. I tried to install to D: (5GB free space) but it says C: doesn't have enough free space...

can anybody help me?

You need at least 700-900 mb free on your Windows partition to install Wing Commander Saga. Solution: free up more space! At any rate, Windows needs about 2 GB free to function properly.

Bug here: (highlight blank space; spoilers)

on the mission in which you escort the wellington to the jump node, we arrive at the final waypoint, except there are no kilrathi. There are supposed to be two cruisers there, but there isn't. So I sit there for about an hour in 64x time compression on, and randomly at about 320 elapsed mission minutes, the two cruisers jump in. what is wrong here?

interesting... can you reproduce this?
Wing Commander Saga: A Legend Is Reborn | WingCenter
Tolwyn’s reputation for risk taking with other people’s lives was considered  to understate the facts. The admiral’s willingness to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his objectives had long been lauded in the popular press. He was “the man who got things done”.- Colonel Blair

No errors, no random CTDs, just pure fun and proof of why getting hit with missiles is a bad thing.
-WC Saga's beta tester

Report Wing Commander Saga bugs with Mantis

You magnificent bastards! I'm downloading this as I type, but thanks to the awesome power of 56k it's going to take around 11 hours.

Is the mission editor included?