Author Topic: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?  (Read 12237 times)

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Offline Rictor

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Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
There's plenty of  indicators going around, too many to list in fact - I assume you all read the news. Everyone from business types to Russian brass are prediciting a strike against Iran some time soon, March or April. Around the end of February will be the deadline set by the Security Council for Iran to stop enrichment or face the next step.

There's currently three carrier assault groups in or around the Persian Gulf and for the first time ever a Navy guy is going to be appointed as the head of CENTCOM - which might indicate that the navy might playa  crucial role. On top of everything, Bush is ramping up the "Iran-is-to-blame-for-all-problems-in-Iraq" rhetoric, so I'm thinking that a casus belli will be coming soon.

On the other hand, there's also indications that Khamenei (not dead after all) is going to force Ahmadinejad to back down and temporarily cease enrichment in order to get back to the negotiating table. If this happens, Bush will have a lot tougher time making the case for war, but if he's already determined that war is the only way, like with Iraq, Iran's actions will be irrelevant.

I'm hoping Bush goes for a record here. Cause I don't think there's been a single US Prez who's managed to start three wars during his term. Someone call Guiness.


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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?


Offline Mr. Vega

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
50 posts on war.
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Offline Unknown Target

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
50 posts on no war. A dem controlled congress and public outcry from it's constituents won't let it happen.

EDIT: But I'd like everyone to know that if there is a full scale war with Iran, hellooooo draft!


Offline Ford Prefect

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
I used to be anti-war for ideological reasons. Now all I ask is that the ****'s collision with the fan be postponed until I'm at the end of my rich, full life.
"Mais est-ce qu'il ne vient jamais à l'idée de ces gens-là que je peux être 'artificiel' par nature?"  --Maurice Ravel


Offline IceFire

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
50 posts on no war. A dem controlled congress and public outcry from it's constituents won't let it happen.

EDIT: But I'd like everyone to know that if there is a full scale war with Iran, hellooooo draft!
Depends on what kind of war it is.  If its just airstrikes and some special forces then the risks to American forces is comparatively minimal depending on Iran's SAM defenses and the effectiveness of modern anti-SAM weapons.  Its once the Americans try and dig in do they appear to have problems.

I don't think its going to happen...I haven't seen as many indicators and it almost seems to be off the agenda.  It does make it hard for competing factions in Iran to force their own people to come to the table when the behavior of the US administration in Iraq was essentially to invade regardless of what the Iraqi's were doing.  But hopefully internal pressure steps up, the enrichment stops, and an alternative energy plan (of which many have been floated) can assist the Iranians in their electricity requirements (if thats what they actually want).
- IceFire
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Offline Rictor

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
I used to be anti-war for ideological reasons. Now all I ask is that the ****'s collision with the fan be postponed until I'm at the end of my rich, full life.

I used to be anti-war for ideological reason. Now all I ask is that the ****'s collision with the fan be sufficiently entertaining. A massive Middle-East clusterfu** is every  war-nerd's wet dream come true. Iran has actual bark to back up its bite, and any conflict would be highly unconventional, and therefore highly interesting.

Anyway, I think it's clear that when I say "war", I don't mean invasion. Bush may be reckless, but he's not suicidal - an invasion would be a total disaster within about three minutes flat. Even Special Forces raids across the border are a major liability, seeing as how America's SF haven't exactly had an examplary record in Iraq and the IRGC aren't pushovers by any means.


Offline Bob-san

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
Iran's defences will be completely flattened within the first week. Bush isn't really that stupid... he's just unliked. He'll probably end up throwing thousands of SSM's to anything of strategic importance to Iran. Well, bye-bye all SAM sites, bunkers, airfields, armories, and possible even the nuke plants theyre running. It'll be fun... :not:
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Offline Nuke

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
i dont want war... i want global nuclear holocaust :D
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Offline Mars

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
I don't like this.  :ick:


Offline Mefustae

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
i dont want war... i want global nuclear holocaust :D
I agree, let's have a nuclear war that completely decimates the Northern Hemisphere, leaving Australia as the remaining global superpower. That'd be awesome.


Offline Taristin

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
i dont want war... i want global nuclear holocaust :D
I agree, let's have a nuclear war that completely decimates the Northern Hemisphere, leaving Australia as the remaining global superpower. That'd be awesome.

Leaving Australia to freeze and slowly starve to death as the massive amounts of dust enterring the atmosphere slowly hides the sun for months.
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Offline Bobboau

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
I think it'll be tough for him to do it any time in the next two years, maybe setting up his succsesor to do it, but I can't see him getting it started
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Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
There's currently three carrier assault groups in or around the Persian Gulf and for the first time ever a Navy guy is going to be appointed as the head of CENTCOM - which might indicate that the navy might playa  crucial role. On top of everything, Bush is ramping up the "Iran-is-to-blame-for-all-problems-in-Iraq" rhetoric, so I'm thinking that a casus belli will be coming soon.

Well, let's look at it bit by bit.

There are multiple reasons that the Navy is getting CENTCOM's command. One is that the Army has done ****ed up. Everything. The Marines have generally come through (we've got a Marine in charge of the Joint Chiefs for that) but it's not considered politically correct to praise them for their successes because of some things a minority have done. The Navy is the only service that has delievered a 100% success rate however.

A Navy guy in command of CENTCOM basically means however that if the war comes, there will be no ground war. We're looking at a reprise of the '70s and '80s. Operations Earnest Will and Preying Mantis, the Tanker War. The USN has been the traditional implement of imposing chastisement on the uppity in the Gulf, and a very successful one. You can ask the crews of the Joshan and Sahand if you don't believe me.

The Iranian Navy will not last long. I give it about a week. Their air force may prove more difficult to exterminate but will never be a serious factor. The danger if there is one lies in their mining the Straits of Hormuz and possibly all the mobile Silkworm batteries they've bought. The Silkworms are vunerable to air attack, however, and Iran uses the same kind of Soviet-style air defense system that was so spectacularly demolished in the opening hours of the First Gulf War. As for mine warfare, the USN is better equipped to deal with the threat then they were 5 years ago.

That and of course mining the Straits of Hormuz will piss off pretty much the entire world, and everyone from Poland to China can be expected to contribute to trying to keep them clear.

We may or may not see a similar Scud situation as we did in the First Gulf War, but the US has given much thought and effort to the problem of Theater Ballistic Missile defense since then...and the Scud hasn't gotten any more accurate.

And you know, Iran is at least tactly allowing some of the problems in Iraq to continue. More problem people and things come in that way then any other.
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Offline Ford Prefect

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
Well, the good thing is that we won't have to worry about money, because we can definitely afford another war. Wait, I messed that up. I meant to say that this is a horrible idea because we have no money and we definitely cannot afford another war.
"Mais est-ce qu'il ne vient jamais à l'idée de ces gens-là que je peux être 'artificiel' par nature?"  --Maurice Ravel


Offline vyper

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
1.5m man standing Army vs. Coalition forces stretched to their limit in Iraq...

Can we postpone for a few years lads?
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Offline aldo_14

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
1.5m man standing Army vs. Coalition forces stretched to their limit in Iraq...

Can we postpone for a few years lads?

Naaah, just need to make it a holy war and then use guided munitions - the whole problem with these Afghanistan and Iraq things has been maintaining the illusion that it's in the name of peace and democracy rather than acquiring territory.  Accept that it's all about the oil, and you don't need troops - only enough high explosives to level every building in the country.



Offline vyper

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
You have no idea how easy that solution is sounding right now...
"But you live, you learn.  Unless you die.  Then you're ****ed." - aldo14


Offline aldo_14

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
You have no idea how easy that solution is sounding right now...

Well, it's what every person in the White House and Pentagon is thinking......


Offline Fragrag

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Re: Who wants to start an "Iran war" betting pool?
i dont want war... i want global nuclear holocaust :D
I agree, let's have a nuclear war that completely decimates the Northern Hemisphere, leaving Australia as the remaining global superpower. That'd be awesome.

WTF mate?^^
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