Author Topic: Little problem with the homepage  (Read 10764 times)

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Offline Dysko

Little problem with the homepage
When I get to the homepage (not the forums), on the top of the page there is the "Forums" button highlighted instead of the "Home" one.

Clicking on the "Forums" button, however, will take me correctly to the forums.
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Offline jr2

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
Very true

[attachment deleted by admin]


Offline achtung

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
I hope you're joking on the second one jr2 :p | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz


Offline Tyrian

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
No, he's not.  I have the same problem in both of those screenshots.
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Bush (Verb) -- To do stupid things with confidence.

This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union Address occurred during the same week.  This is an ironic juxtaposition of events--one involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication, while the other involves a groundhog.

Bumper stickers at my college:
"Republicans for Voldemort!"
"Frodo failed.  Bush got the Ring."

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"Any nation which sacrifices a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and loses both." -- Benjamin Franklin

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Offline jr2

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
BTW prolly important info: looks different on IE, FF, and AOL Explorer (IE + extra stuff from AOL)
I'm using FireFox for those screenies (as you can see!)


Offline achtung

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
There's nothing wrong with the second pic. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz


Offline jr2

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
...and I even circled it for you!!

Re: Little problem with the homepage
uhh.. so the "Home" tab is active when you're posting.

That is bad.. how?


Offline Tyrian

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
I'm a perfectionist.   :D
Want to be famous?  Click here and become a playing card!!!

Bush (Verb) -- To do stupid things with confidence.

This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union Address occurred during the same week.  This is an ironic juxtaposition of events--one involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication, while the other involves a groundhog.

Bumper stickers at my college:
"Republicans for Voldemort!"
"Frodo failed.  Bush got the Ring."

Resistance is futile!  (If < 1 ohm...)

"Any nation which sacrifices a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and loses both." -- Benjamin Franklin

Sig rising...

Re: Little problem with the homepage
well other then that, i am also getting other problems. mantis is not appeearing on the top banner(which is PARTICULAIRLY bad since i really need to post another problem), and i noticed under "hosted" there are a number of new sites....that are 4 YEARS OLD.
Fun while it lasted.

Then bitter.


Offline achtung

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
...and I even circled it for you!!
That's not a bug, it's saying "you are in the forums and not profiles, calendar, members, etc."  That's the way SMF works. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
When I get to the homepage (not the forums), on the top of the page there is the "Forums" button highlighted instead of the "Home" one.

mantis is not appeearing on the top banner(which is PARTICULAIRLY bad since i really need to post another problem)
That was the HLP Mantis, which was removed because 1) it was never used for HLP-related problems; and 2) we now have the Support forum, which is what the HLP Mantis was designed to do in the first place.

If you were looking for the SCP Mantis, it's listed at the SCP option under External Sites.

and i noticed under "hosted" there are a number of new sites....that are 4 YEARS OLD.
They're still hosted.

Re: Little problem with the homepage
thats the thing. if there 4 years old, then how come only NOW your hosting them?
Fun while it lasted.

Then bitter.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
They've been there the whole time.  The toolbar just never linked to them before.

Re: Little problem with the homepage
but still, why only NOW add them to the toolbar?
Fun while it lasted.

Then bitter.


Offline Fury

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
That was the HLP Mantis, which was removed because 1) it was never used for HLP-related problems; and 2) we now have the Support forum, which is what the HLP Mantis was designed to do in the first place.
Mantis was never really used by hosted projects (their loss), that's true. But Mantis had/has totally different purpose from a support board. You as an SCP member should know that.


Offline Turey

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
but still, why only NOW add them to the toolbar?
This is just a guess:
Because Goob can now take a break from SCP coding now that 3.6.9 is out, so he has time to catch up on some old stuff.
Creator of the FreeSpace Open Installer.
"Calm. The ****. Down." -Taristin
why would an SCP error be considered as news? :wtf: *smacks Cobra*It's a feature.


Offline achtung

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
but still, why only NOW add them to the toolbar?
This is just a guess:
Because Goob can now take a break from SCP coding now that 3.6.9 is out, so he has time to catch up on some old stuff.

Of course, a bigger list always looks better you know. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
but still, why only NOW add them to the toolbar?
Because I only NOW got access to edit it.  I've wanted to add them for a while.

Mantis was never really used by hosted projects (their loss), that's true. But Mantis had/has totally different purpose from a support board. You as an SCP member should know that.
Considering how it was never used by anyone for HLP-specific problems, it was almost universally confused with the SCP mantis, and HLP problems are policy issues better suited to discussion and consensus than reporting and fixing, I fail to see its usefulness.  What was the "different purpose" you had in mind?


Offline Fury

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Re: Little problem with the homepage
Eh, it's purpose was to provide a common bug-reporting system to hosted projects. I don't know where you ever got the impression it should've been used to report HLP problems, there were never even categories for that. Since it was never used, I don't care if its completely removed though.