Author Topic: If FS2 is loading slow or you are getting lags during gameplay, try this.  (Read 18068 times)

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Re: If FS2 is loading slow or you are getting lags during gameplay, try this.
Excellent.  Now I'll have to modify my first post... when I get time.
Thx, huggybaby!
EDIT: done
« Last Edit: March 13, 2007, 08:51:40 am by jr2 »

Re: If FS2 is loading slow or you are getting lags during gameplay, try this.
You're welcome.  :D


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Re: If FS2 is loading slow or you are getting lags during gameplay, try this.
@S-99: Apparently, AFAIK, the only way to access ext3 in Windows is for the program/IFSD to pretend the ext3 partition is an ext2 partition, ie, no journaling... then you'd have to run e2fsck  Is this correct?
EDIT: 1st post updated to use Power Defragmenter GUI.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2007, 08:51:25 am by jr2 »


Offline S-99

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Re: If FS2 is loading slow or you are getting lags during gameplay, try this.
Correct. No journaling is available if the ext3 partition is treated like an ext2 partition. Idk about the e2fsck part, but you got it right. I haven't found anything better than ext2ifs for ext3 volumes in windows yet. Ext2ifs works like a dream for letting me access ext2/3 volumes, it usually does a good job of making me forget to look for something that will access the ext3 volume as an ext3 volume. Pretty much windows thinks i have ext2 volumes, and kubuntu knows i have ext3 volumes. Yes, journaling is a good thing, it helps minimize data corruption and makes things faster as well.
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Re: If FS2 is loading slow or you are getting lags during gameplay, try this.
NTFS is journaling.. what's the holdup with creating journaling ext3 IFS?


Offline S-99

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Re: If FS2 is loading slow or you are getting lags during gameplay, try this.
Idk really. I tried looking for something that was like ext2ifs that had journaling for ext3, but there seems to be nothing out there. Ext2ifs is so far the best when it comes to wanting to read/write data from ext2/ext3 volumes in windows.
Every pilot's goal is to rise up in the ranks and go beyond their purpose to a place of command on a very big ship. Like the colossus; to baseball bat everyone.


I won't use google for you.

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Re: If FS2 is loading slow or you are getting lags during gameplay, try this.
That's too bad...
Oh, well, 'till they come out with ext3, I'm sticking with NTFS, as journaling would seem to be a pretty good thing to have on an external (or internal, for that matter) drive.