Author Topic: Homeworld 2 is too difficult  (Read 22961 times)

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Offline Davin

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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Actually if you want homeworld they released the source code here: not sure if that's all you need to play the game and all, but at least its legal.


Offline DarkShadow-

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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Hrhr, Homeworld 1 was great, I think I captured every single frigate, destroyer and battleship that crossed my way. Damn that armada was huge. ^^

Well, Homeworld 2 is difficult, but once you get a good tactic (e.g. destroying BC-engines with bombers) everything went fine.
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Offline Roanoke

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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Hrhr, Homeworld 1 was great, I think I captured every single frigate, destroyer and battleship that crossed my way. Damn that armada was huge. ^^

Well, Homeworld 2 is difficult, but once you get a good tactic (e.g. destroying BC-engines with bombers) everything went fine.

Gets annoying after a bit,  though, having a huge fleet. I usually sell all my destroyers when I reach that ghost ship mission (immediatley after the kadesh episodes) and fill up on missle destroyers too.


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Sometime I really must make a fraps or something of the 9+ Vaygr Battlecruiser wave on Balcora.

But hey, now you too can go whack the New Age mod on Gamewarden to get moving again.
Are you walking about the mission before encountering the Vaygr Flagship, because there was NOT nine Battlecruisers when I did that mission, try 48...Still won by spearheading every bomber squadron into that group, while my Battlecruisers and Destroyers took out the some 400 frigates. I can't exactly remember how many Vagyr ships there were but there was well over 500 total.

Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
HW2 scales exactly the same way HW1 did - bigger fleet = harder enemies.

I seem to remember there being some pre-patch issues that rather distorted the effect to ridiculous lengths.

It wasn't a bad game, not as much fun as HW1 though - fewer little tricks, no grand theft starfleet, no bouncing battle balls and generally less complete control. 


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
What is this stuff about ship fleets equal to the player, I'd like to see that, because two Battlecruisers should not get attacked by nine, 12, 36, or 48, maybe four or five.

Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Not equal, scaled, based on total on the total RU cost of your existing ships.  And as noted, it was a bit out of whack pre patch.

Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Ugh, now that I've really played through most part of Homeworld2, I say Homeworld 1 beats it by a large margin.  Way too much constant replacing constant building.  Game's too darn frustating.  :mad:

Btw how do you cheat and create a ship (like a scout) with massive attack points to clear out the battlecruisers? In HW1 it wasn't too difficult.
That's cool and ....disturbing at the same time o_o  - Vasudan Admiral

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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
never heard of doing that.  How'd you do it in HW1?
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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Modding the files.  Same basic principle, tweak some values, or just add hardpoints.


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Changing the .ini's (R1 / R2). You could give the Scouts ion beams, although that's not too smart as they'd never get a shot off before overshooting their target. Giving them a speed of 20,000 m/s is fun though. ;7


Offline Polpolion

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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Well, as long as this thread is up here, I'll post a screenie

Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Theres not enough battle cruisers in that pic... you'll need at least another half dozen or more.... :hopping: LOL

Changing the .ini's (R1 / R2). You could give the Scouts ion beams, although that's not too smart as they'd never get a shot off before overshooting their target. Giving them a speed of 20,000 m/s is fun though. ;7

Or better yet, make salvage corvettes super fast super strong, and gravity wells that are super strong and last for ages... you can capture the entire fleet  :lol:
That's cool and ....disturbing at the same time o_o  - Vasudan Admiral

"Don't play games with me. You just killed someone I like, that is not a safe place to stand. I'm the Doctor. And you're in the biggest library in the universe. Look me up."

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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
In HW1 at least, salvettes benefitted more from increasing the nolightdockdistance then actual speed.  They slow down when attempting to capture anyway, but the nolightdocking is how far away they are when they can be considered 'locked on'  - make it an absurd distance and you can grab ships via esp.

Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
You could also force frigates to dock before hyperspacing to the next mission, that way you can massive number of frigates.  Otherwise they'll try to line up information and a few won't be able to because of world region limits.
That's cool and ....disturbing at the same time o_o  - Vasudan Admiral

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Offline chief1983

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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Hmm, I should get a screenshot of my HW1 fleet.  I don't know how crazy any of you got with salvage corvettes, but I at least tripled the amount of every type of capital ship the limit allows, and had way more RU than I ever would need.  I salvaged everything I could, including every fuel pod in the gardens of Kadesh.  They were pretty valuable, bringing in roughly 400 RU each.  I had so many capital ships that even in wall formation, the game could not draw them all at one time.  There'd always be  a couple on the far edge being lost to the draw distance.  It was insane.  In military parade formation, the frigates just seemed to stretch out forever.
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iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
On one playthrough, I got 70% or so of the frigate sphere on bridge of sighs before it drifted away.

I was a big time salvager.  The best captures were also the most frustrating though - those Turanic Missile Corvettes.  They don't seem to run out of fuel, and they're only around long before grav traps.  Still, they have bar none the best special in the game.  20 or so of them, a bandbox and Z, and watch the destruction.

Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
At least there, there was some strategy involved, in hw2, especially last couple missions i've managed to somewhat play, (recovering sabath and the progenitor gate) it's basically build ships and throw them in to get destroyed nearly instantly. No strategy just pure dumb luck. And the ship classes are so far out of shape.

Major disappointment, I've been waiting to play it since it came out.  :ick:
That's cool and ....disturbing at the same time o_o  - Vasudan Admiral

"Don't play games with me. You just killed someone I like, that is not a safe place to stand. I'm the Doctor. And you're in the biggest library in the universe. Look me up."

"Quick everyone out of the universe now!"


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Well, as long as this thread is up here, I'll post a screenie
Ah, Point Defense Systems right? Love that mod. Makes the battles so intense... ;7

Re: Homeworld 2 is too difficult
Changing the .ini's (R1 / R2). You could give the Scouts ion beams, although that's not too smart as they'd never get a shot off before overshooting their target. Giving them a speed of 20,000 m/s is fun though. ;7
:nervous:  :wtf:  :eek2: :eek:  The possibilities!!!!!!!!!!!
Could we with ink the ocean fill, and were the skies of parchment made
Were every stalk on earth a quill, and every man a scribe by trade
To write the love of God above, would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky!