Author Topic: Premarital Sex (oh dear!)  (Read 15656 times)

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Offline Nico

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sex, unproductive? How'd you think you've been conceived? by ... huhuhuhahaha, god's will? hem sorry, just couldn't help myself on this one  .
It's the same point than playing FS2 dude!  it's fun! (hem, now people will think I'm really weird   ).
ok, last post in this thread for me, or I'll really make myself sound like a weirdo  


Offline Ace

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Now we know what joystick Venom plays with...  

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Offline Stryke 9

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Hey, that'd be cool! Just get a couple wires and a motion sensor and...


Offline Styxx

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Oh, boy. I stay out for a couple of days and look what happens...  

My two cents now:
Brazil is a country with a heavy sexual culture. You'll see naked people on open (free) TV, you'll see people having sex on TV, you'll see naked people on the streets (ever heard of Carnaval?), you'll hear and talk about it just about everywhere. It is part of our culture that one of the best ways to have fun is to have sex, and most of the time it's that what matters. It may sound a bit like Sodom and Gomorrah (sp?) to some of you, but that's the truth. Of course there are lots of exceptions (there is people who think the way Sandwich does, and I totally respect them), but the statistics would prove what I'm saying. Just walk around and ask people what they think of sex and you'll see.

(Sidenote: Shrike, I don't think you'd really be coming here if Brazil wasn't like that, eh?   )

As for my own personal opinion, I'll answer a different way: I don't believe in marriage. It's simply the best, fastest way to ruin a great relationship. See, while you're not married, you try to do everything to please your partner, to make her (or him, but I don't think there are many women around here   ) happy, to give her (or him) what she (or he) wants. This all ends (or at least is havily diminished) after married: you have a friggin' contract saying that that person belongs to you, and that's where the end begins. I had a few stable relationships, and they all ended when that sense of property started to appear (I'm on a great relationship now, and thankfully it's going a different way from the previous ones)...

I believe in living together with another person if you love her (or him), but writing up a contract is kinda stupid (again, my point of view). I don't like the idea of adultery either (baaaad family experience), but without that damn contract saying what you can and cannot do it's way easier to talk about... hmm, how can I say this... other ways to have fun.  

Come on, you all must agree that this is what life is about: having fun. You work hard, you do everything right not to break any laws, you respect the others so they respect you, with this one objective, that is to have a good time (well, at least I do). You play FS2 for fun, you MOD for fun, you play RPGs for fun, you go to the beach for fun, you skydive for fun, you drive for fun (mostly, at least), and you have sex for fun (well, unless you really want children anyway).

Hm, guess I didn't say much in the end, but those are my thoughts. I respect everyone else's thoughts, so if you think that the meaning of life is not that one, go ahead, I'm alright with it! And just to finish this post, here's an... er... insightful image:  


Be happy, and Carnaval is coming! Whoohoooo!!  

[This message has been edited by Styxx (edited 01-20-2002).]
Probably away. Contact through email.


Offline Warlock

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Originally posted by Stryke 9:
Hey, that'd be cool! Just get a couple wires and a motion sensor and...

Ummm I am NOT asking about your "counter measures"

DeathAngel Squadron, Forever remembered.

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Offline mikhael

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Originally posted by Warlock:
Ummm I am NOT asking about your "counter measures"

Worry more about the 'beam cannon'. I can just ima--no. I won't go there. I WILL NOT. Its just too terrible to contemplate. Its worse than the terrible secret of space!

ruhkferret on ICQ/AIM

"Your guy was a little SQUARE! You had to use your IMAGINATION! There were no multiple levels or screens. There was just one screen forever and you could never win the game. It just kept getting harder and faster until you died. JUST LIKE LIFE." --Ernie Cline
[I am not really here. This post is entirely a figment of your imagination.]


Offline Warlock

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Just don't ask where his missles shot out of  

DeathAngel Squadron, Forever remembered.

Do or Do Not,..There Is No Spoon

To Fly Exotic Ships, Meet Exotic People, and Kill Them.

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 We meet our fate together


Offline Grey Wolf

If I had moderator status in this part of the forums this would be deleted in a second.
You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" -George Bernard Shaw


Offline Warlock

  • Death Angel
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Well being an Admin started it...and's been very very good at no flaming, no fighting or anything...why?

What's it hurting ?

DeathAngel Squadron, Forever remembered.

Do or Do Not,..There Is No Spoon

To Fly Exotic Ships, Meet Exotic People, and Kill Them.

We may rise and fall, but in the end
 We meet our fate together


Offline WMCoolmon

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IMO, an admin should be even more careful of what they post...


Offline Fineus

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Meh - theres enough people who don't like this kind of topic (me being one of them, it causes nothing but trouble in the long run). I might have closed it sooner if I'd been around but as it is I'll put a stop to it now.