The sky has apparently fallen. Honestly, I'd rather a little fluidity, try some different things, see what it actually looks like rather than *****, piss and moan. Someone accused me of not offering concrete suggestions, they happened to have been wrong, but the advice was good in and of itself. Don't tell me its ****ed up, tell me how to un**** it. Myself, and a number of other community veterans seem to think the status quo WAS fubar. We had started, more or less quietly, to fade away. I've been "in"this community for 9 going on 10 years. Seeing someone who used to be an active contributor find their way back to "us" was something of a personal watershed moment for me, so I started asking the questions again. What's the focus? What's the point? Why does this place take up bandwidth? Who is in charge?
Which group are you planning on driving away? It seems that its a binary choice for most of the posters here. One or the other. If the answer is "the group you don't belong to" that means the fair few number of people who actually think this is a good idea (or at least something going in the right direction), screw them, eh?
Who's being elitist?
This place had been something to be proud of, fine work was done here. It still is, but it's been obscured by a mountain of embarrassing trash. I stopped pointing real developers here about a year ago, it wasn't worth explaining to them that no, you just have to look past the garbage for the good stuff or other caveats.
My challenge to the people who run this forum has always been: Find your focus. If this is a real, actionable start to that, I'm happy to stick around and see it through.
You want civil discussion, but telling me if you can't have it your way you'll take your toys and leave is far from civil or adult. If that's what you have learned from these debates you are proud of, maybe you need to evaluate the value of that lesson.