Author Topic: SSJ Gigas final version  (Read 13815 times)

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Offline Woomeister

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SSJ Gigas final version
here she is:

by Woomeister and Venom.


Offline Sushi

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SSJ Gigas final version  

Sushi- the OTHER white meat!

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Offline Setekh

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SSJ Gigas final version
Now I have to update the header pic.  
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline Arnav

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SSJ Gigas final version
Looks mega-cool.

- Arnav Manchanda
ICQ: 6228797
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- Arnav
Creator of Technological Superiority:
"At least I have job" - Unidentified Soviet Flak Trooper before being prismed.

SSJ Gigas final version
I think i's so good it deserves an intro,
FS1 they thought that the lucifer is bad
FS2 They thought the Sathanas was unstoppable,
Well, they ain't see nothing yet.......

Hows that?  

Defination of a shivan: Target Practice....
"I am that which lurks in the night, I am both the fallen, and the man"
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Offline Nico

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SSJ Gigas final version
They like my model!!! they do like it!!! yeah!!! ( but the uvmap isn't the one I did, it was cool snif, there was no tiling, why TS is so dumb???)

Member of the Robotech mod for FS2

and of Hidden Terror, the Shivan campaign

and My own page


Offline Woomeister

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SSJ Gigas final version
It's my model too you know, who came up with the original idea, textured it, is going to put turrets on it, and designed the original weapon?

You have more to do with the Gargant  


Offline Woomeister

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SSJ Gigas final version
Originally posted by Nephilim:
I think i's so good it deserves an intro,
FS1 they thought that the lucifer is bad
FS2 They thought the Sathanas was unstoppable,
Well, they ain't see nothing yet.......

Hows that?  

Cool, but you guys haven't seen nothing yet either  


Offline Nico

  • Venom
    Parlez-vous Model Magician?
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SSJ Gigas final version
Eh, woomeister, sorry   Sure, that's not my design. But, then, it's the same thing for the gargant   (and now everybody should ask: WTH is the gargant? You won't know, well not now :þ )


Offline Woomeister

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SSJ Gigas final version
Well first you version of the Gargant needs to work, mine did  

Yours is better though, and would look better in game  


Offline Woomeister

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SSJ Gigas final version

The Gigas now has 18 turrets. The final will have 76 which will include:

1 SBFred
15 beam turrets
20 anti-fighter beams
20 flak guns
20 laser turrets

Well I hope it will  


Offline Styxx

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SSJ Gigas final version
It's firing at my ship! Aaaaaahhhhhh!  
Probably away. Contact through email.

SSJ Gigas final version u know the shivans have to have superiority becuase they are thousands of years ahead of the terrans..........

Defination of a shivan: Target Practice....
"I am that which lurks in the night, I am both the fallen, and the man"
Webmaster for...
Imperium Chronicals
We Take Modders....


Offline Setekh

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SSJ Gigas final version
Bring the ElecHuges online  
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline Styxx

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SSJ Gigas final version
Originally posted by Setekh:
Bring the ElecHuges online  


* ahem *
Probably away. Contact through email.


Offline phreak

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SSJ Gigas final version
looks like were gonna have to do a TFDx Apocalypse vs SSJ Giga test..
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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Offline Woomeister

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SSJ Gigas final version
I will once both the ships are complete  
Up to 32 turrets.


Offline phreak

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SSJ Gigas final version
how long is that thing anyway?  looks like >15km.
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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phreak317#7583 - discord


Offline Woomeister

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SSJ Gigas final version

SSJ Gigas final version
Originally posted by Woomeister:

Wow! That thing is big!

The Ancients a old and proud reace, one that is not all alone, and I am not one of them, but I am Nouben.
The Ancients a old and proud reace, one that is not all alone, and I am not one of them, but I am Nouben.