Author Topic: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)  (Read 9664 times)

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Offline Goober5000

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How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
Got this from Dan Wentz, so I figured I'd pass it along. :)

Date sent:        Fri, 20 Feb 1998 11:00:06 -0600
From:             Duncan McPherson
To:               Dan Wentz
Subject:          Re: Vasudan Speech

Vasudan Language 101:

ll'yareh  -- book

nominative :  reh ll'yareh
genative :  geh ll'yaroi
dative :  iut ll'yarid
accusative:  do ll'yarix
ablative:  osi ll'yarpu
vocative:  (n/a)

ll'yarehfi -- to read (lit.:  "to book")

present singular:

I read:  ll'yarehfeh
you read:  ll'yarehfio
he/she/it reads:  ll'yarehfnia

present plural:

we read:  ll'yareh'Hrax
you read:  ll'yareh'Gio
they read:  ll'yareh'Neh

present imperial:

Emperor reads:  ll'yareh'phyarIx
Representative reads:  ll'yareh'oyr
Senator reads:  ll'yareh'urti
Ambassador reads:  ll'yareh'liyu

future singular:

I will read:  eso'll'yarehfeh
you will read:  eso'll'yarehfio
he/she/it will read:  eso'll'yarehfnia


procrastination future singular:

I will read (when I feel like getting around to it):  Uuleso'll'yarefeh


recent past singular:

I read:  apo'll'yarehfeh


grudge past singular:

I read (and I shall never forget reading it!):  Ng'nah'll'yarehfeh


long past singular:

I read (but it is now dead to me):  Yu'll'yarehfeh


ll'yarehkiol -- (adj.) "bookish"

ll'yarehkai'ol -- (adv.)  "bookly"

ll'yar! -- (imp.)  "Read!"  (lit.:  "Book!")


Offline Bobboau

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Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
"now read a book!"
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Offline Kaine

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Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
um, interesting. do we have a list of nouns to go with this?


Offline Snail

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Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)

Whoa! They started with the Vasudan language! It's another language I'll take classes on. ;)

Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
Sent 9 years ago and only now you post it! Shame on you!

It is really surprising that you were communicating with Volition staff in 1998. Is the "date sent" wrong? Because how old would you be then? 11?


Offline TrashMan

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Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
"now read a book!"

" *** ll'yarehfio ll'yareh!"

you read book ("you book" book) what we need is a word for now.
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Offline jr2

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Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
Sent 9 years ago and only now you post it! Shame on you!

It is really surprising that you were communicating with Volition staff in 1998. Is the "date sent" wrong? Because how old would you be then? 11?

He probably got it forwarded from someone else who had received it then.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
Sent 9 years ago and only now you post it! Shame on you!

It is really surprising that you were communicating with Volition staff in 1998. Is the "date sent" wrong? Because how old would you be then? 11?


The letter was sent to Dan Wentz, not me.  He had it sitting in his archives all this time, and only forwarded it to me a few days ago.  I posted it immediately after I received the email.

um, interesting. do we have a list of nouns to go with this?

That's all I got.  I don't have any other nouns or any other verbs.


Offline CP5670

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Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
Interesting, but if this was ever used at all it was probably limited to FS1. There don't seem to have been any patterns or distinctive pieces in the FS2 speech like there were in FS1.

Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
From the Tech Room
The crowning achievement of the Vasudan civilization is its language. For the average Terran, the formalities governing its usage are beyond comprehension. Syntax and vocabulary are dictated by such factors as the speaker's age, rank, and caste, the time of day and the phase of the Vasudan calendar, and the relative spatial position of the speaker to the Emperor. This is further compounded by the existence of several alphabets, dozens of verb tenses, and thousands of dialects.

Hey! You are inferior!
Stress those vowels differently! Or I shall report you to the Emperor!
Just don't give away the homeworld...

Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
Im trying to compile a vasudan language system for my campaign for dialects. It wont be as strict and rigid as that, but it will have differencing terms, depending on who's speaking to who.

Example :-

A pilot addressing someone above their rank says 'Chri-yah?' (tree-ya)
A pilot addressing someone below their rank says 'Ish-dah?'

just a small example of an intricate, noticable system that will take place in 'The 3rd Great War'.


Offline Snail

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Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
There are loads of different dialects so actually we could all use different systems in the same campaign.


Offline Hades

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Re: How to speak Vasudan (the Volition way!)
Yes that would work. :D
[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL