Author Topic: FRED CRASH ! >.<  (Read 1097 times)

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Hey guys,

I had almost finished doing my first FRED mission (a 'showcase' mission, to let people judge, critisize whether im any good or not), when i was just tweaking out the orders.

I hit enter when setting the order

"NTC Basilicus
Objective completed
Has departed

When i hit enter on the name, the whole thing shut down, saying "A problem has been encountered and needs to shut down". (the usual rubbish)

anyone know how to fix this? is this a known bug? has anyone else encounted it?

I'm mad as hell. I'd been working on that mission for over an hour straight >.<


Offline karajorma

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I've read that 3 times and I still haven't got the faintest clue what you were doing.

Have you got that SEXP out of order or something? Was this in the mission goals editor or the event editor? Or somewhere else? Does the mission still crash when you open it or was it a one time thing?

Have you checked the backup files (MissionName.bak) and the autosaves (Backup.00x)? Be warned that the autosaves will be overwritten the second you open FRED so back up any that have a last modified date around the time you found this crash.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Snail

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Save. I always save every time I do anything (form a wing, rename ships, briefing stages).

Wierd. Tried it a second time, and nothing happened. No crash. Just worked.

How odd. :wtf: Oh well. If it happens again i'll let you know


Offline Snail

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It was a one-off when FRED gets bored. Happens a lot. 's why I always save so much.