Author Topic: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?  (Read 5725 times)

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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
Damn I feel old
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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
Yeah, I kinda laughed at that one, too.  :D  What's really fun is that the 8086, released in '78, is > than the 8088, released in '79.  Hmm... I didn't know that they made the 80186, though... prolly cause it wasn't used in many PCs.  I only knew of the 8086, 8088, then straight to the 80286...


Offline Nuke

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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
the 8088 was an economy version. sorta like the celeron of the day. ive used an 8086. i remember it took almost a minute to test what i think iirc was 512k of memory. but it could play elite in line mode with 1 bit color :D
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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
IIRC, the 8088 was released because alot of ppl didn't see the need for 16-bit something or another, and so the 8088 was 8-bit externally or somesuch.


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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
i think it was rather that 16 bit was prohibitively expensive at the time. the expense wasnt really worth the gain and most of the softweare at the time was 8 bit anyway. similar to the 32bit vs 64bit debate of today. 64 bit is clearly the way of the furture, but noone wants to give up their 16 bit nostalgia for it :D and it doesnt help much that a whole lot of 32 bit software use 16 bit installers.  :mad:
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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
Well, if they'd make it so that 64 bit can emulate 16 bit then it wouldn't be a problem... :doubt:


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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
HAHAHA..  This is great.  I remember using my 386, then my 486, then the P166.  Wow.  I feel old. 

I wonder what my son will be playing with in the future.
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Offline castor

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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
Probably something very simple.. with just an interface to the web and to the user :)
Upgrading your "system" would then mean just buying more resources from the ISP (or whatever). There would be no need to update hardware ever, except when new human<->net interfacing methods are developed.

Hmm... wouldn't mind getting rid of these dust collecting boxes and wires.. and the noise...
« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 06:43:34 am by castor »


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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
pah. I played Wolfenstein 3D out of DOS in my old 286, alongside Family Feud. I used Windows 3.0 with my keyboard. I got a mouse as a birthday present, it made my day.

You young'ns are spoiled these days. :p

*goes off to cradle his copy of Carmen Sandiego on 5 1/4" floppy*
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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
*demands copy of said sandiego*  :lol:  j/k, I have my sources... ;7


Offline Nuke

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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
you can not beat line drawn elite on a black and amber screen though :D
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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
I loved Carmen San Diego, hehe...


Offline Flipside

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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
Funny thing is, I used to write machine code on the Z80, which was the 8-Bit processor used in Spectrums etc, which had an assembly language very similar to the old 8086/8's :)

I also used to program 6502, and that's really not a pastime for the impatient ;) Basically, imagine a language that not only was limited to about 50 instructions, but worked ONLY through indirect referencing, like C++ where you can ONLY use pointers.


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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
Well, I know what I did with one of them...:D


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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
Well, I know what I did with one of them...:D

Use lvlshot, darn it!!

EDIT: BTW, that's a laptop with USB ports... Early 90's, my granny. 


Offline Unknown Target

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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
Well it was one of the ones lying around. And lvlshot? It's only 800 x 600. Doesn't break the forum formatting at all.

And damn, you could tell it had USB ports? Guess I didn't do a good enough job destroying it, hehe....


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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
If you've got any working laptops left, can you throw them in a box & ship them to me?  I don't have one.  :(  :lol:  Well, actually, if they work and you're just going to rip them up, I'll pay you shipping... er, please?  :D


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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
I always get a stockpile of computer **** every year. Last year it was p3 machines and i put them together and sold 6 complete computers. This year i'm getting over run with a lot of p4 equipment and processors.

What i'd say is build them into computers and see if you need a file server, or any other kind of server for that matter. Or if you need a **** computer for extreme backup purposes (my dad's old pentium 120 lasted me until 2002 for a backup machine, it was a little slow, but good for everything except games).

But, you could always do what i do with hardware. Of course i do this for old hardware and malfunctioning hardware, and that is to chuck it in the forest. Most of the time i'll find a 20gb hard drive that'd be great for someones machine or my own backup, but chances are i find out quickly why the hard drive was free as my bios wont detect it. So, what i do as not to confuse somebody else with something tempting that wastes their time. I chucked that 20gb fried hard drive deep into the alaskan forests for no one to be fooled by it ever again. I also chuck obsolete hardware into the forest. And yes, have fun with this old **** of yours. Most of my other stuff went to the top of the local water tower and said hi to 100ft drop, and a nine iron as well.

EDIT: Slow down skippy on destroying the laptops. That thing has an xp sticker on it which means two things. It's powerful enough to run xp so you could probably sell that laptop for some good mulah with a legitimate copy of xp included in the price. Secondly, at least make sure to keep the xp cd, up here where i am, there not so easy to come by, and then you can at least sell xp for a good 75$. Damn, i wish i could get a free laptop.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2007, 02:20:55 am by S-99 »
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I won't use google for you.

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Offline jr2

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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
Damn, i wish i could get a free laptop.

My thoughts exactly.  And two of my brothers' and my sister's thoughts...  I thought UT meant like 133 MHz machines.

EDIT: Still good pix, though... ;)  Make sure to point your potential employers to this thread if you're ever looking for a job with tech support.  :wakka:


Offline Nuke

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Re: Need advice - lots of spare early 90s computers, what to do with them?
if you got any 256s or 512s of pc100 laptop memory, send it my way. i got some ddr laptop mem but nothing compatable to use it on. also you do know that you can get relatively inexpensive adapters to connect laptop drives to a normal desktop pc. i got one desktop computer running nothing but laptop drives.
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