Author Topic: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.1)  (Read 8210 times)

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Offline TrashMan

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RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.1)
The Heavy destroyer is back, looking meaner than ever!

Hades-Combine, where else?

v1.1 now up
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 04:33:51 am by TrashMan »
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Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Omg! I was the 999,999th visitor! :eek:

I'm gunna get a prize!!

Good work as always. :)


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Since your'e such a happy camper, why don't you help me out with adding more glows? :p

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Thee cheers for Toni! :)

Have you tested the model? Are there any bugs?
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Gave it a cursory glance...looks good...the onyl thing I noticed is that the red glows didn't appear for some reason (checked the glow entire,s tehy are OK)..maby I'm slippin :confused:
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Offline Excalibur

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
That looks very good - more "modern" terran - like.
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Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
That looks very good - more "modern" terran - like.

That's because it is modern Terran.


Offline colecampbell666

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
I see a difference, though not much.
Gettin' back to dodgin' lasers.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Differrnces compared to a normal Orion?

There are plenty, but thare are many similarities since it IS based on the Orion, no?

The different main turrets for one, different greebling, comm tower, different fighterbay(s), more engines, the main beam cannon on it's "nose", etc...
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Offline Topgun

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
no link?


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
It's on can't miss it...but here:

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Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Not bad


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Strangeness.... I was just making a mission which ends with the player landing in one of hte fighterbays...

POF is OK, table data is OK - ship works in game, all turrets and subsystem work as advertised...
BUT...when I use distance-ship-subsystem SEXP I only get turret01, communications, sensors, navigation & weapons in the drop-down menu :wtf:

This is even stranger, since in hte inital status window all subsystems and turrets ARE listed..when I jsut tyine in a string say fighterbay01 I get a error of a non-existing subsystem...mission chrashes becoause of that error.

Is this a FRED bug or a POF bug or what?  :wtf: :confused:
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Offline colecampbell666

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Differrnces compared to a normal Orion?

There are plenty, but thare are many similarities since it IS based on the Orion, no?

The different main turrets for one, different greebling, comm tower, different fighterbay(s), more engines, the main beam cannon on it's "nose", etc...
I see. I liked the other one better, maybe If I could see a screenie I might be swayed. The beam placement and the fighterbay/runway look good, but I don't like the blockiness or the turrets.
Gettin' back to dodgin' lasers.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Which turrets? The small ones or the big ones?

Blockyness? It's no mor blocky than the normal Orion, so I don't see a problem..

version 1.1 uploaded...minor fixes to pof data mostly.
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Offline colecampbell666

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
The main turrets, it has too many angles and extrusions.
Gettin' back to dodgin' lasers.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
It was made to look like the HTL one from Orion...only with 2 barrels...and more cleared sockets for the barrels.

WEll, I guess you can't please everyone, now can ya? ;7
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Offline colecampbell666

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Nope. Just voicing my opinion.
Gettin' back to dodgin' lasers.

Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Looks hot. In the short time I've been here, I've seen a lot of your stuff.... very nice :nod:


Offline Alan Bolte

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Re: RELEASE: HTL Orion Mk2 (v1.0)
Spinal mount. Huh. That's different.
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