Shiv Productions presents...
A result of my own speculations about Battlestar Galactica universe...
Battlecruiser Archangel DEMOA Four mission mini-mod for Beyond the Red Line which shows unshowed history of Geminion survivors.
Download RAR mirrors:
1. Install Beyond the Red Line
2. Extract folder Archangel to your BtRL directory
3. Launch BtRL Launcher
4. Go to the "MOD" options
5. Click on "Select MOD" and choose Battlecruiser Archangels directory
6. Apply changes
7. Run BtRL and select in techroom new campaign
Why do I release this demo? Because I've got some lacks in a fleet. I don't have Resurection Ship, Basestars and Colonial Heavy models. I can't continiue without them, but for this time you can enjoy this 4-mission campaign.