Author Topic: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow  (Read 71776 times)

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Offline Polpolion

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
As said before, I dibs the first go at tabling.


Offline Eviscerator

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
Well, no updates in nearly two weeks, I guess it's safe to call it finished? I've been away for awhile recently, but I should have a little time coming up - if nobody wants to make any changes, I'll at least start UVMapping VA's version.

I was going to do it, and even started on some ideas for custom textures, but my time in the near future is going to be too limited. So I guess I'm saying.... please do?
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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
This is starting to look more like a destroyer than a corvette. Its not persay the size, but its you know, the configuration.


Offline Hades

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
And its dead. :(
[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL


Offline Pilgrim

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
I read all the posts from # 1 to the death....

I honestly didn't think that the idea would last, but I thought at least they would finish one corvette... I was rooting for it.

Videogames are created using this kind of process, you know? Except that the whole team is paid to work on it 24/7... so, right idea, not enough motivation for people to get past the hardest point: discussions. After the discussions I am sure people would have finished it :) But who wants to discuss over something they do as a hobby?

So, what happened to this? Really dead? I think it is great for ppl to support a game and make mods... I hate how the industry just forgets about all the games and just goes for the new thing. Creativity dries up when you don't have to work our problems like these discussions :(

Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
Well said Pilgirm :nod:

Fat people are harder to kidnap :ha:


Offline Vasudan Admiral

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
Yeah um, it's not dead. You can put away the funeral outfits and stuff. ;)

Myself and BW are rather busy at this point in time, and before I make any further progress I'd like to know what he's done/plans to do with it.

I would also greatly prefer it if someone else made _some_ kind of edit between my edits - I've been rather dissappointed with the amount of actual community modelling that has happened with this community project. We have a lot of modellers here, and I know they all have their own plans, but spending an hour or so making small changes to something like this really isn't much trouble. Not counting mine, there have been just 2 other significant edits. :(

If anyone wants to fiddle with it, you're more than welcome. I don't think this is finished as is. I see lots of potential for better shapes and more greebles all over. Heck - Hades, you've done some modelling. If you don't want it to be dead, then just edit it somehow! :p
Pilgrim (Welcome to HLP by the way!), if you like this kinda thing and can model (or would even would just like to be able to model) then don't be afraid to have a go!

The thing will need some nice guns on it, so if new modellers don't feel they can tackle the full thing, then put some cool looking turrets together, or even just doodle ideas on paper for guns/shape changes to the model/whatever.

As added motivation; if no-one else makes any kind of effort towards this in the future, me and BW may just pinch it for eventual use in TI. So there. :p
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Offline Pilgrim

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
Thanks for the welcome guys!

Hmm I knew this would come up. My modeling experience is almost nil.  :nervous: My sister is an interior designer, so I have watched her do a couple of things and sometimes I have had to help her a bit. I have more computer sense than she does...

I got here after downloading the game, liking it a lot and thinking more missions would somehow be available... read about mods and decided to try one. So far I have tried only Derelict.  :D

But, not to let anyone down, I will attempt a turret!  :) I will attempt to do something tonight. First I will have to look at some examples, but I was thinking of WWII... B17 bubble turrets... maybe go from there... or aircraft carrier turrets. I don't want to try and touch the main model until I can get a turret approved for use!

I have Autodesk's Autocad 2006 and 3ds Max 8. I am guessing those are OK to work with?


Offline colecampbell666

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
I don't know about AutoCAD, but MAX is the program of choice for many modelers here (including me, even though I've just barely started). Styxx, a member of the community, has created a plugin for MAX which enables you to output .POF files, which are the model files that FS uses.

Gettin' back to dodgin' lasers.


Offline Topgun

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
Styxx, a member of the community, has created a plugin for MAX which enables you to output .POF files, which are the model files that FS uses.

it's not as good as pcs2 though.

I use Blender.


Offline colecampbell666

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
Well, yeah. You need to add dock points/firing points with PCS2.
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Offline Topgun

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
and pcs2's stuff is more optimised, or so I've heard.


Offline Pilgrim

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
w00t thanks for the info, comments and welcomes.

I couldn't do crap yesterday since my sister was on the PC... trying now... hmm this sounds all complicated so I will just dive in one step at a time. First... the model.

At least I got the POF exporter. (Styxx's)


Offline Topgun

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
you can use that for now but like I said, PCS2 is better. It makes faster bounding boxes so the game runs smoother with models created by it.

Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
i like the look of 3 and 5
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!


Offline Hades

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
Hey guys I think the main mesh is done, all it needs is UVmapping and texturing.

Hades has spoken! :lol:
[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL

Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
Are there any pics of the final design? :D


Offline colecampbell666

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
There is no final design, look through the thread.
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Offline Nuke

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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
you know an antenna/sensor cluster under the forward bow would look pretty cool. sorta orion style.
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Re: Cumulative Modelling – the GTCv Moscow
yes YES!
Final product!!
Fat people are harder to kidnap :ha: