Finally! Here's xmas present for you... Yes, after long moths of hard-working, betatesting we're ready for release.
Earth Defence Team,
the greatest Polish Modding Team Ever(TM) presents a total conversion in FreeSpace universe...
EARTH DEFENCE DEMO RELEASEA prequel to the Earth Defence and introducing into war which will happen a few years later. Demo will help you to understand all events that happened before Earth Defence.
Windows Release: Download (280 MB)Mirror: Mirror TerraNET (280 MB)MAC Release FileFrontPatch 1Get it HERE
Enjoy various bugfixes:
- Grammar corrected table entries, mission briefs & dialogues
- Better performeance, table fixes
- Some graphical fixes
Have Fun and Enjoy!! :)
Demo Reamde1 Introductiona) PlotFifteen years passed since destruction of shivan superdestroyer, Lucifer. Solar System has been izolated from othe systems, galactic worlds, and with Sol all of us - immates of Earth. GTA falled really fast when earth empires proclamed their independency. We didn't have to wait very long for a war between earth forces. Now free from blame civilian population is in a center of war between three giants: European Community (EC), United Russian Republics (URR) and Empire of God(EoG). But the worst still hasn't came yet...
b) Features of the game•Built on FreeSpace 2 Open engine (fs2_open fsscp)
•Breath taking graphic effects
•New models, older from previous FreeSpace series and new, high-res textures and normal maps
•Soundtrack from Conflict/Descent: FreeSpace
•10 campaign missions - Fly in EC intelligence, see dinamic action turns and suprises
•Pilot fighters and bombers, try multiplayer with 8 players in Team versus Team fight and twelve in dogfight (Free for All)
•See small transport vessels, destroyers and cruisers and at the end superdestroyers and carriers
c) Minimum system requiments-DirectX 8.1 or higher. If you have problems with normal maps you should install DirectX 9c
-Windows 98SE/ME/2000 SP4/XP/Vista
-CPU class Pentium III, or comparable AMD
-64 MB GeForce 3, lor comparable ATI Highly recommended compatibility with standards: OpenGL 1.5/2.0 and T&L
-256 MB RAM
-DirectX compatible soundcard
-OpenAL (attatched to the folder where game is installed)
-750 MB free HD space
d) Recommended system requiments-DirectX 9c
-Windows 98SE/ME/2000 SP4/XP/Vista
-Pentium 4 class processor or comparable AMD
-128/256 MB GeForce 5xxx/6xxxx series or higher or comparable ATI
-DirectX compatible soundcard
-OpenAL (attatched into a folder where game is installed)
-750 MB free HD space
2 Bugs and solving/fixinga) EC Turret Bug*If fired lasers from EC vessels have mixed colors (lightblue and darkblue), you should download fs2_open
official 3.6.9 release and extract it into your Earth Defence demo folder. Next you should run Launcher, click on browse and select 3.6.9 release and then confirm. It should solve the problem but you won't have normal maps avaible. You could also search for other release if you'd like to solve problem and have normal maps enabled on this forum:,97.0.html*If you have downloaded game after fs2_open 3.6.10 release you should use this release instead of that which was attatched into Earth Defence demo. It'll solve other problems if they were.
b) fs2_open 3.6.10 releaseAfter release of fs2_open 3.6.10 it's highly recomended upgrading to that compilation or installing a patch. All instructions, information about patch/fs2_open 3.6.10 you can find here: Do you have any questions? Did you find a bug?If you have any questions about Earth Defence or you've found a bug you should just ask on our forums: MultiplayerIf you want to play multiplayer battles you should download a configuration file whoch contain current adress of NetD server. It's here: File should be copied to the data folder of your Earth Defence installation. Then you should register in NetD: and then fill in your nick and password ingame. Unfortunately, our tables aren't valided on NetD server, so your pilot stats won't be saved. We must prove that people will play ED on multiplayer. You can do it - All community and ED players by signing in this thread your will to play Earth Defence multiplayer.
You should also notice that Earth Defence mutliplayer missions still are Beta, so you can experieance some bugs.