Author Topic: FS2_Launcher OS X 3.0  (Read 151641 times)

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Offline Soulstorm

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FS2_Launcher OS X 3.0
DOWNLOAD HERE (edit: link updated once more, link on original site is down again)
...Still in beta, however, I find it much stable. This is what it is added:

- Custom standalone mods. By selecting the mod's application, and the mod's Library folder, you can add any standalone mod into the application.
- Many memory leaks fixed. No garbage collection used.
- Much more stable code, and many minor enhancements.

Perhaps the most notable thing of all is the new source. It's almost completely changed, and the inclusion of new things is much easier. I did that to encourage more people to download the new source and mess around with it, without having to devote much time to figure out what I've done, first. If that beta works fine, I'll release a full featured final version (with update check), and later the fully documented source, in both CVS and in my webspace as a dmg file. Oh, and... Taylor, I still have problems with it. It doesn't accept my login. Anyway, I will send you a pm requesting exact instructions, as a new version and source source is something that I think you wanted some time ago when you figured out that the project needed some modifications. I have the feeling that you wanted to get involved with it, but found it a little messy. Well, I hope this isn't the case this time.

What works:
Every basic functionality that existed in version 2.

What needs attention: Probably, for mods that are not the original FS2_Open application, you must select the folder that contains their preferences. So, you must have ran at least once that particular mod in order to have that folder created. Also, a new preferences file is used. It's called com.soulstorm.MMST2_3.plist and it is subject to change. It resides in your preferences folder in your user Library.

Specific questions I would like to have answered:
Does it work in Tiger? (done!)
Does it display the available options ok?
Does it work with the original FS2_Open as the old one (or better)?
Does it work with additional standalone mods like it should? (done!)
Does the custom command line drawer display the proper enables options, and does it save any custom options that do not exist in the main window as expected (try to give an arbitrary command and see if it's saved in the .cfg file).

EDIT: Updated the beta again. Check the link again.
EDIT2: Updated the link again.
EDIT3: Download again, please. New beta released that fixes many new things...

EDIT: March 2009
I will say it here, because I keep getting questions: As the read-me states, this is the correct order to do things in the Launcher:
1) Do whatever you want with the main window
2) Open the command line drawer (command-T)
3) Hit refresh. The drawer will be updated with all the contents of the main window.
4)Do whatever you want with the command line drawer by adding custom commands or removing some.
5) Save when done.

Link updated to new location. -- Zacam (08/24/11)
Updated link again. -- chief1983 (06/23/14)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 02:52:53 pm by chief1983 »
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Offline jr2

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Re: FS2_Launcher OS X 3.0
:yes:  :nod:  :D

Good to see more work being done...  thx!  Now if I just had a Mac, I'd test it for you... :nervous: 


Offline Tinman

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Re: FS2_Launcher OS X 3.0
Specific questions I would like to have answered:
Does it work in Tiger? (that's something I am dying to know :) )

After the doubleclick it bounces 2 times in the dock an dies.

No error is reported. HTH

Jan  7 21:30:38 PowerMac-G5 crashdump[298]: Console crashed
Jan  7 21:30:38 PowerMac-G5 crashdump[298]: crash report written to: /Users/lang/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Console.crash.log
Code: [Select]

Host Name:      PowerMac-G5
Date/Time:      2008-01-07 21:30:37.360 +0100
OS Version:     10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
Report Version: 4

Command: Console
Path:    /Volumes/MacOS X 10.5/Applications/Utilities/
Parent:  WindowServer [58]

Version: 10.5 (135)

PID:    297
Thread: 0

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libSystem.B.dylib    0x9012c6f0 _malloc_initialize + 56
1   libSystem.B.dylib    0x900033b8 malloc + 48
2 0x92bc1ef4 _NSAPDataCreate + 32
3 0x92bc2070 NSPushAutoreleasePool + 40
4      0x938907ec NSApplicationMain + 60
5    0x00001fbc 0x1000 + 4028

Thread 0 crashed with PPC Thread State 64:
  srr0: 0x000000009012c6f0 srr1: 0x100000000000d030                        vrsave: 0x0000000000000000
    cr: 0x44000202          xer: 0x0000000000000000   lr: 0x000000009012c6ec  ctr: 0x00000000900017a0
    r0: 0x000000009012c6ec   r1: 0x00000000bffffaa0   r2: 0x00000000a0001fac   r3: 0x0000000000000000
    r4: 0x0000000000000000   r5: 0x0000000094615278   r6: 0x000000000000009a   r7: 0x000000000000009a
    r8: 0x000000000000009b   r9: 0x0000000000000000  r10: 0x00000000900014f0  r11: 0x00000000a00061ec
   r12: 0x00000000900017a0  r13: 0x0000000000000000  r14: 0x0000000000000000  r15: 0x0000000000000000
   r16: 0x0000000000000000  r17: 0x0000000000000000  r18: 0x0000000000000000  r19: 0x0000000000000000
   r20: 0x0000000000000000  r21: 0x0000000000000000  r22: 0x0000000000000000  r23: 0x0000000000000094
   r24: 0x000000009fffc6c0  r25: 0x0000000000000000  r26: 0x00000000bffffccc  r27: 0x00000000a37e07bc
   r28: 0x00000000a0003390  r29: 0x00000000a000c6c0  r30: 0x0000000000000000  r31: 0x000000009012c6c0

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Offline Soulstorm

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Re: FS2_Launcher OS X 3.0
Please redownload the application. I think I fixed it...
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Offline Soulstorm

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Re: FS2_Launcher OS X 3.0
That would prove useful...
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Offline Soulstorm

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Re: FS2_Launcher OS X 3.0
Actually, I got it. I changed some things and configurations, and tested the new application under Tiger and it works. Now, everyone can spot the other bugs... :)

Download the new application HERE
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Offline Tinman

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Re: FS2_Launcher OS X 3.0
Actually, I got it. I changed some things and configurations, and tested the new application under Tiger and it works. Now, everyone can spot the other bugs... :)

so you resurrected your own tiger  ;)

It works. Looks good. I will test it on the weekend. Thanks for the Launcher  :yes:

Edit: Short test with WCS. Works. very nice!


Offline Soulstorm

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Re: FS2_Launcher OS X 3.0
so you resurrected your own tiger
Actually, I resurrected my old mac :)

Thanks for the information. I will make some minor changes and release the final version not long from now.
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Offline Soulstorm

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Calling all artists or anyone who wants to be a little involved...

Can anyone make a simple Icon for the Launcher, because my own is absolutely terrible! And I have no idea on how to make a decent one! His/her name will be mentioned, of course!

Oh and as for the launcher... in one or two days the final beta will be posted in here. Memory leaks have been addressed and the UI has changed a bit.
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Offline Soulstorm

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New beta! Check it out!

download it here... (I also altered my first post's link)
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Offline Soulstorm

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Indeed. It could be because 10.4 handles images and draws buttons differently... anyway I will release a new beta this weekend. I would do this tomorrow, but I have 2 lessons to write exams for, so these two days are going to be a little messy for me :)
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Offline Soulstorm

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OK, I think I fixed the UI problems, and ensured compatibility with 10.4.

Chect the new beta!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 01:30:05 pm by Soulstorm »
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Offline blowfish

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This launcher seems to do weird things to the cmdline_fso.cfg file.  After opening Freespace once with SomeMod (a folder I use to test stuff) and again with Derelict, this is what came out:

Code: [Select]
-spec -glow -env -jpgtga -missile_lighting -ship_choice_3d -3dwarp -fov 0.39 -rearm_timer -mod derelict -fov 0.39 -mod SomeMod


Offline Soulstorm

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OK... but why is this weird? All I see is some options to the command line file. Can you be more describable? I need a detailed explanation of the problem.

And I would also like to know what does this test folder contain...
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Offline kmunoz

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OK... but why is this weird? All I see is some options to the command line file. Can you be more describable? I need a detailed explanation of the problem.

And I would also like to know what does this test folder contain...

Some of the options repeat. I have the same problem. Notice the -fov option. If I run the Launcher twice and select that option both times, it writes it a second time in the config file.


Offline Soulstorm

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You are right, guys. Thanks for pointing this out. Actually, it is a problem that is happening only with the options that require values for the Launcher. That is a problem with the custom command line drawer, actually. The drawer does not update itself whenever an option has been changed in the main window. But the main window, is updated of the changes in the drawer.

Because of that, you can have an option like "-mod derelict" in the drawer, but the mod "fsport" selected in the main window. When the Launcher closes, it writes both commands in the command line. I had missed that point. Probably, this problem was less notable (but not eliminated) in version 2 of the Launcher. I will definitely look at it. That's why I am releasing betas before the actual product! :)

Problem will be rectified in the next beta, whenever that is (I have my exams now)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 10:51:31 am by Soulstorm »
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Offline Soulstorm

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Quick patch!

That should correct the problem described above...

You should note, however, that the custom command line drawer allows FULL flexibility to the user. That means that there is a chance that in the command line drawer, you write an option twice, or more, and each time with different values. In that case, the values that will be saved will be the last ones, while the rest will be stripped from the command line.

Download <<ref deleted>>
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 04:46:54 pm by Soulstorm »
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Offline blowfish

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THANKS.  That seems to have fixed the problem.

I have a feature request.  Could we have an option to select which tab (Graphics, Gameplay + Speed, etc) to automatically select on startup?

[offtopic]Yay!  I finally reached 27!.  LOL I'm such a noob.[/offtopic]