Author Topic: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.  (Read 3427743 times)

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Offline Dilmah G

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
Oh man, that's giving me the shivers too...


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
Don't ever speculate on such things. It's a buzz kill and affects performance. I find it good to spread your "investment time" amongst two ( or more, if comfortable) girls. to
avoid the "every egg in one basket induced panic" at least during the courting stage.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline deathfun

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
Write a ****ing book already god dammit Dekker
I'd buy that **** if not for hilarious anecdotes and obscure references with drunken antics


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
Don't ever speculate on such things. It's a buzz kill and affects performance. I find it good to spread your "investment time" amongst two ( or more, if comfortable) girls. to
avoid the "every egg in one basket induced panic" at least during the courting stage.
That's what I'm doing at the moment, but I'm being forced to walk the fine line between flirting and leading the second girl on. We get along great, but I just don't feel that I'm sexually attracted to her.


Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
Honestly, I'm not sure how one is supposed to wind up in a long-term relationship without having some degree of friendship at first.  If you want to be close with someone, getting to know them and interacting with them on a regular basis seems like the best way to go about it.

Granted, maybe that explains my complete lack of relationships. :p

Yes, it would.

I'm too lazy to maintain relationships, which is why I stopped bothering about them after a while.
My blog

Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
That's key as well. Never set yourself deadlines, whatever happens will, when it does.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Nuke

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
ive finally started to make headway in my attempt to design my own programmable radio control receiver. its really a rehash of various semi-successful projects ive done before. part of it is my ps2 gamepad hacked to be wireless, now using a new communications library which is much more reliable. and my old r/c board which has new firmware and is much more customizable. most of this project has been software, but ive had to do a few hardware hacks here and there. the new library required me to remove some components from the board, namely an opamp and setting resistors, i had to add some extra programming pins as well. i also didnt think ahead and put a programming header on the r/c board, so i have a hackish mash of wires which i have to connect one wire at a time to update the firmware.

but the new firmware is much more versatile. i have 6 servo channels, 2 motor driver channels, with separate break channels. i also want to add some digital outputs (for things like lights) as well as telemetry outputs (such as speed indication) to be radioed back to a character display. outputs are all broght under a unifying class that standardizes the interface to inputs. its job is to make appropriate calls to the required libraries to make things happen also to provide bindings to the much more complex input class.

the input class gives you a bunch of little input blocks, like the output class it provides a unified interface with all input from the controller over the radio link. providing basic inputs like axes and buttons, advanced constructs like button axes, simple constants, and a mixer which can combine other inputs. i also want to give it some analog/digital input pins for feedback so i can do pid control, also local sensors can provide input for telemetry. the mixer is pretty badass, as it not only mixes the outputs but can also perform math and logic operations with the data. every input has an offset, a fixed point scaler, and min/max constraints. i believe the system is turing complete, though i only have the firmware configured to give me 16 of the objects. i figure i can get about 20 with the current code, though i want to save some space for more features.

this is probibly the biggest program i ever uploaded to a microcontroller, its almost 25k. though most of that is strings for the configuration terminal. im using the eeprom for storing configuration data. im using all 3 timers, and i think my ram usage is raher high, but im not sure how much. i know the stuff im using is taking up nearly 1k of sram, and libraries likely use the other half. the serial library whores up ram for its buffers, but it gets closed down before anything fun happens. after a reset you have about 2 seconds to send the string 'config' after which you enter terminal mode, and stay in terminal mode until you either give the exit command or reset. there are about a dozen commands. about 5 general purpose commands, like save, load, etc, 6 commands for input configuration, about 3 for output configuration and a couple for the motor drivers.

current issues are the power supply is not up to par. its not really as good as the board i did to power my raspberry pi. it doesnt have as big a capacitor, and no heat sink at all. not even reverse polarity protection. the motor driver can only do 1 amp per channel. and the cheap radio modules im using kinda suck as far as range and throughput go. so i will definately make a new one based around the same firmware. i will likely swap out the ask radios with a nordic transceiver i got stashed in parts box, they have similar range and better throughput, and use a better modulation scheme (fsk i think). and i will put a beefier motor driver in the thing. probibly do a switch mode power supply (im just gonna cheat and get some ubecs, they are dirt cheap on ebay and can push 4 amps). may also toss in an io expander of sorts, though i could just use a bigger chip in a smaller tqfp package (though im not sure if my solder-fu is strong enough, not to mention my pcb fabrication process still sucks).
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Nuke's Scripting SVN


Offline asyikarea51

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
Typed post. Pressed button. Post gone. Ack.

X3AP bail script: "omg there's like, 7 L's waiting to be salvaged here" "WHAAAT?!? i just finished equipping 144-or-something pirate fighters (full complement for 3 carriers, but I only had one J-class carrier) and button mashing on the menus for hours on end is driving me nuts!!!"

"144? what about all the other random ships you randomly parked all over the universe?" "awww man that's at least another 150-or-so ships i have to outfit from zilch i just wanna fly around and explore"

And then a K jumps in-sector with two frigates, one missile frigate and several corvettes blowing up stations... no way are we gonna fight that, dash for the gate... **** an enemy J just jumped in IN FRONT OF ME and now we will have to dodge 20 bombers launching 100's of missiles while flying a silly little interceptor with only 3x 5MJ shields, and deal with 1fps framerate.

Now how do I dodge instant-hit auto-aiming laser beams again?


Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
My blog

Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
I am pissed.

I am also ****ing alooooooone. I need to speak to some more frigging women. I also need to be a woman.

Why, you ask? Why does Dilmah want his Dilmah made into a Dilmantha?

Because his mentally ill friend talked to him some heavy stuff, and Dilmah looked at him, painfully...and had NOTHING to say. Not a ****ing important word was said that night. And when he attempted to say some important ****, it was a ****ing ****fight. Oh DILMAH.

And on top of that, I have no cute and cuddly girls to go and confide in, and have my ego repaired. AARGHHWAAAARGGH


Offline StarSlayer

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
Don't ever speculate on such things. It's a buzz kill and affects performance. I find it good to spread your "investment time" amongst two ( or more, if comfortable) girls. to
avoid the "every egg in one basket induced panic" at least during the courting stage.

Dekker sounds like a STAVKA Strategic Offence approach to dating. 

  • Massive preparatory bombardment across multiple Fronts
  • Engage with overwhelming force at multiple points until breakthrough achieved
  • Commit Operational Maneuver Groups to exploit the breakthrough and conduct deep operations
“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world”


Offline Klaustrophobia

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
just discovered i DON'T get to see the AFL grand final tonight, since fox soccer plus is carrying it instead of ESPN this year.
I like to stare at the sun.


Offline deathfun

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)

Because his mentally ill friend talked to him some heavy stuff, and Dilmah looked at him, painfully...and had NOTHING to say. Not a ****ing important word was said that night. And when he attempted to say some important ****, it was a ****ing ****fight. Oh DILMAH.

Listening without comment isn't all that bad just so you know
In some cases it's better


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
Cheers, that makes me feel slightly better.

just discovered i DON'T get to see the AFL grand final tonight, since fox soccer plus is carrying it instead of ESPN this year.
If it's any consolation, neither do I. I'm spending the whole day at a volunteering leadership training session.

In other news, I woke up this morning and tried to work out what the **** I did last night. I still haven't worked it out, and how what I did led to my room looking like a frigging bomb crater.


Offline jg18

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
Made lentil minestrone from scratch, following a recipe from this fine book. Even if I added maybe a bit too much pasta such that the soup is a bit less soup-like, it's still damn good. :cool:


Offline FireSpawn

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
Even if I added maybe a bit too much pasta such that the soup is a bit less soup-like, it's still damn good. :cool:

My mum once did that with lentils in a gammon and lentil soup, as it was the first time she'd made it. By the end it was like porridge. Tasty, tasty bacon porridge.
If you hit it and it bleeds, you can kill it. If you hit it and it doesn't bleed...You are obviously not hitting hard enough.

Greatest Pirate in all the Beach System.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.


Offline Klaustrophobia

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
DAMN i love my computer.  just converted 12 songs from FLAC to WMA lossless in 37 seconds. :pimp:
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 08:38:07 pm by Klaustrophobia »
I like to stare at the sun.


Offline Bob-san

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
DAMN i love my computer.  just converted 12 songs from FLAC to WMA lossless in 37 seconds. :pimp:
WMA lossless? Sounds more like you hate your computer!
NGTM-1R: Currently considering spending the rest of the day in bed cuddling.
GTSVA: With who...?
Nuke: chewbacca?
Bob-san: The Rancor.


Offline Mongoose

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
Questionable format choices aside, it'd probably take my machine at least ten minutes to accomplish the same feat. :p


Offline FireSpawn

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L It's over 1000!!!!! (pages)
waking up after 2 hours of sleep due to some truly terrifying nightmares that I can't quite remember any more aside from the abject terror that I'm still shivering from, is not fun. ****, I knew that I should have kept my old dreamcatcher.
If you hit it and it bleeds, you can kill it. If you hit it and it doesn't bleed...You are obviously not hitting hard enough.

Greatest Pirate in all the Beach System.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.