Author Topic: Switches in C  (Read 3360 times)

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Offline Dysko

Can I insert a switch into another switch cycle in C?
Code: [Select]
   case variable1==1:
      case variable2==2:
         do this;
         do another thing;
      do that;
Would switch(variable2) work?
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Offline Ghostavo

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Can I insert a switch into another switch cycle in C?
Code: [Select]
   case variable1==1:
      case variable2==2:
         do this;
         do another thing;
      do that;
Would switch(variable2) work?

Yes, you can put switchs inside switchs.

But more important, why do you use
Code: [Select]
case variable# == #: when you are comparing the expression variable# == # to the value of variable# instead of just
Code: [Select]
case #:
Also, nitpicking, a switch is not a cycle, it's a flow control statement. :p.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 09:36:40 am by Ghostavo »
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Offline Dysko

Yes, you can put switchs inside switchs.
Thank you! :yes:

But more important, why do you use
Code: [Select]
case variable# == #: when you are comparing the expression variable# == # to the value of variable# instead of just
Code: [Select]
case #:
Because our programming professor never told us how to use switches, and they are the most effective way to do a part of my programming homework.
I searched on the internet how to use them, and looks like I misunderstood something :nervous:

Also, nitpicking, a switch is not a cycle, it's a flow control statement. :P.
Ops. :nervous:
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Offline Wanderer

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Offline WMCoolmon

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The only unusual thing about switches is that you have to use {} if you initialize variables. Otherwise they're just like any other conditional statement.