Author Topic: Paraller Freespace  (Read 2655 times)

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(During this prologue, writer is not responsible for trauma created by typos)

As in the old Earth history "The Great War" also known as the "WW1" went on,
a change, a change in timeline. As 1918, Germany won the WW1. At that time
it seemed like a big deal, however, most part of history to a certain point
would be almost like it would have been even if Germamy would have lost.
Up till a point called "The Great War". A space war between Terran Vasudan
alliance and Shivan. The change happened in the late part of the war, when
Shivan capital ship Luficer entered Earth Supspace node, a small number of
fighters chased it trought subspace, trying to stop it. After engaging it
for couple of minutes, after four reactors destroyed, Luficer entered Earth
solar system and after hours of bombardment, Earth`s surface was reduced to
dust, then into glass with was then reduced to dust again. As the Lucifer
left the solar system, GTD Bastion attacked the Lucifer one`s again, this time
destroying, while the jump node survived, thought it`s life span was decreased
by a hundred years.
As the crying voices of the Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus and Pluto
refugees entered the crowd of needing people, GTA was powerless to feed them
all and keeping Shivans out of their borders. Soon admiral Michael Kornikov
saw he`s opportunity and staged a Coup d'état, taking control of the GTA.
Under he`s guidance GTA started repairing and re-colonization of it`s systems,
within years ending the problem of refugees.
The new GTA had now it`s golden age, GTA had the economy beyond Vasudans ima-
gions and as final Shivan forces where expelled from the known systems, GTA
quickly subjucated PVE and it`s systems. After that Michael declared himself
as the Emperor Of The Known Systems and reformed GTA and Vasudan space into
Terran Emperium.
The Golden age of the Terran Emperium continued for 32 years after the end of
The Great War, all the way until Emperor Korinokov died suddenly in a hearth
attack at the time of he`s son`s coronation, emperor`s greatest enemy made it`s


Offline Snail

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Interesting. Though I fail to see how World War 1 is relevant.


Offline cloneof

  • 27
(Snail: Certain pilots ancestor died)

Chapter 1, Dawn before coronation

Rear Admiral Koth walked in the darkness. The darkness around him remindet
about the one that is to come, the one that will come if Vasudan would still
breath in the future. Suddenly he stopped and started pushing what appeared
to be a console if it would shown beyond the darkness.
-Koth reporting admiral.
-Excellent, is everything in position?
-Yes admilar, a squadron of 70th Blue Lions was burrowed from Petrarcht.
-How is our admiral?
-He might not agree on everything, but knows what`s stake in here.
-Nothing more is required of him and no more he will be usable after the
start. Status of our forces?
-We have a fleets orbiting Polaris, Regulus and Sirius. Over 10 Orion class
destroyers and of course Petrarcht.
-Just come to the coronation and we will start what we have planned for
months, I for decades.
-Yes, admilar Bosch.

Next day, Planet Earth, Empirial Palace, 11:30

The palace was full of light as crystals from Antares shined across the
vast halls and the throne room, where the coronation now tooked place.
A large crowd of nobles and rich in fancy dresses made a way for the new
emperor. As he entered the room, at end of the room, in the throne, a man
standet. He had the robes of a priest, one who had knoledge of old earth

The coronation didn`t take too long, the priest anoints Vladimir and the
crowd cheers, he was the emperor. Emperor held his hand high and the crowd
went into silence.

-I, Vladimir, now the rules of the Terran Empirium, declare new ways. Va-
sudans, those blasted ruins beyond Vega system are beginning to reach us
one`s more. They pirate our transports, make hit and run tactics against
our army in Vasuda Prime, they curse our name beyond stars, the cosmos
itself. It is time for change our people, a time of retribution.
From this day forward, Vasudan people shall be given autonomy, the Vasudans
shall lead themselfs towards the destruction they deserve. And also, from
this day forward, their greatest minds, their greatest generals, admilars
and geniuses shall be added to my empirial advisory council.

Suddenly out of the main door four figures started walking towards Vladimir,
four walking figures in cloakes. As they closed upon him, Vladimir tooked
cloak off from one of them and from behind the cloak the crowd saw, a Vasu-

No one clapped, no one complaint, no tear, only silence. Then a man walked
trought the crowd, slowly, but head strongly, admilar Aken Bosch stepped
forward right in front of the emperor.

-Humanity prevails beyond your lies and beyond your treason. You shall see
the wrong doings of your only decidion as emperor, my dear emperor.

Bosch tooked a gun from he`s pocket, but before he realized, one of the Vasu-
dans had it`s hand on the weapon and pushed Bosch trought the room. At that
moment more man arrived to the room, Koth and four armed soldiers entered
and a firefight started between Emperor`s guard and Koth`s men. Koth picket
up Bosch and they retreated from the room. As they left the palace, first
soldiers rallied from the corner to stop Bosches escape.

-Is the space clear Koth!?
-Yes, my admilar! 70th Blue Lions are keeping the GTD Victorios busy.
-For how long?
-Around a 30 minutes, tops!
-Then we mu...
-Admilar, look out!

An explosion happened on a house right on top of them and pieces of the buil-
ding fell down right on Admilar Bosch.


Offline Snail

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So there's a new NTF, but they're fighting the Terran Empire? And Petrarch has joined them? Getting interesting.


Offline cloneof

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Chatper 2, First step towards freedom

Three days later...

A shuttle had landet on the TID Aquitaine, a Hecate class destroyer under
the command of admilar Petrarcht. The landing area had armed soldiers as
the shuttle door opened, it was Vladimir, angrly looking as he standet
and meetet Petrarcht.

-Walk with me.

They walked with a one armed man trought the vast corridors of Aquitaine and
finally entered a lift.

-I know it was you Petrarcht.

Petrarcht remained silent... He didn`t first know what to say and sweat ran
trought him.

-No need to remain silent Petrarcht, I know you authorized 70th Blue Lions to
make sure Bosch would get away from TID Victorius.
-I... It doesn`t look like it would seemed to be.
-Ou I know what it looks like and what it doens`t. The only question remains,
why? The rebels have taken control of Polaris, Regulus and Sirius. Instead
you stayed and didn`t even fire upon my shuttle. You could have endet it be-
fore it could have even begun. Why you didn`t do it Petrarcht?
-When I was fighting in The Great War, when the Luficer was destroyed, we
celebrated and we cried, we cried as the Shivans, thought defeated, they still
roamed in the known systems, threatening our way of existance. You gave us
more then just new ships and fighers, you gave us hope, hope for a day when
the Shivans would be gone. And I think there would be no more fitting end,
then with the same honor you gave us.
-And for that I thank you.
-But take these words Vladimir, you will die in the hands of these rebels and
they will best you.
-Perhaps, but now it`s time for your reward of your loyalty. Five steps.

Petrarcht didn`t know should he do it. As the sweating didn`t seemed to stop.
But finally he tooked the first step to the corridor. Petrarcht watched as
members of the ship`s crew walked not even noticing the admilar, just conti-
nuing their lifes, their work as nothing. Petrarcht started taking more steps,
seeing as the end, he watched closely ever detail of the corridor he was, eve-
ry face, every piece of mere technology that he could see...
And then... there was shot, a gun shot.

At the Bosches command frigate, TIF Iceni, Bosch looked outside as the Regulus
sun, as it burned throught he`s eye pupils. Bosch pushed a button at a desk
-Bosch here, Vice admilar Koth, is everything prepared?
-Yes admilar, all ships are prepares, but I...
-Why out of all places would you want me to go to Alpha Centauri?
-Just go there with your elite men, you will receive further instructions
from an operative there.
-Yes, admilar Bosch.

The connection went silent and Bosch pushed couple of more buttons on he`s
desk computer.

-Bosch to medical bay.
-Medical bay here.
-Have you made any results?
-Yes, admilar. It would seem that while you were black out from the falling
rock from that appartment, it damaged your pupils. I`m sorry admilar, but
you will loose your eyesight in a matter of days.
-Very well, keep me informed upon your progress.
-Yes, sir. Medical bay out.

Bosch banged at his desk with anger and then standet.

-This cannot happen to me, I`am Bosch! I was supposed to save the human race!
I`am mankind`s retribution and I was supposed save them from Shivans!

Upon the next day, Terran Imperium started to make it`s counter attack against
the rebel forces. Thought it was originally a small according to rebel exper-
ts, Bosch knew what remained a hidden asset, GIMD Colossus, would come into
the battle immediatly if the Imperial Navy started loosing the battle.

-Has the fleet gone trought?
-No, sir. No sign of our fleet in Sirius, they are can`t, or won`t repond.

Bosch already knew what had happened, if the Colossus had gone into the
battle, no ship would survive.

-Recall our fleet from Polaris.
-You heard me comm, send a priority transmission that all of our forces
must proceed directly to our main fleet.
-Yes, sir.

Onboard Colossus, Emperor thought about he`s next move. He`s victory was so
near, as no power could stand against the Colossus. Even thought he only had
few cruisers with him, Colossus was more then enough to take on all that
bosch could send against him.

-My emperor, Vasudan shuttle has come out of subspace and requested perminis-
sion to land on Colossus.
-Did they send the correct identifacationcode?
-Yes, the code matches on the computer.
-Let them land and after that, set course for Regulus.


Offline cloneof

  • 27
Chapter 3, Change in the winds

-Welcome ambassodors.

As Emperor greeted he`s five cloaked guests, they sat down along he`s desk at
captains quarters.

-How is the Vasuda Prime?
-Better, thanks to you.
-I did nothing, I just ordered the local garrison to evacuate to Vega, what
may I do to the council today?
-Althought we Vasudans have had the liberty of compiling our own, small space
navy, we have always lacked bigger destro...
-And I shall allow that, in future where I have formed this Empire into some-
thing greater, we Terrans and you Vasudans shall live in egual harmony and
share the properity. Should I also suggest th...

Suddenly one of the lights on he`s desk computer started bleeping. Immedia-
tly Emperor pressed the button in the middle.

-My Emperor, we have made contact with the enemy fleet.
-Excellent, order our fleet to engage and make a holographic projection of
the battle here, at my room.
-Yes, my Emperor.

Between the Vasudan ambassadors and Emperor, an three dimensional sphere
appeared middle of them, displaying GIMD Colossus, it`s few support cruisers
and the enemy fleet.

-Now look at that! Bosch is putting everything he has in this one last battle.
10 Orion class destroyers and 30 smaller cruisers, he`s getting desperate.
-Aren`t you worried he might beat you?
-What? Never, he simply just cannot figure out this ships weaknesses in time.

Meanwhile Bosch was looking at the same viepoint of the up coming battle.
Looking towards the Colossus, Bosch had decided the strategy that should de-
cide the fate of the known worlds...

-Order our fleet to surround the Colossus.
-You heard me com! Order our Orions to dispearse and surround the Colossus,
whatever means necessary.
-I must warn you admiral, that then the Colossus can use all of it`s beam
cannons against us.
-Oh, but that`s just the point. You see that ship was not designed to fire
all of it`s beam cannons. All of it`s reactors, even all of them, do not
have the energy to fire them all. If we would go trought as just one big
fleet, Colossus would just take us down one by one.
-Affirmative, any other orders.
-Launch bombers.

The Emperor`s face changed when he saw Bosche`s plan. That big fleet, that
propably biggest fleet ever assemled by any Earth navy now dispeased and
started to surround the Colossus.

-Emperor, we need orders down here! Do we open fire?
-I... I...
-Emperor? Emperor Vladimir, what are your instructions!
-Yes sir!

As ten Orion class destroyers surroundet the Colossus and it`S support ships
from all sides and fighters started to close upon it, suddenly Colossus ope-
ned fire and all six cannons fired shots accross the space towards five
Orions class and Iceni.

Bosch felt the pain and consoles in the bridge started to blow up around

-Damage report! Damage...

And another one hitted the bridge, cutting down the lights. Bosch thought
that this was the end. Colossus would be destroyed, but it would take Iceni
and half of the fleet with it. But suddenlu firering stopped.

-Engine room, REPORT!
-I`m sorry my Emperor, but reactors have melted, cannons tooked too much
from them.
-How is this possible, the time required to construct this vessel was 10
years! Tem years and you couldn`t construct it properly!
-My... My Emperor, it was the conduits, they were not designed to handle
the flow of energy and re-routed it back to the reactor wich couldn`t take
the heat.
-I`m going to execute the man who designed this ship when this battle has

The Emperor was silenced by a gun at the back of he`s head. He turned around
and saw he`s guests without their cloaks on, Read admiral Koth and four arm-
ed soldiers.

-And today the war ends.


Offline Snail

  • SC 5
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Wow this Emperor Vladmir guy is a real dunce. :D


Offline cloneof

  • 27
Snail: When I designed Vladimir, I actually thought the very same word.

Chapter 4, On the verge of collapse

-This is the channel 1 news, with your host, me, Derik Manhattan.
-And Lisa Tyler.
-As of todays first news, Terran Imperium emrgency council has made peace with
the rebels forces. Thought early in the war contained threat to the Terran
Imperium, within weeks Bosches forces had out manouvered Imperium Navy on
numereus worlds and finally peace treaty was signed yesterday, making Bosch
the new Emperor of the Terran Imperium.
-It is also suspected that Emperor Vladimir has taken himself into hiding
within the Vasudan space.
-On other news...

And a man pressed a button on he`s remote controller and the news diseappeared
from the screen.

-We will send this propaganda message on the first day and feed the public
with more Vasudan related news about Vladimir, that should make any pro-Vladi-
mir political movement even harder.
-Excellent, you are to be commendet for your work, now if you excuse me I have
a war to win.
-Of course, my I ask where are you striking now?
-Even that information is classified beyond your clearance, thought I will
be perhaps always in debt to you.
-Yes, my admilar.

Bosch left the room and moved to an elevator, he pressed the button for the
bridge and started waiting, twiching he`s eye.

-Blasted doctors, they didn`t know I was allergic to this dammed medicine
they gave me.

The elevator stopped and Bosch entered the bridge, still bit damaged from
the battle with blown consoles. Still, the bridge was full of emotion as
the Iceni was still the flagship of the fleet.

-What remains of Imperial Navy still a threat to our own, has fled to
Vasudan space where the newly constructed navy has taken it under protection.
-Then that`s our next target. While TID Rolling Rock is taking Vega, we
will move our fleet to Alpha Centauri and from there to Aldebaran.
-Why Aldebaran, I thought they had their new capital at Antares?
-Yes, but their largest shipyard is at Aldebaran, only place where they can
support a fleet of three Orion class ships. And on to note...
-Yes, admilar?
-Have you located any remains from...
-No admilar, our search has not find any trace of rear admilar from the
wreckage of Colossus.
-From four destroyed Orions, we barely made it, but still the true victory
came from the Koth and he`s brave man who killed Vladimir, now making the
Terran Imperium leaderless entity and secured chaos inside Colossus. But it
would seem this new power will not celebrate it`s heroes, only mourn them.

Bosches fleet, now composed of five Orion class destroyers, 18 smaller cruise-
rs and of course, the Iceni, made their way from Sirius jump node to Alpha
Centauri, however, their arrival was most suprising.

-Were now in Alpha Centauri system and... my god.
-Admilar, Alpha Centauri...

As Bosch asked the question from he`s helm, he could see her face turn white
out of fear and eyes turn wet out of mourn... But Bosch had no time to loose
and pushed her aside and taked a look himself. What he saw was beyond any-
thing else he had sawn. Inner rock planets had been spreadet into dust and
outer gas planets had collapsed, so the gas was now spreading accross the
space, the amount of wrecage from spaceships and stations in the system was
enourmeus, so that it could be watched just by the ships observation cameras,
the intera system had been devestated, nothing remained from the system, ex-
cept it`S glowing sun and it`s three jump nodes. Whatever rock and wrecage re-
mained would go in time.
For the remainder of the day, the fleet stayed in Alpha Centauri, to mourn
the died Terrans, who had been killed by this unknown destroyer, this new
enemie Bosch would have to face, to find.

-Sir? We have been here more then 24 hours, would it be now time to move on
to Aldebaran?
-However has committed this... massacre, no doubt doesn`t want this to conti-
nue. Start sending scout fighters to confirm that what remains of the Imper-
ial Navy has been destroyed.
-Yes, admilar Bosch.

The expedition tooked few more days and located the wreckage of what was
three Orion class vessels, remains of the Terran Imperium navy.
During the next weeks Bosch tooked control of the remaining Terran and Vasu-
dan system, excluding Aldebaran, wich Bosch had taken with Alpha Centauri in-
to quarantine until the doer of this massacre was found.

In the year 2369, Bosch had reconstructed the newly reformed Terran Navy,
wich now constisted 21 Orion class Destroyers and 66 smaller cruisers and
corvettes. Iceni had been refitted with new, more powerfull systems and was
now capable of leading intera war from it`s commanding capabilities, making
it the world`s most mobile HQ with the firepower of an command frigate.
However, in that same year, Bosche`s research team had discovered what seemed
to be information about Ancient portal in Gamma Draconis. Bosch assembled fle-
et of five Orion class Destroyers to investigate and test newly made ETAK

-Were 10 000 meters away from the Ancient portal, admilar.
-Excellent, is the ETAK powered?
-Yes, my admilar, if there are any Shivans out there, they will hear it ones
we have engaged it.
-This shall mark the day we became invinsible good soldier!
-Wait a minute... Admilar, i`m reading a jump signature!
-From the portal?
-Negative! It`s 5000 meters from Iceni`s position, small shuttle, it is
hailing us... Admilar! It Rear admilar Koth!
-What? Put him trought!

As Bosch said this, Koth`s fave appeared in the bridges viewscreen, thought
a bit static, Koth`s voice was hearable.

-Repeat, this is Rear admilar Koth of the 1st fleet! Admilar Bosch get the
fleet out of Gamma Draconis before it`s too late! Your allies have turned
against you! Their going to attack right about n...

Suddenly Koth`s face disappeared from the viewscreen.

-Comm! I want that signal back right now!
-I can`t, the shuttle has deactivated it`s comm system.
-Admilar, my sensors are reading unusal readings coming out of supspace.
-Show me!

Bosch ran to he`s helm`s officer and checked the readings and started pushing
buttons on the console.

-Admilar, what are you doing?
-What does it look like? I`m making Iceni jump back to subs...

But suddenly gigantic explosions started ripping trought the Iceni and the rest of the fleet, like they where bombarded by an invisible enemy fleet. The Iceni made it to the supspace, taking heavy damage, while the rest of the fleet was destroyed by the mysterious bombartment.


Offline Retsof

  • 210
  • Sanity is over-rated.
Dun Dun Duuuuuuuun.

"Get off my forum" -General Battuta
I can't help but hear a shotgun cocking with this.


Offline Snail

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Wotsisen? (What's this, then?)


Offline cloneof

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An relic of the past to tell it in a mystical way, I`m working on the new chapter, however as I did it in 02:00 AM I wasn`t quite satisfyid how the things went on and I`am working on it.