Author Topic: Well hell  (Read 4608 times)

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Offline Mr. Vega

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I have a certain issue at the moment, and I was wondering if HLP might have any remotely useful opinions.

There's this girl, I've known her for a long time as a friend, we started dating this year, I'm in love with her, and she's totally in love with me, and everything is going well. Cept one problem:
I am not Jewish. She is. And a practicing one whose social circle is mostly dominated by Jews, even if she doesn't believe in the religion itself. And, as most of you probably know already, it is NOT ok for a Jew to be in a serious relationship with a non-Jew - and she, being a good Jew, believes in this tenet (to what extent I'm not really sure), regardless of her feelings for me.  This all finally came to a head tonight in a conversation that was somewhat surprisingly muted and unheated, with both of us deciding to stop the discussion tonight after agreeing that it's a serious problem. I must note that I am more foolishly/hopefully optimistic than she is at the moment.

So, ye intrepid posters, I invite you all to thoughtfully and eloquently state how I am well and truly ****ed. Especially you Sandwich.
Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assaults of thoughts on the unthinking.
-John Maynard Keynes


Offline Stormkeeper

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You're well and truly screwed.

Now that that's outta the way ... Why Sandwich?
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Offline Mars

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What branch of Judaism are we talking about? Reform Judaism accepts pretty much anyone. You can be as atheist as a platypus, and as long as you follow the traditions, you're technically Jewish.

If you're talking Orthodox... that's a different matter.


Offline Mr. Vega

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Conservative branch (kinda between orthodox and reform), she hates reform judaism.
Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assaults of thoughts on the unthinking.
-John Maynard Keynes


Offline Nuke

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you can start by putting all your nazi collectibles on ebay. :D

i know i dated a half jew once, kinda intresting. and she could blow harder than any other.
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Offline tinfoil

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ironically the current ad on the page is "meet jewish singles today"
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Offline General Battuta

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I have a certain issue at the moment, and I was wondering if HLP might have any remotely useful opinions.

There's this girl, I've known her for a long time as a friend, we started dating this year, I'm in love with her, and she's totally in love with me, and everything is going well. Cept one problem:
I am not Jewish. She is. And a practicing one whose social circle is mostly dominated by Jews, even if she doesn't believe in the religion itself. And, as most of you probably know already, it is NOT ok for a Jew to be in a serious relationship with a non-Jew - and she, being a good Jew, believes in this tenet (to what extent I'm not really sure), regardless of her feelings for me.  This all finally came to a head tonight in a conversation that was somewhat surprisingly muted and unheated, with both of us deciding to stop the discussion tonight after agreeing that it's a serious problem. I must note that I am more foolishly/hopefully optimistic than she is at the moment.

So, ye intrepid posters, I invite you all to thoughtfully and eloquently state how I am well and truly ****ed. Especially you Sandwich.

I hate to say it, but if she can't accept you as you are -- cliche as it is -- it's probably not going to work out, is it.

But there's always hope. Maybe she'll break from the tradition?

Best of luck, and I'm sorry things have gone this way.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2008, 11:38:05 pm by General Battuta »


Offline DeepSpace9er

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just be fortunate her family isnt catholic


Offline Bobboau

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you have two options.
the option of weakness; become a jew.
the option of strength; ask her how she feels about you. if she says she loves you ask her why she wants to change something she loves. assorted plays on the love you for who you are ****. ect.
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Offline S-99

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I've seen a situation similar to this happen around me. Imagine it as your situation in an alternate universe if you will. My room mate, she's jewish, but she doesn't practice judaism, she ended up marrying some really cool german dude, and their all fine and dandy.

Your arising jewish woman problems are awkward as hell  from the way you wrote them. She's in love with you, but she can't be with you because you're not you're the forbidden fruit she delights in too much?

And, as most of you probably know already, it is NOT ok for a Jew to be in a serious relationship with a non-Jew
No, most of us don't know. How about not following this idiotic social construct either you or others have put in your head. Plenty of jewish people marry non jewish, and many jewish people themselves are not 100% jewish either.

and she, being a good Jew, believes in this tenet (to what extent I'm not really sure), regardless of her feelings for me.  This all finally came to a head tonight in a conversation that was somewhat surprisingly muted and unheated, with both of us deciding to stop the discussion tonight after agreeing that it's a serious problem. I must note that I am more foolishly/hopefully optimistic than she is at the moment.
So, she put this belief in her head regardless of whether or not she believes in the religion or not. I would remain optimistic for the mean time. It sounds like there is plenty good that will keep you two together. If it were me, I would be trying my damndest to keep her from breaking up the relationship because of some ancient and archaic tenet that people don't follow any more. This tenet that jews should only be with jews is old and archaic as it arose from a much different time long long ago, and the time it arose and was designed for has much since passed (this tenet is outdated, no longer applicable, and has no place in modern times).

Do your hardest and don't give up on her. However yet again if it were me and she did break up because of the outdated tenet...I would be so pissed and never see her again (not even remain friends). It'd be extremely insulting to me to be tossed to the side of the road because of something like this.

You're not me which is fine. I'm just painting out what would probably happen for me if I were in the same situation since it is a consolation for you looking at this situation from different perspectives currently. Definitely ask her why she follows this tenet, it makes no sense for her since she already violates it, and there's not much sense in her following it anyway. What's the deal? Or will you always be the taboo fruit of hers?
Every pilot's goal is to rise up in the ranks and go beyond their purpose to a place of command on a very big ship. Like the colossus; to baseball bat everyone.


I won't use google for you.

An0n sucks my Jesus ring.


Offline NGTM-1R

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just be fortunate her family isnt catholic

Dare I ask what insanity prompted you to post this? Well, yeah. I suppose I do.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Bobboau

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he converted from fundie to atheist about a year ago. his family did not.
Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
learn to use PCS
creator of the ProXimus Procedural Texture and Effect Generator
My latest build of PCS2, get it while it's hot!
PCS 2.0.3

Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, [as] of woollen and linen together


Offline Mefustae

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If you really like her, just convert and pay lip service to all the religious wankery. Not only do you get the girl, make her family happy, but also hedge your bets a little more in case there is a heaven and it's Jewish. Everybody wins!

Unless they want you to snip the tip. No woman is worth that. Unless she has, like, 9 boobs. That'd be awesome.


Offline Nuclear1

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Stick it in her pooper
Spoon - I stand in awe by your flawless fredding. Truely, never before have I witnessed such magnificant display of beamz.
Axem -  I don't know what I'll do with my life now. Maybe I'll become a Nun, or take up Macrame. But where ever I go... I will remember you!
Axem - Sorry to post again when I said I was leaving for good, but something was nagging me. I don't want to say it in a way that shames the campaign but I think we can all agree it is actually.. incomplete. It is missing... Voice Acting.
Quanto - I for one would love to lend my beautiful singing voice into this wholesome project.
Nuclear1 - I want a duet.
AndrewofDoom - Make it a trio!


Offline Scuddie

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Put a guilt trip on her.
Bunny stole my signature :(.

Sorry boobies.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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@ Nuke & Nuclear1 :lol:
 I missed what you're after here. You want advice cos
It's over and you can't cope, or you want advice on how to keep this thing going without getting blammed from family on her side?
R&J comes to mind but poison is a bit extreme. :nervous:
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Flipside

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Actually, Judaism isn't against mixed relationships, in fact, they have the tenet of Patrilineal Descent, which is specificially designed to deal with children born from such unions.

The very existence of such a tenet means they must accept the existence of mixed relationships, because provisions for it are already written into their laws.

Her friends may not like it, but that is their problem, it's up to you two how much you allow that to impact your own relationship.


Offline TrashMan

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he converted from fundie to atheist about a year ago. his family did not.

poor, poor lost sheep :sigh:
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline S-99

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I like this thread. Mainly because my room mates have some familiarity with it. My jewish friend just sort of married an aryan and they're doing great. Not to mention i'm really glad to live with them. They're the only room mates of mine who haven't left me. I'm sort of like a dog now. I'm extremely happy when either of them get home so i can greet either one and hang out. All i've really found out is that i really desire company to function at my best and making sure my friends do their best no matter what even if i need to be an asshole. This usually causes people to think i'm an extreme asshole (of course), but with the best of intentions. I really hate it when my friends go off the deep end. Then again their life is their life and i can only do so much to affect it for the best.

Just don't give up on your gf vega. She's there in your life for a reason. Either way still, if she does end up breaking up with you, it'd still be a situation in which i'd be extremely insulted. But, you are not me, which is the difference. Everyone is offering in here is offering good stuff to adhere too.

Concerning mixed relationships, reminds me of the origins of the samaritans.
Every pilot's goal is to rise up in the ranks and go beyond their purpose to a place of command on a very big ship. Like the colossus; to baseball bat everyone.


I won't use google for you.

An0n sucks my Jesus ring.


Offline Solatar

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My grandmother was the daughter of German immigrants, and my grandfather was the son of Irish immigrants. They were both Catholic, and half of both families refused to show up to the wedding.

Granted you'd think society would have progressed a bit since the 50's, but they lived happily ever after. ;)