What I meant was, you assumed I used a script. [...] Mine was entirely a manual find/replace session with my favorite text editor.
Human intelligence, I see
After some attempts, I hacked together a few sed-scripts since I am also not too comfortable with perl.
I am attaching the stuff that I use for anybody who might be interested. The only thing that requires editing is vas_words.sed. A Unixoid computer is necessary to run it. I am using automated regular-expression-based replacements that are applied to the text. It required a bit of tweaking though to get the replacement order right for suffixes (should be quite ok now) and to try to guard against various false replacements.
I figured that I want to be prepared if they throw more Vasudan text at us
Concerning this:
(2:07:58 AM) Lurker5000: meh
(2:08:06 AM) Lurker5000: there is stuff that can be figured out that hasn't been figured out yet
- one obvious candidate are the weird post dates. They have been around since the beginning and the title for the third post ("interesting times") explicitly hinted towards the oddness of these dates. I can't imagine that they would hang something like this in front of our noses and supply the solution so much later, but I have no idea what the point could be.
One weird thing that I only noticed now is the following statement in "Interesting Times": "I've been getting a number of hits on those orders I uploaded on the 15th". The post to which this refers (Some more Highlights) has a post date of November 05, 1926, 02:34:55 AM. This difference could really be a buried hint.
It's hard to know when "Some more Highlights" was actually posted (actual time), The first replies are from Oct 25, but I don't think that our actual dates should have something to do with it.
- Also, we don't know what Hades/Eumenides mean.
Also, the post titles could be hints. "On the destruction of a multitude" could imply that something has to be divided by a certain number. "Always one step behind" can also be a structural/mathematical hint". So far I have no idea where any of this could apply, though.
I guess we have to go back to the older messages and have to look for small oddities/discrepancies.
Edit: one more thing struck me -
The 5th post contains the following piece of text:
The first good thing is that it's a hell of a lot easier to get a date now that everyone's convinced the end of the world is just around the corner.
I don't know if this guy thinks about women in such a situation, but it can well be that he makes a point that with this message, it's become easy for the first time, to correlate a post to an actual event and therefore to an actual date, by checking the dates of the news feed.
So the date information that we have would look like this:
post date post time
10/10/26 17:07:28 Can anyone hear me
26/10/26 18:54:58 Not as it appears
30/10/26 18:18:24 Interesting Times
05/11/26 02:34:55 Some more Highlights
09/11/26 11:02:32 On the destruction of a Multidude News about this event: February 31/March 1 2335 (probably Marc 1, because this is when they were finished)
16/11/26 01:39:14 Always one Step behind
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