Author Topic: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro  (Read 24852 times)

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Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
A Meson bomb that's carried by a freighter is sealed in a container. Probably not to go off when Beta 1 colides with it. But in the Bastion/Nereid they probably weren't sealed in a container. Afterall, the bomb itself is inside the center of the Meson bomb container, right? So it's not too large.

And I vote either green or yellow. Purple is very much like the new species in Tides of Darkness. Green is seen on a lot of Shivan ships already. Yellow was seen on the Asmodeus and the Lucifer in the cutscenes. Makes more sense :p


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Actually, blue might be quite nice too.
But Green would still be better if its spitting out teal subspace vortexes.


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Give me specific quotes from command briefs and then I'll believe it.  After reading the command brief from "Their Finest Hour", the main concerns seemed to be that the Shivans might be able to jump without nodes, and that they really didn't know exactly how big the Lucifer's explosion was.  In fact, I suspect that they would have used more meson warheads than they thought they would need, just to be sure as this was a critical operation.
So you read the command briefings anyway and want quotes?
Oh well...

"A Great-War-era destroyer, the GTD Bastion, will contain multiple meson warheads that will detonate inside the node. Scientists beilive an explosion of sufficient magnitude will cause the node to collapse, as evidenced by the destruction of the Lucifer 32 years ago."

I looked through all the command briefings up to the mission where the Bastion goes into the node, not one word of it saying that it wasn't or wouldn't be as powerful as the Lucifer's explosion, but instead they're saying that if one destroyer exploded inside subspace and collapsed nodes, that it should happen again if they make a destroyer explode in subspace.

Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Here's how green looked like (reskin by the Earth Defence team):

'Teeth of the Tiger' - campaign in the making
Story, Ships, Weapons, Project Leader.

Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
ah, just givr them a green lamia for lord's sake.
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
ah, just givr them a green lamia for lord's sake.

I happy.


Offline Hellstryker

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
One last try with the purple:
If you don't like that, we'll do something else.

Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
We can still use Purple...just need to try using a varation of colors in a controlled way. Say the base color is purple and the shine could have hints of Pink or Red or another color. I have done this with the Chimera and looks pretty good.
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Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Eurgh, still not liking the purple.
Use that same effect with green and :yes:

Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
I vote blue, honestly. It looked bloody awesome in that batch of screenshots some chap put up in some thread.
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!


Offline Hellstryker

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
I vote blue, honestly. It looked bloody awesome in that batch of screenshots some chap put up in some thread.

Yes but Terrans and Vasudans are blue (and green, for that matter, although to a lesser extent)

Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
I vote blue, honestly. It looked bloody awesome in that batch of screenshots some chap put up in some thread.

Yes but Terrans and Vasudans are blue (and green, for that matter, although to a lesser extent)

Which is why we need to forget about Blue. Last thing we need is to muck up the colors between Terran, Vasudan, Shivans and now T-M Ships.
Got Shivans? The SOC Ezechiel is the schnitzel! Don't leave base without it.


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Purple mucks up with the Nightmares...which aren't in your mod but still...

Vasudans are way NOT to muck them up. They're already mixing with the T-M (Hatshepsut gold-yellow, engine colors). And then you got blue on the FS1 stuff, and one ship has green.

Shivans were originally green in concepts, but were changed to red because it looks more EEEEEVILLL. I still say green because of this. It also kinda connects back to the green stuff on the Asmodeus and the Basilisk.


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro could always make them pink. ;7


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Uhm...That might be more eyeburning than the original purple, but I can't say that the idea didn't cross my mind once.


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Pink doesn't muck anyone up. :P


Offline Hellstryker

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Pink doesn't muck anyone up. :P

Or yellow. But we're most likely going with green.

Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
I redid the Shivan Cruiser in Green now. Also the Chimera just for kicks.
Got Shivans? The SOC Ezechiel is the schnitzel! Don't leave base without it.


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
And you can use Flaming_Sword's Shivan recolour packs, all in easy-to-use VP files. Come in colours of green, blue, white, purple, yellow and pink! Get it now, with a 75% discount! Just go to and download it!


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
25% being that not all Shivans might be recolored by this .vp. :P