Author Topic: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro  (Read 24861 times)

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RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
On: December 08, 2007, I created a topic called "First working model, unfinished". The ship posted there was rather crude, with crappy textures, and was done by me to learn a few things about modelling.

A few days later I got a PM from Hellstryker, where he asked me if I need help with the mod I was making. At first I was like... What mod???

I've stopped for a moment, figured out that it's not such a bad idea, and replied "Yeah, fine". We've later spent hours on AIM discussing the story and details, while in the mean time HLP created a name for the species flying the strange ship- the Tiigran-Merisst. And so the fighter was designated T-MF, and I named it the Hussar, after Hell&me decided to use cavalry units, castles, swords and other medieval weapons as our naming convention for strike craft, capships, guns and secondaries.

Once we had some 2-3 ships running, we figured out we need a FREDder, and Hellstryker found one- Retsof.

From that moment, the little snowball became an unstoppable avalanche, the team grew to a dozen full time/part time/ members- Hellstryker, Retsof, blowfish, Titan, Jadehawk, 0rph3u5, guest starring Shiv_pl (currently Shiv), snail (for a moment), Warp Shadow, Raven2001, Colonel Dekker- a big THANK YOU to all of you (I hope I didn't forget anyone), and finally- me.

And here we are today, after 5 unsuccessful release candidates:

P.S. This is the first mod I've ever worked on, so if there are any big bugs, just flame the living hell out of me (and my team too).

'Teeth of the Tiger' - campaign in the making
Story, Ships, Weapons, Project Leader.


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Sweet, another mod with missions to mess around in, I'll see how it is. :D

Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
If you can FRED and one thing to do per week is not too much or too little for you- PM me, I have a hobby for you :p
'Teeth of the Tiger' - campaign in the making
Story, Ships, Weapons, Project Leader.

Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!


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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Downloading now! :)
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Offline blowfish

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Finally :P

Let's see if anyone can find the easter egg I put in mission 3 ;)
Look in the general vicinity of the freighters


Offline Woolie Wool

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Why is the Lamia purple?
16:46   Quanto   ****, a mosquito somehow managed to bite the side of my palm
16:46   Quanto   it itches like hell
16:46   Woolie   !8ball does Quanto have malaria
16:46   BotenAnna   Woolie: The outlook is good.
16:47   Quanto   D:

"did they use anesthetic when they removed your sense of humor or did you have to weep and struggle like a tiny baby"
--General Battuta


Offline blowfish

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Why is the Lamia purple?

You'll find out in later.  It has significance though.  Also spoiler tags plz.


Offline Hellstryker

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Why is the Lamia purple?

Because. Bengal wanted it be.  :p


Offline shiv

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Finally release :D

DLing :D
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Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Error: The following species are missing icon info in icons.tbl:

File: missionbriefcommon.cpp
Line: 742

Call stack:

Err, J/K


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Some occasional spelling errors, but so far I like this mod, I didn't run into any other problems with it.


Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Just finished the first briefing. Looking good so far.

Maybe I should reconsider my resignation.

I'll be doing a running commentary then.

First mission, about 2 minutes in: Could use a bit more chatter. Also the suns are annoying me.
"Let's see how hard it is to turn around in subspace. Should be fun... NOT!" Funneh dialogue.
First mission was uneventful.... From the Mission 2 splashscreen looks like the second one will be bettah.

Mission 2 - Ouch collision time in fighter bay.
Nice action.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 03:01:28 pm by Snail »


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Yeah, I can't find the Easter Egg.

Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
OK, I'll try to find it...

And Snail- speak up on the super secret forum, I didn't kick ya out so you still have access.
'Teeth of the Tiger' - campaign in the making
Story, Ships, Weapons, Project Leader.


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Ok, I finished the whole thing. All in all, it was fun, but a bit tedious.
The missions, overall, were way too long for my liking, and they are quite repetitive.

These are the issues I've found:
Mission 1:
Why isn't there a mission briefing, only a a command briefing?
Boring, no action, not enough chatter.
Long, unnecessary periods of waiting. Especially after the Triton jumps back. There should be something said. At first I thought everyone on the Triton died or something.

Mission 2:
Nice action, but way too damn long.
20 minutes!? WTF?
Also had unnecessary periods of waiting, notably between after the Molochs died, and when the Maras and Seraphims arrived.
At that point, there was nothing to rearm, nothing said, and nothing to do.
What was with the random subspace drive failure for? It just magically fixed itself after a while...

Mission 3:
There should be Nav Buoys for point A and B, or have the starting fighters jump in closer to the convoy's entry location.
I had absolutely no way to gauge how far I was from my initial position after my wingmen sped off to engage the shivans.
Again, this mission is way too damn long. 20 minutes AGAIN!?

Purple Lamia = ugly and non-shivan looking. I suggest you go back to red. Looks a whole lot better that way. Shivans are RED AND BLACK with perhaps A BIT OF GREEN. NO PURPLE. Purple are Nightmares. Is the Lamia a Nightmare?

The transports kept telling me to give them cover when they were getting killed by the Lamia...when they have already exploded.
Again, what is with the random subspace drive failure that magically fixes itself after the enemies are driven off? Are GTVA subspace drives really that bad?

Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
the purple is important. Just you wait. And I take the length problems to mean that we shouldn't have the hour long mission we're preparing for chapter 2?
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!


Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
I saw in the weapon section that there's something called a "Higher Shivan" laser. I assume there are lower Shivans which are having a civil war against the higher Shivans. Or something.


Offline mr.WHO

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
I have a problem in mission 2

The Kismat don't want to fire, he jump in, move to waypoint and then stay still doing nothing, and when his hull drop to 80% he become invunerable - making mission last forever :(
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 04:12:11 pm by mr.WHO »


Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE: Teeth of the Tiger, Intro
Ugh. I have such bad luck.

1st play through of Mission 2 - Some idiot decided to nudge me on MSN. Epic CTD.
2nd play through of Mission 2 - Ran into Shivan Megabomb.
3rd play through of Mission 2 - Beamed by Kismat.


I am now convinced the universe haets meh.