Author Topic: The Future of TBP  (Read 9313 times)

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Offline Flipside

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Well, now that it has one, in the hands of the fans, I would suggest those who wish to see TBP continue to grow discuss matters here.

My own suggestion, for what it is worth, is what was suggested by someone else earlier on, which was a kind of MediaVP set-up for TBP, where ships can be updated, repaired, and possible even upgraded/replaced at a later date by the members on a rolling system, go for future friendliness first and see where things go from that point.

This could be done in two ways, a Mod or a Patch, personally, I think a Mod is a better idea, since it means you can have both versions installed on the system so you can pick and choose, if you want to play on the original engine with the original TBP then you can, if you want to play Multiplayer with the newer content, you can.

I do know that people are already working on fixing some of the more problematical ships in the game, I'm sure they will chime in here, but I thought I might as well try to encourage people to talk about it and get enthused, the entire recent debacle has left an unpleasant aftertaste, and the best way to deal with it is some optimism.


Offline captain-custard

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personally being fairly useless at modding etc i cant offer much help but i agree a multiplayer mod would be good

if there is any way i can help please pm me ,

good luck
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Details on this are still in the works.  For now just follow the rules thread and you will be OK with whatever is decided.  

It takes Vid and myself a little longer than normal to work details out since we are basically on different 12 hour shifts. 
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 04:26:46 pm by FUBAR-BDHR »
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Offline Flipside

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Well, mainly I'm just trying to get a feel for what people want to get from the project, there are, for example both reasons for and against HTLing up the models in a rolling release system, especially things like texture upgrades can slow down the system, so for ships like the Starfuries, opinions may differ on the idea of HTLing it, many of those particular problems can be solved using a Mod system, to allow the player to pick and choose depending on the computer specs etc.

Goober said to discuss it here, but if there's already something in the works, I'll wait until there's some kind of announcement about it, not sure if I read your post right.



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Well as far as HTLing stuff that most likely isn't what we have in mind.  People are welcome to do it but we ask that you follow the rules to maintain full backward compatibility.  0rph3u5's HP Auroras are a good example of how to do things.  You can drop them in and as a FREDder can choose whether to use them for your stuff.  You release you mission/campaign and along with a mod.ini choose what to use.  What makes it into the multiplayer validated stuff is what we will mostly be discussing.  Again we will be detailing all of this as soon as we can. 
No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras


Offline Flipside

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That's the general idea, same as the VP, I'm not suggesting that be the goal of the update, the whole MediaVP idea was initially formed from a post by Vidmaster in my original thread:

Still, discussing what will be part of the mentioned mod should benefit a potenially released 3.6.10 upgrade mod. I like to compare it to the mediaVPS mod for FS2.

And one by yourself as well:

Mods are fine.  I have even stated a willingness to have a MediaVP style mod that would both contain fixes and new material.  It would also be validated for multiplayer.  It's something I wanted to put off for the future (Like 3.7) when more ships and the new pilot file code was implemented but if we have to start it sooner then I don't have a problem with it.

So the primary job of the mod would be stability, then later people can discuss what to do beyond that.

Anyway, thanks for the update, and I'll wait for details.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 05:06:26 pm by Flipside »



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Vidmaster got the "mediavp" idea from me.  He misunderstood what I had in mind which led to some of the delay in the announcement.  It is only like the mediavps in the fact it will be validated content for multi the way the mediavps will be one day.  It's not meant as an upgrade or anything.  Yes we are discussing adding some new content but as we are already over the ship limit for multi I don't think you'll be seeing any major content for awhile.  The whole upgrade concept is one of the things we want to avoid.  It's individual or group content verified for compatibility and dumped into one directory that's all.  Doesn't mean it's any better then any other content out there it's just validated for multi.   
No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras


Offline Flipside

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Fair enough, that was the primary goal of this entire ordeal in the first place. Beyond that point, it's actually getting to the point where I don't particularly care to be honest. No offence to either you or Vidmaster, you've both been great, but it's been such hard work just to get this much done that, to be honest, anything the fans do beyond that is between them and whatever kind of TBP authority is in place.

Sorry if that sounds a bit snotty, it isn't intended to be.


Offline Vidmaster

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Vidmaster got the "mediavp" idea from me.

I "compared" it to mediaVP from FS2. Not stated that we want a graphical update. The point I wanted to stress is that mediaVP doesn't really kill backwards compatibility (most of the time :lol:).
Still, I agree that this post is open to interpretation on a dangerous level ;)
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Offline Flipside

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Well, I suppose it's up to the modders what they create from this point outwards, all I was really concerned with was compatability, but what exactly are you going to do if the public decide they want to add high poly models as an external mod like the VPs? It's exactly the same as the MediaVP project, to be honest, there is nothing whatsoever that could be done to stop them.

Either way I'm beyond caring now.

Edit: To be blunt, saying 'We want something like the MediaVP, but lacking the one thing that makes it the mediaVP' is pointless.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 05:57:53 am by Flipside »


Offline Vidmaster

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nothing prevents anybody from making HighPoly models and put them into the game via mod.
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Offline Flipside

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Exactly, which is what I was suggesting, and that suggestion was only made because of the comments made by yourself and Fubar.

Sorry if I sound angry, but I am, IP's attitude was bloody awful, he let me spend a great deal of time typing up something very similar to the idea that finally emerged, at his suggestion, even sent him a PM with the contents of the post in, when he had no intention whatsoever of giving it the go-ahead from the word go, my father is in hospital after a major heart attack, though, in all fairness, no-one knew that, and, frankly, I'm tired of feeling like I'm being led round the houses.


Offline captain-custard

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what is the chance (slap me if im talking out of my ass) that there could be a squad wars in tbp or something similar .....

just a suggestion

and as for the new multiplayer 3.6.10 with the changes being made by taylor to the server end will this enable us to have more payers in a game .... without breaking stuff..

then there is only the problem of fredding and balancing those missions and finding the players

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@Flipside: now you know how I feel.  After mediating a solution not once but twice it was shot down at the last minute.  Also as Vid said making updates as a mod is no problem.  Just try to follow the rules thread (which I will be updating and posting a copy of in this forum) and everyone's stuff should work well together.  Some of the stuff may seem trivial but in the long run it will be for the best. 

@Andicirk:  Yes there could be squadwar in the future of TBP.  Think we need to wait until it's working decently for FS2 first before we even think about it much though.  I even wrote most of the missions with Squadwar in mind.  Species vs species (Narn vs Centari etc) will most likely not be allowed as there is no realistic way to balance them but I tried to make sure everything was balanced in the other missions. 
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Offline karajorma

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my father is in hospital after a major heart attack, though

Sorry to hear that Flip.
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Offline Rhymes

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Okay, now that the whole TBP "Situation" is resolved, can we please do one of the following:
A) persuade an admin to put all the relevant threads in Classics.

B) Euthanize the subject now that it's over and done with

C) Return to the matter at hand and continue discussion of the course of further modupdates

D) do all of the above

E) do A and B

F) do A and C

G) do B and C
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A) nothing classic about the whole situation.

B) Would love too but I have a feeling it will hang around for a bit yet.

C) This is what we should be discussing now lets get on with it.

No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras



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my father is in hospital after a major heart attack, though

Sorry to hear that Flip.

Same here.  Mistook that to be he was when I first read the post. 
No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras


Offline Bobboau

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the only thing I'm really interested in is will the bugs in the current content eventually be fixed by someone maybe.

that's the only really important thing as of now.

a TBP mediaVP would be a good idea IMHO, but is a completely different subject entirely. though it is a subject I think should be discussed. there would need to be some officiating involved in this process, so that they would be online compatible, I believe you can have multiple sets of data be considered and registered as the same as far as multi-player validation is concerned.
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Offline Vidmaster

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the only thing I'm really interested in is will the bugs in the current content eventually be fixed by someone maybe.
that's the only really important thing as of now.

which is the priority, I can assure you that. The rest is just discussion about what the future holds in store.
This "update" mod (name still open) will be done in small steps.
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.