Author Topic: Standalone Multiplayer Compatible Inferno Build  (Read 3591 times)

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Offline karajorma

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Standalone Multiplayer Compatible Inferno Build
Since I've fixed a couple more multiplayer bugs and FUBAR asked me for a multiplayer inferno build with those fixes in I decided to post a new build. Since I had to make some packet changes in order to fix one of the bugs this build solves it is NOT compatible with the one I posted here, nor is it compatible with non-inferno builds. Trying to use the two together will result in the multiplayer clients crashing as soon as a ship jumps out.

I would appreciate it if anyone interested in multiplayer tested this and not just those people who need to use an Inferno build. The changes I've made in this build will be migrating across to the non Inferno builds before 3.6.10 comes out and it's better that any bugs are caught now.

*Other Features*

  • Advanced Team Loadout Functions
  • Ability to play cutscenes before Fiction, Command Brief, Brief, Game Start and Debrief.
  • Ability to chat to team mates only in TvT games briefings using /f:
  • Various new SEXPs
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Re: Standalone Multiplayer Compatible Inferno Build
I've changed the BDHR Bar & Grill over to this build.  It's password protected but the password is just Kara.  Just trying to keep the version compatibility crashes down to a minimum. 
No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras