Author Topic: Errors with FS Port 3.1  (Read 2536 times)

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Errors with FS Port 3.1
Hey everyone,

I hope you all are having an awesome day!

Freespace SCP is AWESOME!

I want to play all of the FS1 and FS2 as well as all of the newly made campaigns...

Can some one list all of them in temporal order so I can get the full effect of Freespace?

Anywho... I get these errors when playing various missions with FS1 3.1:

Error: Invalid ship class name.

In sexpression: ( when
   ( true )
   ( allow-ship "GTF Valkyrie" )
   ( tech-add-ships
      "GTF Valkyrie"
      "PVF Seth"
      "PVB Osiris"
      "PVF Horus"
(Error appears to be: GTF Valkyrie)
Line: 5798
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:

Error: Ship class "GTF Valkyrie" invalid
Line: 10013
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:

I get a ton of errors with the GTF Valkyrie...

Thanks a ton for an AWESOME product!

God bless,
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: Errors with FS Port 3.1
God bless,
Thanks.  He does. :)

It sounds like you haven't installed the Port properly.  Have you used Turey's Installer?  Can you post a screenshot of your FreeSpace 2 folder?

I want to play all of the FS1 and FS2 as well as all of the newly made campaigns...

Can some one list all of them in temporal order so I can get the full effect of Freespace?
The problem with playing all campaigns in temporal order is that you might miss out on some interesting plot points.  I suggest starting out like this:

FreeSpace 1 Main Campaign (via FSPort)
Silent Threat: Reborn
FreeSpace 2 Main Campaign

Then afterwards you can play other mods.  Some good FS1-era mods are Cardinal Spear, Awakenings, Destiny of Peace, Shrouding the Light, Echo Gate, and Phantoms.  Some good FS2-era mods are Derelict, Blue Planet, Aeos Affair, Warzone, Twilight, and Inferno.

That should keep you going for a while. :)
« Last Edit: March 26, 2009, 11:52:23 pm by Goober5000 »

Re: Errors with FS Port 3.1

It makes me glad to know that I am not the only one that realizes that we are Blessed by Him.

OK, here is my file listing attached.

Now I didn't manually install this, I used the Freespace SCP DVD I downloaded.

Now before anyone starts a piracy thing on me... I have the original CDs...

God bless,

[attachment deleted by ninja]
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Re: Errors with FS Port 3.1
OK, I've downloaded the latest Open Installer and updated my setup with the latest stuff... the installer says I am up to date... and I still get those two errors.

God bless,
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Re: Errors with FS Port 3.1
Well I can see a couple of things.  First you said you wanted to get the full experience.  If so you need the MediaVPs version 3.6.10 as well as FSPort 3.1.1 and the FSPort-MVPs.  Also you need at least a certain version of FS2_Open 3.6.10.  The latest 3.6.10 exes are recommended.  You can find RC1 here:,61891.0.html

That said you will need to install them in the correct folders for them to be found or modify the mod.ini for you setup. 

Other than that I'm not sure what you problem might be. 
No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras