Author Topic: RELEASE: Windmills  (Read 77189 times)

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Offline Ransom

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This isn't my next big campaign. It's a side project I began in February because the idea hit me like the blunt side of a hammer and I needed a break from my other campaign.

What this is is a few things. It's a proof of concept, it's me stretching my FREDing legs, and it's an experiment in storytelling. Far from the unwieldy length of Transcend, though, this one's a bite-sized four missions. Specifically, it's a very rudimentary implementation of tactics-based gameplay in the FS engine. It's far from an RTS, but it's certainly not regular Freespace gameplay either.

I make no guarantees about how much fun this is to play. It may very well be no fun at all. As I said, it's a proof of concept. And I'm sure some of the more advanced FREDers here are going to tear their faces off when they see the messes I've almost certainly made.


The campaign's designed to be played on medium difficulty and with these custom flags: "-ambient_factor 200 -nomotiondebris"
Requires a recent build of FSO. If in doubt, it's been tested and works with this build.



Offline captain-custard

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i dont know if its me or lots of ppl are downloading this but i can only dl at 9kbps........
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Offline Snail

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Sounds... Interesting...


Offline Mobius

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Tactics in FreeSpace? That's something I worked on a couple of years ago. My idea was to design a minicampaign called "FreeSpace: Tactics" (vaguely inspired by Final Fantasy Tactics) in which the player could only issue orders.

I dropped the idea after a single mission, mostly because of the fact that FRED2 didn't have enough tools to handle tactics. With FRED2 Open, however, it'd be possible to implement something like that: cutscenes, camera handling options and image subtitles can really give the impression of a strategy-based game.

By the way, I'm downloading Windmills right now. :)
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Offline Herra Tohtori

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Hell yes Total War. :yes:
There are three things that last forever: Abort, Retry, Fail - and the greatest of these is Fail.


Offline Mobius

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Created in record time, and waiting for more info. :D
The Lightblue Ribbon

Inferno: Nostos - Alliance
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Offline Snail

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I've not finished it yet, but this is pretty cool. I suck at it. But it's cool. :cool:

The SIMULATION dude is really cool. IMO he'd make a badass villain... Playing games with you... While people die...


Offline redsniper

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"Think about nice things not unhappy things.
The future makes happy, if you make it yourself.
No war; think about happy things."   -WouterSmitssm

Hard Light Productions:
"...this conversation is pointlessly confrontational."


Offline chief1983

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Download finished for me in less time than it took me to read this thread, so it's not a problem on the host's end.
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"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays

:D :yes: This is...unreal, man. It almost feels like a different game altogether. Homeworld-like, and.....scary-ish too. I'm not sure I'm gonna sleep tonight. I kept thinking - this is like Ender's Game.

Puts a new perspective on it all. I really liked the final bit. Maybe now I understand why GTVA command doesn't seem to care about it's pilots...


Offline chief1983

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Also, is there anything it needs that is specifically in the Wanderer branch, or would it likely work fine with the 3.6.10 RC1 build?  I mean I bet it's nice with the radar icons and all (assuming the HUD is enabled), I'm just curious if there's anything it needs.
Fate of the Galaxy - Now Hiring!  Apply within | Diaspora | SCP Home | Collada Importer for PCS2
Karajorma's 'How to report bugs' | Mantis
#freespace | #scp-swc | #diaspora | #SCP | #hard-light on EsperNet

"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Snail

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Wow the last mission is a complete mind****... It's not something you can play twice.


Offline Ransom

  • M. Night Russel
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Thanks to everyone who's responded so far. I'm incredibly relieved at least some people enjoyed this. The whole thing was a bit of a gamble.

Unfortunately I'll be without computer access for a little over a week starting a couple hours from now, so I won't be able to help with any of the bugs or what have you that'll no doubt crop up in that time. Just wanted to get this released before I left.

Haha. It was necessary to get the visual style I was aiming for - unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any way to get the same effect on a per-mission basis.

Also, is there anything it needs that is specifically in the Wanderer branch, or would it likely work fine with the 3.6.10 RC1 build?  I mean I bet it's nice with the radar icons and all (assuming the HUD is enabled), I'm just curious if there's anything it needs.
Shouldn't be. I'll confess I just grabbed the newest build I could find at the time to test it with - probably any build released this year will work fine.


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Not recommended to play before sleep. . . or for people who get nervous easily.

You really got a gift for scaring people :p

Love the campaign though. Something unique and can make you respect Command more. And I only just completed the second simulation. Now I'm off to sleep. . . as soon as I calm down.


Offline redsniper

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so wait, how do you make the friendlies green and the hostiles red like that?
EDIT: OIC, it's just texture replacement.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 05:10:48 pm by redsniper »
"Think about nice things not unhappy things.
The future makes happy, if you make it yourself.
No war; think about happy things."   -WouterSmitssm

Hard Light Productions:
"...this conversation is pointlessly confrontational."


Offline Mobius

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so wait, how do you make the friendlies green and the hostiles red like that?
The Lightblue Ribbon

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FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project
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Offline redsniper

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so wait, how do you make the friendlies green and the hostiles red like that?
What? NO! The actual ships, geez.
"Think about nice things not unhappy things.
The future makes happy, if you make it yourself.
No war; think about happy things."   -WouterSmitssm

Hard Light Productions:
"...this conversation is pointlessly confrontational."


Offline Ransom

  • M. Night Russel
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so wait, how do you make the friendlies green and the hostiles red like that?
I'd love to tell you it was some staggeringly clever piece of trickery on my part, but alas. They're just different .pofs with the textures changed.


Offline redsniper

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Yeah, I thought there might be some trickery with red and green suns and the high ambient factor, but I just cracked open the VP and figured it out.
"Think about nice things not unhappy things.
The future makes happy, if you make it yourself.
No war; think about happy things."   -WouterSmitssm

Hard Light Productions:
"...this conversation is pointlessly confrontational."


Offline Mobius

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The Lightblue Ribbon

Inferno: Nostos - Alliance
Series Resurrecta: {{FS Wiki Portal}} -  Gehenna's Gate - The Spirit of Ptah - Serendipity (WIP) - <REDACTED> (WIP)
FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project
A tribute to FreeSpace in my book: Riflessioni dall'Infinito