How do you combine textures maps? You see, when I convert a model from Homeworld to Freespace 2, the orientation is wrong. So I need to import the model into Truespace and make it face the right way. Problem is, Truespace kills the textures, so I need to reapply them. That is easy in a model with just one subobject and one map, but when you have multiple textures thanks to the conversion, you can't really reapply them all.
So, is there a way to recombine texture maps? Like since there's only one suboject, can I combine the various texture maps? Or is there a way to use multiple texture maps on one subobject? I don't have the USD$40 to buy 3D Exploration...
Also in half related news, I can't get my loadpic to work. the file is in the interface folder, is a .pcx file, 256 colours, and the tbl files says the correct name, without the .pcx extension, of course. It still doesn't show up. Can someone please help?
Crap! I don't get my ancient status here at HLP. Oh well.