Greetings to the community. I'm very grateful to your work in here and to the amazing experiences that you guys built so I could enjoy them, it's amazing so much gameplay and beauty for the miniscule 6 bucks (and none of those go to you), when almost demo-like games come up to things like PSP for 50 bucks.
So I felt guilty at all this leaching of me of your work, and I felt that I could contribute with
something to the game. Problem is, I don't have much time. I'm an architect and husband and father, and I know it is troubling to start a thing and never finish it, but still I said, "why not"?
So I looked into the to-do ship list, and wondered if I could redraw the Rakshasa. It was quite a fortune that that ship was still up for grabs, it's one of my favourites, behind Deimos, Hatshepsut and another shivan cruiser which I don't recall its name.
So this is the starting post of this work in progress. I have almost nothing to show you guys, except this small screenshot, which is enough for you guys to understand where I am going with this ship. I'm having trouble relearning 3dstudio max, as I've modelled a lot of things back several years ago, but I'm rusty, and max 9 is slightly different (also snappier, I'll give it that). One of the problems of max is that there is 10 to 20 different ways of doing exactly the same thing, which is great on one hand, and is greatly confusing if you are rusty like me

So enough babble talk. Here's my concept shot:
[attachment deleted by Tolwyn]