Author Topic: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?  (Read 15764 times)

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Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
I think you're mistaken. The Medusa has a Prom R turret. The Ursa has a Kayser turret.
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Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline Thaeris

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
Well, how about that? I just looked it up in the table, and it is indeed a Prom R. Ugh...

For some reason, I was under the impression that all Terran bombers had a Kayser turret.

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Offline stuart133

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
Oddly, I'm not a great fan of the Perseus. The low gunmounts are a bit strange to get a hold of. My favorite interceptor is the Loki, bar none.

Odd that. I can't stand the Loki, no idea why  :confused:
Still though each to their own  :)
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Stuart you're running this one now ain't ya? So get choosing. :p


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
The Perseus gunpoints are about as easy to use as an Apollo's, even close to an Athena.


Offline Thaeris

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
I prefer the Herc 2's or Erinyes' mounts. The low position of the Perseus mounts makes hitting a target quite a pain in certain circumstances. The Aeos affair made that very clear...

If there were ever just bad gunmounts though, they were in the Bakha. You'll spend a lot of time spitting out shots and not hitting a maneuvering target. However, it's just a matter of adaptation. The Perseus is very good... it's just not my favorite.

"trolls are clearly social rejects and therefore should be isolated from society, or perhaps impaled."


"Look on the bright side, how many release dates have been given for Doomsday, and it still isn't out yet.

It's the Duke Nukem Forever of prophecies..."

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Everyone else takes normal damage.


"pirating software is a lesser evil than stealing but its still evil. but since i pride myself for being evil, almost anything is fair game."

"i never understood why women get the creeps so ****ing easily. i mean most serial killers act perfectly normal, until they kill you."



Offline stuart133

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
To be honest gunpoints tend not to be to much of a bother for me as I find all it takes is about 5 mins to adapt.
On the other hand what I can't stand is being on the wrong side of the battle in a Herc II unable to get into the action!!!  :mad:
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Stuart you're running this one now ain't ya? So get choosing. :p


Offline Thaeris

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
"All power to engines, full ahead!!!"

That's how you do it.  :D

"trolls are clearly social rejects and therefore should be isolated from society, or perhaps impaled."


"Look on the bright side, how many release dates have been given for Doomsday, and it still isn't out yet.

It's the Duke Nukem Forever of prophecies..."

"Jesus saves.

Everyone else takes normal damage.


"pirating software is a lesser evil than stealing but its still evil. but since i pride myself for being evil, almost anything is fair game."

"i never understood why women get the creeps so ****ing easily. i mean most serial killers act perfectly normal, until they kill you."



Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
"All power to engines, full ahead!!!"

That's how you do it.  :D


Translation: Use your ETS.
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Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
I sucks more being in a Bahka where that doesn't do anything (but make your boost recharge a bit faster) :/
Some strike bomber that crud is. It won't even go faster properly.


Offline Iranon

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
@ Thaeris: The Tauret might not be a very good platform for the Prometheus, but you mentioned the best fix already. A quad bank is a great asset for pilots wishing to balance firepower with low energy requirements, especially in Vasudan ships. 4 Mekhus have only ~5% less firepower than 2+2 Kaysers, are far more efficient and still let you use your 2-gun bank for whatever tricks you want. I find the biggest letdown of the Tauret its lack of Maxim compatibility.
This is especially annoying because it means the Vasudans have no craft that's good for capital ship suppression while still remaining capable ina dogfight - the Serapis is the only one that can carry Maxims and dogfight primaries at the same time but it cannot carry Stilettos or Trebuchets (the latter of which is inexcusable for something that's supposed to be an 'advanced interceptor').

I generally regard the Perseus as an inferior Loki with some standoff capability; at close range 80 Tempests are enough to support primaries and I often have some left over at the end of a mission. The Loki has better shields, is slightly more maneoverable and faster (the powerful afterburners are not only an asset in a fight, they also let the Loki cover ground more quickly in spite of a slightly lower cruising speed). The differences in target profile and gun placements aren't huge - spread is amost identical, that the Perseus' guns are offset slightly to the bottom isn't a big deal once you get used to it.
I find that the Loki's speed - the edge gets bigger with aggressive energy management - more than offsets the lack of missiles in most interception missions.
Its failure is its impotence against capital ships: if I need to shoot off a few beams as well I'll grudgingly take a Perseus or Myrmidon despite not liking either ship very much.

Regarding the Zeus: I'm half convinced this was made from cannibalised Valkyries. This would explain why those disappeared despite having some life left in them, why the front of the hull including the cockpit look suspiciously similar and why the two craft share a few quirks: extreme afterburner reserves and uniquely fast acceleration and deceleration. If that's what they did, my first thought was that whoever ordered it done deserves to be thrown out of an airlock and then shot: The Valkyrie was arguably the best interceptor ever while the Zeus, despite having a lot of character, is neither here nor there.
Tactical bombers are a mostly obsolete concept when Trebuchet-armed fighters can do the job as well. Even if that was unforseen at the time when the Zeus was developed, the Athena was better at the job. For destructive bombing (something that assault fighters and the Athena admittedly can't do at all) it has badly insufficient payload especially since it probably wants something for self-defence, lacking both a turret and respectable shields.

However, for the GTI rather than the main combat arm the Zeus might have been exactly what was needed: An old-school strike bomber for disable&capture missions that can also blow up an escorting cruiser or two (and any inconvenient witnesses who happen to pass by in larger ships...) without needing to call for support.


Offline Commander Zane

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
the front of the hull including the cockpit look suspiciously similar
Are you ****ing serious?

Do explain how big and wide with a modern-day attack helicopter canopy is SIMILAR to long and narrow with a huge bulbous nose and canopy.


Offline Stormkeeper

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
Right. They're suspiciously similar, alright.
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Offline Androgeos Exeunt

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
To be honest, I see little similarities apart from the pointy bit and the 2 by 3 glass panel arrangement.
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Quote: Tuesday, 3 October 2023 0133 UTC +8, #general
Oh you still believe in fairy tales like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and free market competition principles?


Offline Droid803

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
And the shape of the missile bays...kinda...


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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
apart from the basic geometry, ie top down, angular vs round and from the side wedge vs round yep they are identical  ;7
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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
I generally regard the Perseus as an inferior Loki with some standoff capability; at close range 80 Tempests are enough to support primaries and I often have some left over at the end of a mission. The Loki has better shields, is slightly more maneoverable and faster (the powerful afterburners are not only an asset in a fight, they also let the Loki cover ground more quickly in spite of a slightly lower cruising speed). The differences in target profile and gun placements aren't huge - spread is amost identical, that the Perseus' guns are offset slightly to the bottom isn't a big deal once you get used to it.
I find that the Loki's speed - the edge gets bigger with aggressive energy management - more than offsets the lack of missiles in most interception missions.
Its failure is its impotence against capital ships: if I need to shoot off a few beams as well I'll grudgingly take a Perseus or Myrmidon despite not liking either ship very much.
You need to fly some real TvT and get good at it, honestly, it's where fighters and bombers real strengths are illuminated.
Loki are fine so long as one of two conditions are met;
You die a lot.
You get time to rearm.
If you're better than your opponent, neither happens in TvT.
At which point the 4 times greater missile capacity is GREATLY appreciated.
Loki's are considered Thoth killers in DFs, whilst Thoth are considered superior to /everything/ else when it comes to 'all on all'.
Whilst the Loki is one of the nimblest little buggers, that's all it is.
As soon as it runs outta tempest, it's a gnat, a fly you can ignore, until it gets bored enough to call in support - which you can blow up for bonus points to put your team even further ahead.
"Annoying but ineffectual" light fighters are always the last targets to die in a dogfight because they don't have the offensive capacity to be dangerous.
The ONLY modern (FS2 Era) fighter that breaks this trend thoroughly is the Perseus.
It's ONLY weakness infact is the lack of maxim, and lights aren't really something you would throw at a cap ship anyway.
However - even without the maxim, a Perseus with two bays of tempest can disarm pretty much any cruiser or corvette class warship without calling for support.
It can do the destroyers too if you don't waste the tempests on turrets that die promptly to just primary fire.
In a TvT though, no, the choice of light fighters is clear, if there were a light which had usable 4 port gunbanks the conclusion would be slightly different.

Personal taste is fine but saying 80 tempests is 'adequate' makes me question what kind of situation you deem it adequate for.
Anything under 200 tempests on a ship is completely inadvisable for a proper squadwar unless you're flying a missile boat, and if you are, you're going to be relying on more skilled team mates to keep you alive and your opponents distracted so your ..missiles, can be useful anyway.
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Offline Iranon

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
Actually, those assessments mostly reflect my own views. To repeat from an earlier post of mine:

I agree that the Perseus is a very practical choice... personally I find it a little bland and prefer something with more defined strenghts, but all other light fighters have inadequate shields or secondary capacity. While I consider the Loki the top Terran dogfighter, the Perseus can do anything the Loki can almost as well and having 4 times the missile capacity is a rather noticable advantage.

Pretty much the same as your comment about the Perseus breaking the mold in terms of mission profile, approached from the other end.

The only real disagreement seems to be about how many Tempests are enough for anti-fighter work. I don't mind having to use them frugally (finishing a target to make use of their excellent hull damage or good angles when hardly any shot will be wasted. I find them visually distracting so I don't really want to spam them anyway). 80 Tempests isn't much but it's still 12 seconds worth... if needed I can make that last.
Would a bigger capacity with the associated ability to use them liberally be an asset in a dogfight? Definitely, but not so much for me that it outweighs the Loki's other advantages... in fact, I'm almost more concerned about the rather bad placement.

Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
Uhm, the problem is (and it's a big one, and you don't seem to have twigged), in an environment where you don't get the chance to reload and don't want to die (and have to respawn, if you even have that option) for an extremely long period of time during intense and near-constant dogfighting, 80 is entirely insufficient.

TvT under standard SW rules last for around 10-12 minutes unless one team completely overpowers the other and camps them into the ground.
If you think you can stretch your tempest out by a factor of 60 when the pilot you're fighting may even, be better than you, and still expect to win long enough to stay alive, then a Loki is fine.
If you are inferior to your opponent then a loki is fine because you'll be dead and able to re-arm that way.
If you are however superior to your opponent and intend to make sure you reach the TVT objective mark//win overall - you will always, always, find that 80 tempest is not enough.
I really can't stress it enough, when I'm flying a Perseus (it means I'm serious for a start which means I'm probably going to survive 12 minutes and my opponents simply wont) I'm gasping for tempest without having wasted many (*My secondary accuracy is around 50%~, and I never bomb, and I'm far less conservative with my missiles in coop), long, long before the game is over no matter how bad the opponent is.
Realistically, I could just rely on primaries but ya know... I honestly can't stress it enough, when $*^$ hits the fan, if you are confident and you want to come out on top and stay there those extra tempest are your best doorway to doing it.

The Loki's "other" advantages are normally not required either (*it's primary advantage is it's superior agility, and as I've said quite a lot of times; if you are even 1% better than your opponent after an average skill level, you become almost untouchable to them, the same applies to turning speed) because the perseus covers a huge spectrum of those compared to other ships.
Just about the only time I'd take a Loki as my ship of choice is if I knew my only job was to annoy people, and it'd be loaded with a lamprey and a morning star (I believe it can carry both?) if that were the case.
Obviously, not a killer setup, but a heavily support orientated one, you're too annoying to kill immediately, but you're too annoying to leave alone. ;P
So they either deal with having no weapon/burner energy or they pull off the more dangerous targets that are attacking them to try to kill you.
"Neutrality means that you don't really care, cuz the struggle goes on even when you're not there: Blind and unaware."

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Offline deathfun

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
I never quite understood why one should bother going with anything other then a Prom-S/Prom-S or the Kayser/Kayser (assuming that is the name of the hull damage 5 and shield 6 laser. I don't remember and I just used them this morning D:) alongside Tornadoes on a fighter that has a high missile bank capacity.

I tried to do separate parings, but the only one I ever agreed upon was the Subach HL-7 and the Prom-R (before I had the Prom S)

And even then...


Offline General Battuta

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Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?
I never quite understood why one should bother going with anything other then a Prom-S/Prom-S or the Kayser/Kayser (assuming that is the name of the hull damage 5 and shield 6 laser. I don't remember and I just used them this morning D:) alongside Tornadoes on a fighter that has a high missile bank capacity.

I tried to do separate parings, but the only one I ever agreed upon was the Subach HL-7 and the Prom-R (before I had the Prom S)

And even then...

Turn it up to Insane so you actually have realistic weapon energy drain rates and try the Kayser-Kayser.