Is 'Me' a physical thing or a conceptual thing? Personally, I see it more as a concept than a physical entity, so to my mind, the recepticle for 'Me' is no more than some technology used to move my brain around, be it an organic construct or a non-organic one, the perception of 'Me' would not change as long as the mental identity has been transferred 100%.
See, that's the fundamental point that I'd personally disagree with. To me (heh), the "Me" is
me, the complete physical entity that comprises my body and the consciousness that has arisen from it. I am not just a vessel meant to hold some intellectual structure. I am my relative lack of athletic ability, my slightly-protruding gut, my blue eyes. I am a self-contained biological entity with a sentient consciousness. I was born, and I am able to die. This defines me as human...were I anything else, human I would not be. This isn't a statement of fear; it's embracing my true human nature and condition.
And see, here's the kicker: I
do believe in a "soul," a "true me," something that cannot be represented by a mere physical structure of atoms and cells. I believe that consciousness arises from the physical brain, not that it is limited by it, transcending the physical to something more metaphysical. I do not believe that science can re-create that exact physical structure and, by doing so, "fork" me perfectly...even if the physical remains the same, something essential is lost. I believe that, when my own original physical body expires, the true "me" does as well in our physical world, no matter what sort of "anti-entropy gun" is employed on my physical remains afterwards. I am more than the sum of my parts, even as those parts make me who I am.
I don't expect Battuta or anyone else in here to agree with any one of those statements, but that's fine by me. When the Robo-You ten thousand years from now takes part in the Great Robot War, my physical self will be happily rotting into dust in the ground, and who knows what will become of my consciousness, but I wager it'll be better off.