If a creature doesn't need to haul around a bubble of it's absurd environment, then it has no need to create an artificial bubble, if it has no need to create the bubble it has no need to improve it's own technology.
Urm, what if it got the technology before it became so adapted? I.E. the organism redesigned itself?
You should have read the thread.
What you're essentially saying is that a creature whose physiology is more diverse and can adapt to more environments would be a better candidate for mass expansion than a human, but what I'm saying is that a human with its physical limitations and it's "niche environment" (btw everyone it's pronounced NEESH not NITCH!!!!!!
) would ultimately be more successful because it has actually has a need to create technology to overcome its physical shortcomings.
Er, right, but a creature that has a more diverse physiology
and all the technological ability of a human would be better still.
There's simply no way you can argue that a spacecraft
without the need for life support is better than a spacecraft
with the need for life support. Life support is an absurd waste of resources.
A creature which adapts through intelligence and design will always be more successful than a creature which adapts simply by its the diverse abilities of its physical being.
Well, okay, no, while I'm inclined to agree, we don't have any evidence of that at all. We've barely been around an eyeblink. One of the things we have to consider is that our 'intelligence and design' is actually a weakness, a bad survival strategy. Or, alternatively, that we're not actually particularly intelligent - there's plenty of evidence that we are pretty half-assed thinkers.
And perhaps even in the development process a creature with diverse physiology simply has no need to develop a higher intelligence because it can instinctively do what it does and will therefore remain our definition of an animal or a lifeform lacking sentience.
Again, zero evidence.
You should learn a bit about evolution, it's really fun stuff. I will try to dig up a book or two. Basically, one thing you should be aware of is that selection pressure is not the only way to evolve.