Debug (INF, SSE2) crashes to desktop without any warning (not in the log either) if your mainhall.tbl is no good. I tried a table with no "door" entries (+Num door anims: 0 , erased the entries) and it took me quite a while to figure out that that was the cause.
EDIT: Also, I find it kind of inconvenient that I now get assertion messages (after clicking "Cancel" in a normal error message) that are higher than my screen, so I can't see the bottom part with the buttons and stuff.
EDIT2: What does a "bogus shield mesh" mean? It says the AeFighter from ASW has that, but I can't see anything wrong with it.
ERROR: Ship AeFighter.pof has a bogus shield mesh.
Only 460 triangles, index 2147328000 found.