Author Topic: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping  (Read 90818 times)

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Offline mralexs

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Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
nope still not working..... :mad: :banghead:

Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
You need to be a little more informative about what's going on on your end. You're missing a step but until you describe what you are doing nobody will be able to help you.
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.


Offline mralexs

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  • I'm White and Nerdy
Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
i've done everything they've said to do to install the HUD for the GenericCP, but, i still have no HUD for it. the Cockpit pof appears though. the HUD is either set to normal HUD or not there at all.


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Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
Oi! Put cockpitmod in the primarylist field.
To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow. - Metrodorus of Chios
I wept. Mysterious forces beyond my ken had reached into my beautiful mission and energized its pilots with inhuman bomb-firing abilities. I could only imagine the GTVA warriors giving a mighty KIAAIIIIIII shout as they worked their triggers, their biceps bulging with sinew after years of Ivan Drago-esque steroid therapy and weight training. - General Battuta


Offline mralexs

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  • I'm White and Nerdy
Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
Oi! Put cockpitmod in the primarylist field.

do you mean put -mod Cockpitmod in custom flags in features? if that is the case, i already did that.


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Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
Well I thought I had it in my fs2 folder still but I guess I deleted it. In your mod.ini put 'cockpitmod' in the primarylist field.
To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow. - Metrodorus of Chios
I wept. Mysterious forces beyond my ken had reached into my beautiful mission and energized its pilots with inhuman bomb-firing abilities. I could only imagine the GTVA warriors giving a mighty KIAAIIIIIII shout as they worked their triggers, their biceps bulging with sinew after years of Ivan Drago-esque steroid therapy and weight training. - General Battuta

Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
He says that the cockpit is there it's the hud that isn't. Post your hud gauges table that you are using so we can see if that is where things are going wrong.
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.


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Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
Derp. That's what I get for rushed reading. I feel like I know the solution but it's not coming to me.
To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow. - Metrodorus of Chios
I wept. Mysterious forces beyond my ken had reached into my beautiful mission and energized its pilots with inhuman bomb-firing abilities. I could only imagine the GTVA warriors giving a mighty KIAAIIIIIII shout as they worked their triggers, their biceps bulging with sinew after years of Ivan Drago-esque steroid therapy and weight training. - General Battuta


Offline mralexs

  • 26
  • I'm White and Nerdy
Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
ok here it is for the myrmidon

Code: [Select]
$Load Retail Configuration: Yes      ; If set to Yes, FSO will load any missing gauges necessary to complete the FS1/FS2 retail configuration.
; If field is not present, FSO will default this to Yes.

;$Font: 3 ; index is based on the order of fonts specified in fonts.tbl. Starts from 0 which should be font1.vf...

;$Max Escort Ships:

;$Length Unit Multiplier:

;$Wireframe Targetbox:

;$Lock Wireframe Mode:

;$Reticle Style:

; The following is a widescreen example HUD.
; If the user does not select a resolution matching the below parameters, FSO will not use this HUD and will move on to the next configuration.

#Gauge Config
        $Ship: GTF Myrmidon
;$Font: 3
$Base: (1280, 720)
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen ; Can be "Wide Screen" or "Full Screen" ATM
$Min: (1280, 720) ; These Min and Max fields are Inclusive
$Max: (1920, 1080)
Position: (7, 6)
;Font: 3
+Training Messages:
Position: (533, 146)
;Font: 3
+Multiplayer Messages:
Position: (11, 281)
;Font: 3
Position: (645, 625)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: support1
;Header Offsets: (3, 2)
;Text Y-offset: 12
;Dock Status X-offset: 6
;Dock Time X-offset: 65
Position: (619, 71)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Top Background Filename: damage1
;Entry Background Filename: damage2
;Bottom Background Filename: damage3
;Header Offsets: (3, 2)
;Hull Integrity Offsets: (4, 15)
;Hull Integrity Value X-offset: 142
;Top Background Height: 25
;Subsystem Entry Height: 9
;Subsystem List Start Offsets: (4, 27)
;Subsystem Entry Value X-offset: 142
+Wingman Status:
Position: (1311, 169)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Left Background Filename: wingman1
;Entry Background Filename: wingman2
;Right Background Filename: wingman3
;Dot Filename: wingman4
;Header Offsets: (2, 2)
;Left Background Width: 71
;Entry Width: 35
;Single Wing Offsets: (28, 15)
;Multiple Wing Start Offsets: (46, 15)
;Dot Offsets: (11, 0) (4, 8) (18, 8) (11, 16) (0, 16) (22, 16)
;Grow Mode: Left
+Auto Speed:
Position: (1350, 788)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: toggle1
;Auto Offsets: (13, 2)
;Speed Offsets: (10, 10)
+Auto Target:
Position: (1350, 759)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: toggle1
;Auto Offsets: (13, 2)
;Target Offsets: (7, 10)
Position: (1238, 705)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: countermeasure1
;Text Offsets: (36, 4)
;Value Offsets: (9, 4)
+Talking Head:
Position: (7, 66)
;Font: 3
;Filename: head1
;Header Offsets: (2, 2)
;Animation Offsets: (2, 10)
;Animation Background Size: (160, 120)
Position: (7, 326)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Top Background Filename: directives1
;Entry Background Filename: directives2
;Bottom Background Filename: directives 3
;Header Offsets: (2, 2)
;Top Background Height: 12
;List Start Offsets: (3, 13)
;Entry Height: 9

;My most hated gauge (Swifty)
Position: (1238, 615)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Primary List Top Background Filename: weapons1
;Alt Ballistic Filename: weapons1_b
;Primary List Middle Background Filename: weapons2
;Alt Ballistic Filename: weapons2_b
;Primary List Bottom Background Filename: weapons6
;Alt Ballistic Filename: weapons2_b
;Secondary List Top Background Filename:  weapons3
;Alt Ballistic Filename: weapons3_b
;Secondary List Entry Background Filename: weapons4
;Alt Ballistic Filename: weapons4_b
;Secondary List Bottom Background Filename: weapons5
;Alt Ballistic Filename: weapons5_b
;Header Offsets: (21, 2)
;Alt Ballistic Offsets: (-10, 2)
;Top Primary Background X-offset: 12
;Alt Ballistic X-offset: -12
;Text X-offset: 0
;Alt Ballistic X-offset: -12
;Top Primary Frame Height: 20
;Top Secondary Frame Height: 12
;Primary List Start Y-offset: 12
;Secondary List Start Y-offset: 4
;Primary Weapon Ammo X-offset: 28
;Primary Weapon Link X-offset: 33
;Primary Weapon Name X-offset: 39
;Secondary Weapon Ammo X-offset: 28
;Secondary Weapon Unlinked X-offset: 33
;Secondary Weapon Linked X-offset: 28
;Secondary Weapon Name X-offset: 39
;Secondary Weapon Reload X-offset: 118
;Primary Weapon Entry Height: 12
;Secondary Weapon Entry Height: 9
+Objective Notify:
Position: (613, 216)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: objective1
;Objective Text Y-offset: 2
;Objective Value Y-offset: 11
;Subspace Text Y-offset: 2
;Subspace Value Y-offset: 10
;Red Alert Text Y-offset: 2
;Red Alert Value Y-offset: 10
+Squad Message:
Position: (1163, 6)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Top Background Filename: message1
;Entry Background Filename: message2
;Bottom Background Filename: message3
;Header Offsets: (2, 1)
;List Start Offsets: (4, 13)
;Top Background Height: 12
;Entry Height: 10
;Command X-offset: 17
;Page Up Offsets: (110, 5)
;Page Down Offsets: (110, 115)
+Escort View:
Position: (1238, 326)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Top Background Filename: escort1
;Entry Background Filename: escort2
;Bottom Background Filename: escort3
;Entry Height: 11
;Header Text: monitoring
;Header Offsets: (3, 2)
;List Start Offsets: (0, 13)
;Hull X-offset: (116, 0)
;Name X-offset: (4, 0)
;Status X-offset: (-11, 0)
+ETS Weapons:
Position: (1238, 759)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: energy1
;Foreground Clip Height: 41
;Letter Offsets: (2, 42)
;Top Offsets: (0, 0)
;Bottom Offsets: (0, 50)
+ETS Shields:
Position: (1263, 759)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: energy1
;Foreground Clip Height: 41
;Letter Offsets: (2, 42)
;Top Offsets: (0, 0)
;Bottom Offsets: (0, 50)
+ETS Engines:
Position: (1288, 759)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: energy1
;Foreground Clip Height: 41
;Letter Offsets: (2, 42)
;Top Offsets: (0, 0)
;Bottom Offsets: (0, 50)
+Target Monitor:
Position: (7, 691)
;Font: 3
;Monitor Filename: targetview1
;Integrity Bar Filename: targetview2
;Viewport Offsets: (3, 39)
;Viewport Size: (131, 112)
;Integrity Bar Offsets: (133, 52)
;Integrity Bar Foreground Clip Height: 88
;Status Offsets: (107, 53)
;Name Offsets: (8, -3)
;Class Offsets: (8, 7)
;Distance Offsets: (8. 18)
;Speed Offsets: (85, 18)
;Hull Offsets: (134, 42)
;Cargo Contents Offsets: (8, 30)
;Cargo Scan Start Offsets: (2, 45)
;Cargo Scan Size: (130, 109)
+Extra Target Data:
Position: (7, 647)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: targetview3
;Bracket Offsets: (0, 3)
;Dock Offsets: (7, 18)
;Order Offsets: (7, 0)
;Time Offsets: (8, 9)
+Target Shields:
Position: (503, 785)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
Position: (617, 691)
;Font: 3
;Filename: 2_radar1
;Infinity Distance Offsets: (185, 150)
;Long Distanace Offsets: (181, 150)
;Short Distance Offsets: (184, 150)
+Player Shields:
Position: (827, 785)
;Font: 3
;Slew: No
; If you want different types of radar running, be my guest
;+Radar Orb: 
;Position: (615, 691)
;Font: 3
;Filename: 2_radar1
;Infinity Distance Offsets: (185, 150)
;Long Distanace Offsets: (181, 150)
;Short Distance Offsets: (184, 150)
+Afterburner Energy:
Position: (428, 439)
;Font: 3
;Slew: yes
;Filename: 2_energy2
;Foreground Clip Height: 96
+Weapon Energy:
Position: (924, 439)
;Font: 3
;Slew: yes
;Filename: 2_energy2
;Foreground Clip Height: 96
;Text Offsets: (43, 85)
+Text Warnings:
Position: (720, 322)
;Font: 3
;Slew: yes
+Center Reticle:
Position: (700, 438)
;Font: 3
;Filename: 2_reticle1
+Mini Target Shields:
Position: (705, 552)
;Font: 3
;Slew: yes
;Filename: targhit1
;3 Digit Hull Offsets: (5, 7)
;2 Digit Hull Offsets: (9, 7)
;1 Digit Hull Offsets: (14, 7)
Position: (490, 317)
;Font: 3
;Slew: yes
;Filename: 2_leftarc
;Foreground Clip Bottom Y-offset: 222
;Foreground Clip Width: 78
;Foreground Clip Height: 80
;Afterburner Clip Height: 27
;Show Background: no
;Max Speed Label Offsets: (31, 137)
;Min Speed Label Offsets: (57, 216)
;Orbit Center Offsets: (166, 118)
;Orbit Radius: 166
+Threat Indicator:
Position: (847, 317)
;Font: 3
;Slew: yes
;Arc Filename: 2_rightarc1
;Dumbfire Filename: 2_toparc2
;Lock Filename: 2_toparc3
;Dumbfire Offsets: (66, 124)
;Lock Offsets: (57, 150)
+Voice Status:
Position: (7, 193)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
Position: (1260, 6)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
Position: (881, 620)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: netlag1
Position: (239, 199)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
+Target Brackets: ; Target Brackets, Lock Indicator, Lead Indicator, and Offscreen Indicator don't need a "Position:" field.
;Font: 3
;Dot Filename: attacker
+Lead Indicator:
;Font: 3
;Filename: 2_lead1
;Center Offsets: (13, 13)
+Lock Indicator:
;Font: 3
;Lock Filename: 2_lock1
;Locked Filename: 2_lockspin
;Lock Center Offsets: (28, 25)
;Locked Center Offsets: (50, 52)
+Offscreen Indicator:
+Hostile Triangle:
Position: (720, 450)
;Font: 3
;Slew: yes
;Radius: 166
;Triangle Base: 9.5
;Triangle Height: 11.0
+Target Triangle:
Position: (720, 450)
;Font: 3
;Slew: yes
;Radius: 166
;Triangle Base: 9.5
;Triangle Height: 11.0
+Missile Triangles:
Position: (720, 450)
;Font: 3
;Slew: yes
;Radius: 166
;Triangle Base: 9.5
;Triangle Height: 11.0
+Orientation Tee:
Position: (720, 450)
;Font: 3
;Slew: yes
;Radius: 166
+Mission Time:
Position: (1363, 839)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: time1
;Text Offsets: (4, 4)
;Value Offsets: (26, 12)
Position: (1238, 731)
;Font: 3
;Slew: no
;Filename: kills1
;Text Offsets: (6, 4)
;Value Offsets: (74, 4)
; FS1 specific gauge
;+Weapon Linking:
;Position: (841, 453)
;Font: 3
;Slew: yes
;Arc Filename: 2_rightarc1_fs1
;Single Primary Filename: 2_rightarc2_fs1
;Double Primary Filename: 2_rightarc3_fs1
;Single Secondary Filename: 2_rightarc4_fs1
;Double Secondary Filename: 2_rightarc5_fs1
;Triple Secondary Filename 2_rightarc6_fs1
;Single Primary Offsets: (52, 18)
;Double Primary Offsets: (52, 18)
;Single Secondary Offsets: (28, 55)
;Double Secondary Offsets: (28, 55)
;Triple Secondary Offsets: (28, 55)

; Komet's lead sight. Looks for "leadsight.ani"
;+Lead Sight: (700, 438)
;Font: 3
;Filename: leadsight

; Custom gauge syntax
;Font: 3
;Gauge Type:
; Slew:
; Filename:
$End Gauges
« Last Edit: September 05, 2011, 06:03:34 pm by mralexs »

Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
Ok, so you have only tried to use the cockpit and hud in the Myrmidon? Did you try the table in the post I quoted? That has more ships and also a default config for ships that you don't use the cockpit for.
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.


Offline mralexs

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Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
no, thats a short section of the config of that tbl you posted earlier.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 05:42:58 pm by mralexs »


Offline mralexs

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  • I'm White and Nerdy
Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
some useful info may be that i have no HUD on the recent nightly build.   :nervous:

Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
Please, download the table that's posted above. If you are using only what you posted the hud isn't going to work for anything other than the Myrmidon. What you posted was just meant to be an example for people making their own tables.
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.


Offline mralexs

  • 26
  • I'm White and Nerdy
Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
i already said that i'm using the HUD you posted and it still wont work!

Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
Well, my only guess is that your screen is a different resolution than mine and you are going to have to do what I did and figure it out on your own. The problem is on your end. I suggest that you use the hud calculator that Kolgena wrote to find the basic hud layout for your screen. Then go through and move things around until they are in the right spot.
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.


Offline mralexs

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  • I'm White and Nerdy
Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
i used find and replace to change all the base resolutions to 1280/780...


Offline mralexs

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  • I'm White and Nerdy
Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
some one please help me!


Offline mralexs

  • 26
  • I'm White and Nerdy
Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
The HUD won't work in the Generic CP for some reason :(
« Last Edit: October 29, 2011, 11:23:27 am by mralexs »



  • LOL! A wild derp appears!
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Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
Can you or some one upload it to a different site, mega uploads has been taken down by a federal judge
...and from the depths of hell I return with gifts;  one-hundred bucks and a bottle of booze.

Re: Cockpits : One Stop Shopping
I've been trying to get onto the forums for two weeks now, just to tell you this:

You can get rid of the imho ugly reflections on the cockpit-glass by simply erasing

and you're done.

I have noticed no missing reflections or missing lighting on the cockpit after I erased the file. To be honest - and really, no disrespect meant - I don't know what the file is doing at all. ^^

The best part is that the glass still looks like glass. It's semi-transparent. But the reflections from light-sources that are behind the player ship are GONE for good. :)