Author Topic: HEF Blizzard [Released]  (Read 28187 times)

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HEF Blizzard [Released]
UPDATE: Release!

Okay here it is, what everyone has been waiting for what felt like forever... I feel that way here as well. The final adjustments have been made mere hours ago and here it is: 59mb (FSMods Mirror) (Mediafire Mirror)

The zip file contains models of POF, DAE, and Max 2009 formats so it should be usable in almost any modeling program. The cockpit model however is not replaced and the textures it uses are default Tercocc and glass. So the inner cockpit view is kinda... meh. The PSD is 2048x2048 sadly. If demand is high enough I will upload the original gargantuan 4096x4096  :D..... which is 222mb....  :p.

I know I keep saying it in the readme and at least 'tried' to on FSMods, I would like for those who will use this (or any edit thereof) to inform me of their intentions and credit me as appropriate. Artists like to have their credits done  ;).

Alright folks, go nuts.

*Some Tips*

Inside the PSD the layers have been arranged and grouped into folders. I have included several layers that can be used to produce a heightmap so if you wish to change the heightmap but don't want to go through the pain of remaking one, there is one in there. Just make SURE to uncheck the overall maps, occlusion maps, base color and only have the heightmap layer, line layer, and the base flats layer enabled. This is so that you get neat normal maps and not messy ones. The glow map can also be generated from the PSD, just make sure you be smart about it  ;).


Old Post

After MONTHS of excessive work (as well as long periods of not working...) I have finally 75% finished my fighter texture. The only thing I need are those misc details like warning labels and stuff as well as a glow map. But that can wait for later, as the vast majority of work is finally finished with great help from CrazyBump for making what would be a horrifying process into a one click gig.

One of the biggest reason this texture took weeks, maybe months of personal time was the sad sad lack of premade concept art to have an idea of where the plating and details go, but one reason is the tedious, handmade nature of the texture. 98% of the texture is hand done, hand marqueed, hand selected, hand painted. Nothing was pasted from other sources, maybe copied but always drawn by hand. Some small work still needs doing but overall the hardest of work is over.

13,000 Polygons (including cockpit, not included in screens)
A single 2048x2048 texture map with spec and normal map. Glow map not done yet.
No LODs yet.
Spec Map is still a bit simple, I need to add some color to prevent the blue from shining completely white.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 12:23:44 pm by Vengence »
I have created a masterpiece.


Offline Hades

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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
I can has?  :p
[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL


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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
* Droid803 drools.


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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
Thanks for following my hint, Vengence. It's even better than the original Blizzard: details are quite impressive there! Please get it done, I told you many times I need it so badly... :)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 05:46:49 pm by Mobius »
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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
 :eek2: Awesome.  Really ******* awesome. But...

13,000 Polygons

No LODs yet.

That could be a bit of a problem.  :shaking:  Truly an awesome ship, though.



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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
What is it?  To me it looks like something out of B5 along the lines of a T-bolt. 
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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!

[attachment deleted by admin]
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
I can has?  :p

Perhaps! But it depends >_>, do you want my own table entries? Or make your own?

:eek2: Awesome.  Really ******* awesome. But...

13,000 Polygons
No LODs yet.

That could be a bit of a problem.  :shaking:  Truly an awesome ship, though.

Problem for now. I plan on using aggressive LODing to fix that. I made this model to sort of appeal to a higher level of detail than normal, considering the 2048x2048 map.

What is it?  To me it looks like something out of B5 along the lines of a T-bolt.  

Mhm, indeed big influence. I like B5 designs.

Yup that is the OLD Blizzard made back in like 2006 or something. Oddly high poly at 4000 polygons back then. Really no idea why. But yes, thanks for the comparison.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 05:49:11 pm by Vengence »
I have created a masterpiece.


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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
Problem for now. I plan on using aggressive LODing to fix that. I made this model to sort of appeal to a higher level of detail than normal, considering the 2048x2048 map.

if you were going for a higher than normal "level of detail", you'd be going for 4096x4096 :p
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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
Can't wait. I can work on the table entry, if you want. :)
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
if you were going for a higher than normal "level of detail", you'd be going for 4096x4096 :p

Well to me the current standard is 1024x1024. And sadly I cannot possibly create a 4096x4096 normal map. Photoshop gags and spits at my face at the thought. Though I may have to resort to that on my capship projects.

By the way on a side note.... what kind of compression settings should I use? My normal map is 5mb!!! That is too high for my tastes... I don't understand why must we use an alpha channel... if all we need are the up and sides... then why not red and green? That will save file size and all! Well rant over.
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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
I'd like to have your table for it to work off of, but if I have to I can probably make my own.
[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL


Offline Droid803

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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
Table entries are ezpz.

Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
Heh well what I meant by table entries is how I imagine how the fighter would perform in line with my own mod plans... sooo..... speeds in excess of 200ms, full glide and strafing, specific weapons and sounds, graphics, ect.
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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
Yes. That fighter going 80 m/s like a Perseus isn't really what it looks like...
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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
Really, really good job.


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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
When are you going to release it?


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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
I want that. SO ****ING BADLY.

Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
Well... I was hoping to use this in my big mod but I guess I could just let you have it... even though it does not fit with the FS2 style or story. I still have some decals to do, and the cockpit. Then LODs.
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Re: Texture is Finally Complete!
Make sure to supply a map at a lower res than 2048x2048 as I believe many cards cannot handle textures of that resolution and the model will appear untextured.

Also, my advice is just to release the model to the public. This both strengthens the community as a whole and allows the models to see more use, getting you more mileage from your work. Esarai did this with his Kvasir and I think it was the best move possible.