Don't give me that, young lady. If Battuta is right, then so am I. Patching the sensor and diagnostic software to present a smaller datastream would solve the problem.
Mind you, I also think that the mere fact either group still runs up against limits is a horrible, stupid thing since I would hope by now both would have managed to realize that it's best to cut down on extraneous information in the stream. A Cryvan ship with a Terran system would probably perform better than one with the existing setup because it's harder to push the pilot into task overload.

"A Terran system would take away options for the pilot, thus limiting performance. Task overload is non existent for us Cyrvans while flying our own fighters."
So remind me again, why does the Aestival have no shields? Considering how much energy reserve it has for afterburner and weapons, surely there is enough energy for shields.
Are all Cyrvan fighters like the Aestival in that regard (no shields, but self-repairing)?
What role do Aestivals fulfill in the Cyrvan Navy? Heavy assault? Is it their most advanced design?
"The Aestival design is an old but sturdy one, it was initially designed for Recon but during the T-C war quite a few got refitted for dogfighting. The most noticable change is the added underslug medium cannon mount. The self repairing hull is standard issue on all CSA ships, though the Aestival is one of the few designs that does not come with shields of any kind.
The two onboard the Guardian Angel are both old models that went above and beyond the call of duty."
Crystal! What is that blue line on your right cheek? Is it painted on or a tatoo? Does it have any meaning (like Clan or Family or Rank) or is it just adoration?
"It's called Hyalj, the most direct translation would be 'war paint'. Most families have their own variations of it but for the most part it is just decoration. Though there are a few famous examples that have deep spiritual roots in Feryaa."
Crystal, why were you selected to join the 1st JGASF and not someone a bit more open-minded about Terrans?
"I'm very much open-minded, I'm merely stating observations."
Cyrvan law demands that ALL CSA military assets come running to defend the Cyrvan systems (and maybe the protectorates.... not sure about that part)
"Yes, this law also applies to protectorates. I'll refrain from saying anything about how stubborn Terrans can be and so forth.
On this note, we have no idea just how many ships the Hertak have or how vast their space is. So while it was highly inconvenient that the reinforcements never came, I can't fault my people for being cautious."