Author Topic: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO  (Read 115154 times)

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Offline Yarn

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
I found an error in the mod.ini file. It's in this line:

Code: [Select]
secondarylist = fsport_mediavps,fsport,mediavps_3612;
The underscore in "fsport_mediavps" should be changed to a hyphen. It should look like this:

Code: [Select]
secondarylist = fsport-mediavps,fsport,mediavps_3612;
Otherwise, the FSPort MediaVP won't load.
"Your fighter is running out of oil.  Please check under the hood and add more if necessary"
--strings.tbl, entry 177

"Freespace is very tired.  It is shutting down to get some rest."
--strings.tbl, entry 178

Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
Okay, I haven't finished it yet but I've played at least most of it so far.

1) The Vasudan officers/leaders that brief you seem very over-the-top. It's like watching WW2-era propaganda; "they're out to slaughter your families and enslave our people" or "no doubt the primitive Terran wretches are desperate for peace after the decisive thrashing we've been giving them" (or the whole repeated references about stealing the Avenger prototype BACK from the Terrans. Yeah, the AVENGER prototype. Back from the Terrans. Because we obviously have no backup data, additional prototypes, and our scientists and engineers that were making it all disappeared and forgot how to reproduce any of the work they've been doing. Oh, and we Vasudans decided to name it "Avenger", because it is most definitely a Vasudan word and in no way associated with Terran designs/tech). This stands in direct contrast to FS1's Terran perspective, where the Vasudans are NOT regarded with hate (at least not by your CO's and briefings), and it doesn't feel like everything coming out of your commander's mouth is blatant, WW2-era-style propaganda. I have no compunction about playing from the Vasudan side, but please don't portray them all as political officers from the Soviet Union during WW2.

2) That mission where you are in the debris field, searching for survivors...I *hated* that mission. It was good in concept, but it had some crippling flaws in execution. Doing the mission properly would take a looooong time. It took me a while to actually understand what I was looking for (which, for the first time I've ever seen, the radar contacts you're searching for are deliberately untargettable until you're right next to it, despite everything else being targettable from far away. And since you can't target Shivans yet, you have no way of knowing where their patrols are--so if they get too close, and Mission Control warns you about it, good luck actually figuring out which way to go to evade the patrol. Or how far away said patrol actually is. If you ever fail, you have to start the entire thing over again. You also hard-fail the mission if you only find and scan 99.9% of the friendly radar contacts, even if you scan all of the Shivan cargo containers (which should be just as, if not more valuable than half of the data logs you get from allied derelicts). I spent what seemed like 40 minutes on my very first attempt with the mission, scanned all the Shivan cargo, scanned all friendly contacts that I could find, and cycled through all of the radar ranges, finally finding what I was sure was the last remaining one. A Cain-class cruiser was hovering near it, but if it was the last one to scan, I didn't think it would matter. I never got a warning about being too close to the enemy, either. I scanned it...and was immediately discovered and fired upon, and ordered to jump out. I thought it must have been scripted, and the mission debriefing seemed to indicate that I had succeeded. Then I learned that I had in fact failed the mission (somehow).

I was pissed. There was NO way I was going to do all of that over again, especially considering how boring it often was the first time. I used cheats, used max afterburners as much as I wanted, and finally completed the mission (I had apparently missed a single target...that didn't even show up on radar no matter what range I cycled to...seriously?). I also destroyed a Shivan freighter and two wings of fighters, but no mention of that (lol).

3) The second fighter you get access to seems terrible, but for a stupid reason--its gun placements are so spread out and off-center that it's extremely difficult to actually hit your target, no matter how accurate you are with the lead-indicator. Close range, medium range--frustration abound regardless. The third fighter you get is a bit better in this regard, thankfully.

4) Please make it clear--as immediately as possible--that there's nothing you could have done to save the cruiser that backs you up in that mission with the Plato (where you first see the Shivans). It's not mentioned that there's nothing you could have done until the debriefing, even though it seems that there IS (unlike with its canon counterpart, where the Plato clearly gets demolished far too quickly and decisively for you to do anything about it). Also, considering how this game also defies canon at several points prior to this (like with McCarthy), it seems very possible. This is easily rectified by having Mission Control say right after the cruiser's destruction that there's nothing you could have done.

5) The first real mission, you're eventually ordered not to approach the Terran cruiser. Well, by the time that order came through, I was already rushing it to try and take out its turrets, to protect the supposedly vulnerable freighters/cargo-haulers. Well, I didn't have the time to read the order from the text, but I didn't expect to be explicitly berated about it--it was the right thing to do under the circumstances, and I even softened up the cruiser for the next mission, when you are tasked with destroying it.

6) Minor quip--what's with the second cockpit in the upper, dorsal "wing" of the Anubis? There's only one pilot...and it's not like that's to make room for the reactor or nonexistent afterburners..

7) The Vasudan dumbfire missiles actually seem overpowered--I cannot think of why one should use an MX-50 over these Fury (if I remember correctly) missiles. Dual-firing these along with your standard lasers makes mincemeat out of GTF Apollos and Vakyries whenever you're close enough to hit them with it (which is often). 
Delenda Est delenda est.

(Yay gratuitous Latin.)


Offline Nyctaeus

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
I played it and it's great! Too bad I haven't noticed it before. Short campaign including other point of view on Great War with a few alternate events, just good old-school project. Looking forward for full campaign :yes:.
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Offline Alpha1

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
overlooked that - downloading now! Hmm, seems that i missed the announcement on HLP, if there was any

a question concerning fsport... i noticed Dan Wentz posted remastered Videos using mjn.mixael's remastered cutscenes of the original FS Cutscenes on youtube - do you plan to integrate them into fsport?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2012, 05:46:41 pm by Alpha1 »


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO


Offline Alpha1

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
Played it, liked it :-) So far, very good! Most things i wanted to say had already been said so i just say: great work so far! It really feels like the great war :-) ...with a bit of What if and many more Mods - i really liked that!

The only thing i haven't understood is why the lucifer doesn't recapture the taranis???

I also found a bug but it is was somewhat montioned. In the Mission where i have to scan the derelicts - which is a great one! - the Amun was destroyed a few seconds after arrival, most likely due to collision with debris... another time i got all scan data, but i was detected after that and escaped - i don't get why this is a fail, the data are there so maybe you can make an outcome where you are awarded for not beeing detectet and getting all data and another "winning" outcome, where you just get the data or something like that... its quiet a special case i admit.
and another minor one: in Darkest Night i was ordered to return to base but the taurus was still alive - i defended her, killed a scorpion, taurus blew up, then returned to base... nothing big, but it felt strange ;-)


Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
Too bad this is a dead project with Galemp seemingly being done with modding now.
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Offline QuakeIV

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
Too bad this is a dead project with Galemp seemingly being done with modding now.

In the words of agent Strelnikov;

SON OF THE *****!  :mad:


Offline Redstreblo

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
Galemp is busy at the moment with work and he is off to Europe soon, but he plans to pick this back up when he returns. I have to admit that I am capable of working on this project right now, but I have been catching up on playing other games that have been out for awhile that I want to catch up on. Probably will update in November.
I, Aries one, have proved myself superior to the legendary Terran pilot Alpha one! Let the Vasudan people take pride in this accomplishment, and take the Parliamentary Vasudan Empire to victory over the inferior Galactic Terran Alliance! Long live the Emperor!


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
Europe?  O rly?


Offline Redstreblo

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
Yup he's on yet another adventure, however he has company this time.
I, Aries one, have proved myself superior to the legendary Terran pilot Alpha one! Let the Vasudan people take pride in this accomplishment, and take the Parliamentary Vasudan Empire to victory over the inferior Galactic Terran Alliance! Long live the Emperor!


Offline Woolie Wool

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
Was a proper HUD_Gauges for widescreen monitors ever made for this?

EDIT: This is what I came up with for widescreen:

Code: [Select]
$Load Retail Configuration: No
$Reticle Style: FS2
$Max Escort Ships: 14

#Gauge Config
$Base: (1440, 900)
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen
$Min: (1280, 720)
$Max: (1920, 1200)
Position: (7, 6)
+Fixed Messages:
+Training Messages:
Position: (533, 146)
+Multiplayer Messages:
Position: (11, 281)
Position: (645, 625)
Position: (619, 71)
+Wingman Status:
Position: (1311, 169)
+Auto Speed:
Position: (1350, 788)
+Auto Target:
Position: (1350, 759)
Position: (1238, 705)
+Talking Head:
Position: (7, 66)
Position: (7, 326)
Position: (1238, 615)
+Objective Notify:
Position: (613, 216)
+Squad Message:
Position: (1163, 6)
+Escort View:
Position: (1238, 326)
+ETS Weapons:
Position: (1238, 759)
+ETS Shields:
Position: (1263, 759)
+ETS Engines:
Position: (1288, 759)
+Target Monitor:
Position: (7, 691)
+Extra Target Data:
Position: (7, 647)
+Target Shields:
Position: (503, 785)
Position: (617, 691)
+Player Shields:
Position: (827, 785)
+Afterburner Energy:
Position: (428, 439)
+Weapon Energy:
Position: (924, 439)
+Text Warnings:
Position: (720, 322)
+Center Reticle:
Position: (700, 438)
+Mini Target Shields:
Position: (705, 552)
Position: (570, 317)
+Threat Indicator:
Position: (791, 313)
+Voice Status:
position: (7, 193)
Position: (1260, 6)
Position: (881, 620)
Position: (239, 199)
+Target Brackets:
+Lead Indicator:
+Lock Indicator:
+Offscreen Indicator:
+Hostile Triangle:
Position: (720, 450)
+Target Triangle:
Position: (720, 450)
+Missile Triangles:
Position: (720, 450)
+Orientation Tee:
Position: (720, 450)
+Mission Time:
Position: (1363, 839)
Position: (1238, 731)
;; +Weapon Linking:
;; Position: (791, 413)
+Center Reticle:
Position: (594, 287)
Filename: 2_toparc1.ani

$End Gauges
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 10:35:51 am by Woolie Wool »
16:46   Quanto   ****, a mosquito somehow managed to bite the side of my palm
16:46   Quanto   it itches like hell
16:46   Woolie   !8ball does Quanto have malaria
16:46   BotenAnna   Woolie: The outlook is good.
16:47   Quanto   D:

"did they use anesthetic when they removed your sense of humor or did you have to weep and struggle like a tiny baby"
--General Battuta


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
I just found this and really liked this campaign.  I hope it gets completed some day.


Offline subach

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
sounds good, im waiting too


Offline Redstreblo

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
Well, here is a patch for the derelict scan mission that hopefully will prevent the player from dying at the start of the mission. Just replace the fsport_vi.vp file with the one in this download.

Link here

Just waiting on recovering my campaign notes then I will get started on next missions! :)
I, Aries one, have proved myself superior to the legendary Terran pilot Alpha one! Let the Vasudan people take pride in this accomplishment, and take the Parliamentary Vasudan Empire to victory over the inferior Galactic Terran Alliance! Long live the Emperor!


Offline Lorric

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
I'll have me some of that! :)

So are you going to actually complete the project now? Are these demo missions currently the only ones complete, or did some more get done?


Offline Redstreblo

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
All I've done was edit the mission where you scan the derelicts to try and solve the issue where the player blows up on spawn. Due to some unfortunate events with X GFs my computer was given away to charity with all the files that were on it. This has caused me to need to see if I had a copy of my campaign outline in my email system or if my brother (Galemp) still has a copy on his system. I am currently waiting on a return email for that.

I may end up having to re-write the campaign notes from what I have left in memory. All I have to work with right now is what I was able to download from this topic, so I have just the Demo and lost all other progress that was made. However I need to get my mind off of some disturbing events of my life and reviving this project is a good way to do that I think.

Keep your hopes high and your eye on this project.  :D

EDIT: I think I'll replay this campaign myself and get an idea where I left off and just go ahead with a fresh campaign note, I remember the general idea of where I was headed.
I, Aries one, have proved myself superior to the legendary Terran pilot Alpha one! Let the Vasudan people take pride in this accomplishment, and take the Parliamentary Vasudan Empire to victory over the inferior Galactic Terran Alliance! Long live the Emperor!


Offline Lorric

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
Thank you for the reply. I hope you manage to recover what was lost, but I'm happy to know that even if you don't, that isn't going to stop you. :yes:

I wish you the best of luck, and I will indeed be watching. :nod:


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO
This is excellent news, Redstreblo.  I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


Offline Redstreblo

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Re: RELEASE: The Great War - Vasudan Imperium DEMO

Gameplay is now completed for vc9! Galemp is no longer active in Freespace so I have lost some writing ability, however after I come up with the chatter and briefings the mission will be posted! :D

Been 5 years since I first posted this demo, I can't believe it I thought it was like maybe a year and a half  :nervous:
I, Aries one, have proved myself superior to the legendary Terran pilot Alpha one! Let the Vasudan people take pride in this accomplishment, and take the Parliamentary Vasudan Empire to victory over the inferior Galactic Terran Alliance! Long live the Emperor!