Interview Part 1 Stormkeeper: Tonight we have Darius and Battuta of BP fame and they have recently released the highly anticipated sequel to Age of Aquarius, War in Heaven.
Stormkeeper: Part 1.
Stormkeeper: So guys, how was it like finally releasing WiH?
Battuta: Well, Mr. Darius, who wants to take this one?
Darius: I'll take this one
Stormkeeper: Dr. Darius, you mean.
Darius: Well I can probably say the final product exceeded whatever expectations I had for the campaign when I first started putting it all together. I couldn't be happier with how it turned out.
Battuta: (poke me when you're done)
Darius: The creative process is always an enjoyable one, but the feedback so far has just made it even more worthwhile.
* Darius pokes Battuta!
Stormkeeper: So Darius, when you first planned BP. Did you plan on doing a sequel?
Darius: Back in 2007?
Stormkeeper: When you were doing the original Blue Planet, Age of Aquarius. Did you already have plans for a sequel?
Battuta: Let me just say with respect to the above question that I'm hugely relieved that it turned out to be better than Age of Aquarius.
Darius: It was a pretty disorganised storytelling process, so I just had a concept and ran with it. By the time I got to the end, I had done about 22 missions and still hadn't addressed the concept in my head, so I thought, "Bugger, this is going to need a sequel isn't it?"
Stormkeeper: And how.
Darius: Battuta: The sequel is a league above Age of Aquarius
Stormkeeper: So basically, a sequel wasn't part of the original plan. It just ... became necessary?
Battuta: It was an extremely fast and smooth development cycle, but we were so close to it - and we were doing so much new stuff, a lot of it really ambitious - that we really had no idea how people would feel about it until it went out the door. And it's been really rewarding to see that people by and large think it's one of the better campaigns that's been done.
Darius: Consider War in Heaven where the BP story should have started.
Stormkeeper: And AoA a prequel?
Darius: More a prologue
Should we talk about the development process for the "true" BP story Battuta?
Stormkeeper: Mmhmm. Yes, please.
Battuta: Well as a raving fan of AoA I can't see how War in Heaven could possibly exist without it. AoA is a brilliant piece of storytelling, and I'm particularly fond of the way the twist at the end is foreshadowed in the characters: Bei is all about the values and meaning of the GTVA and when he feels that those values have been betrayed he swaps sides.
Battuta: And something I think we can touch on later is the relationship between AoA and War in Heaven, where the latter is really sort of a dark mirror of the former, which if I recall right was something Darius and I talked about really early.
Darius: Yep, that's true.
Stormkeeper: So Darius, why do you say that WiH is where the story really starts? Because for me, and I think for most of us, the story starts in AoA.
Darius: Heh, I was just being facetious. The story does start in AoA and it makes for a good introduction to the shape of the GTVA in that particular setting. It also does a good job of establishing the mythos and tone of the universe. However, from the start I wanted to tell a story about this particular direction which Sol society had gone during the isolation.
Darius: It wasn't until now that the story has begun to be told. So during development of the campaign, it was important that the story be told properly, which accounted for the many delays and restarts.
Stormkeeper: Hence the reason WiH took quite a while to release?
Battuta: I wouldn't say that, actually. War in Heaven had one of the fastest development cycles since Derelict.
Battuta: We began work on the current version of the campaign in about...May 2009 and released in August 2010. So a bit over a year, but not much over.
Battuta: We only had (to my knowledge) one ground-up rebuild, which was about where Darius expanded from a one-man operation to a team.
Stormkeeper: So who's part of the team now?
Battuta: Darius, Fury, The_E, Axem, and I; Esarai, Nighteyes, and Dragon; DaddyWarhol and Belisarius (our latest addition)... Rian, Zacam and Steve-O. And am I forgetting anyone else active? HerraTohtori!
Darius: Well we also keep Dilmah around as our military jargon consultant.
Battuta: More than that, he's had a lot of great ideas and he's a good tester.
Stormkeeper: Military Jargon Consultant?
Battuta: There's a full list in the War in Heaven credits, we've all got wacky titles and such.
Battuta: Dilmah has an Air Force background so he's very good at adding some verisimilitude to the setting.
Stormkeeper: Whadd'ya mean by Military Jargon Consultant?
Battuta: If we want to know how a combat pilot would actually talk about a given situation, we ask him.
Darius: He's also got a good idea of military culture, what would be appropriate, what wouldn't.
Stormkeeper: I see you didn't skimp on the little things.
Battuta: Nope. Have you had a chance to play the campaign, or has military life been keeping you busy?
Stormkeeper: Quite busy. Clerk I may be, but I'm pretty damn busy. Only reason I have time for this interview is because I'm on off today.
Battuta: Perfectly fair.
Stormkeeper: I haven't had a chance to play the campaign yet, so I am totally ignorant on what happens in WiH. Therefore, I can't spoil it for anyone!
Battuta: Well then we can't in good conscience talk about what happens! We'll try to keep things general for now I guess.
Stormkeeper: Spoilers don't ... spoil ... things for me at all.
Battuta: Well, unless Darius disagrees, I think we'd rather not. The story is worth going through fresh.
Darius: I agree.
Stormkeeper: Fair enough. I must listen to the creator of BP!
Darius: You'll thank us for it later.
Stormkeeper: I guess I will. So, let me ask you, Darius. For someone who's played AoA, but not WiH, what can I expect to see that's different, and what's the same?
Fury: so I hear we have interview, like now?
Stormkeeper: Yeap.
Battuta: Indeed we do. You can ask Fury` about how his mighty historic role!
Stormkeeper: So Fury. How was your mighty historic role?
Fury: Uh, I dunno. Battuta being a writer likes to exaggerate things like usual.
Battuta: And Fury` being a curmudgeon likes to downplay his heroism.
Fury: So umm, I don't know. Sure there's been a lot of management work I took over from Darius so he could spend more time on his medschool and fredding. I did the AI for BP2 in mind. And uh, random tasks. Mostly headdesking.
Battuta: Fury` was the one who kicked the mod away from being a one-man project and towards a full team, and he also did most of the gameplay design that made War in Heaven so much faster and more intelligent than retail FreeSpace. He also set us up with SVN, I believe, which was absolutely indispensable for us.
Fury: Hrm, right. I guess you can say that.
Stormkeeper: What other random tasks, other then headdesking, did you do?
Battuta: What didn't Fury do? Totally redesigned and rebalanced the UEF weapon set, requested a bunch of new features from SCP, put together the first real AI improvements the community's seen in a while...there's all kinds of stuff in War in Heaven that we would never have had without him. Bomb fuses, burst weapons...I dunno, what else, Fury`?
Fury: I dunno, haven't really kept count. But eh, did you talk about your own contribution at all yet?
Stormkeeper: I don't think he's talked about his own. Though he did help you answer your question. BATTUTA! Wut did you do?
Fury: If not, there's very little to say about it, but those few words carries immeasurable weight. Battuta's fredding is ingenious and imaginative.
Darius: Battuta was the one responsible for the execution of the story and really brought the characters to life.
Battuta: Oh, I mostly just took whatever new toys Fury` came up with and just kind of threw them into missions!
Darius: If you liked the characters, and set piece battles and the dialogue chances are it was Battuta's work.
Battuta: And Darius was the one responsible for the story and the characters. You'll never get any of us to admit that it wasn't everybody else who did it.
Fury: It never ceased to amaze me that Battuta fredded his first missions for BP2, meaning he picked up fredding when he started on BP2. And that was less than two years ago.
Battuta: That's true. Delenda Est was actually my first mission. Though it got redrafted near the end of the development cycle. Darius and I FREDded War in Heaven, but there was a lot of input from Fury in terms of giving us new tools to work with. The set-armor-type SEXP is ridiculously powerful because it lets you adjust the toughness of ships on the fly without having to resort to clumsy table edits, so you can simulate changing ECM environments and stuff like that.
Fury: Oh yes, armor types. I think that was one of the most useful additions ever
Battuta: Definitely. And the Fury AI is also very useful because it gives you wingmen who can get the job done and enemies who can actually challenge the player - so we didn't have to use large numbers of Tev fighters to put up a challenge .
Fury: I wish people wouldn't call it Fury AI, it sounds silly
Battuta: Too late!
Darius: I think it was My Brother, My Enemy that inspired the creation of the new AI.
Stormkeeper: Fury AI is a good name.
Battuta: Darius might be right at thaht
Darius: Fury AI is rather descriptive, isn't it?
Stormkeeper: Why did that mission require a new AI.
Battuta: Well we can't tell you! Except that in terms of general design, we wanted the mission to be a very small, very focused dogfight, using as few ships as possible.
Fury: Anyhoo. Darius is awesome person as leader, he's got clear vision what he wants to do with BP and where to go with the story. It was more of a challenge to get that vision and goal into a form a team could use. But Darius adapted very well and steers fredding, storyline, concepts to right direction even if a lot of people contribute to them
Fury: Battuta and The E as well as Dilmah have been very influential how the story, characters and missions themselves turned up. It's been team effort at its best with Darius calling the shots.
Battuta: Agreed. We have a very decentralized, freewheeling team, and we all just sort of work to our best without any real rules or positions except that Darius is in charge.
Stormkeeper: So the only rule is that Darius is the boss?
Battuta: And the other remarkable thing has been that we've never really recruited talent.
Fury: But I think the best thing about BP is that the team doesn't really need a leader per-se. We have a lot of initiative and nobody needs to act like sergeant shouting for orders.
Battuta: People make things for us and approach us and say 'do you want this?' and we accept, but we've never really had to go out and ask someone to do something except for model-related fixes.
Darius: Every team has its own dynamics, but we've found that having this sort of semi-structured style allows us to be at our most productive.
Fury: What I mean to say, our team organization doesn't have such a thing as Darius, me or someone else telling other people what they should do
Stormkeeper: It's spontaneous?
Fury: Instead we discuss about priorities on what needs to be done ASAP, what soon and what can be done whenever, then someone gets on to do it
Battuta: Yeah, what Fury said. It's very spontaneous. Mostly we just hang around on IRC and post notes on the forum when we have to sleep. And of course the SVN commit log is very useful in keeping track of who's done what. And we test everything to death. Constant iterative testing, both inside the team and later with our beta testers - who really helped refine some of the gameplay. I think we knew we'd succeeded at really changing the gameplay when QuantumDelta said that our single player felt like a good multi match.
Stormkeeper: How much time on average did you spend testing?
Fury: I don't think it's a separate category at all. Development process in itself is testing.
Battuta: Yeah. As soon as anyone does anything we test it. Missions probably get played hundreds of times throughout development.
Fury: Most of the stuff that is developed, was done for next or current mission in mind. So in that way new or modified stuff gets naturally tested
Battuta: This is why SVN is great; everyone just updates their SVN, grabs the latest changes and has instant access
Fury: Yeah. Project development without versioning system feels like driving a car on rims. SVN, Git, Mercurial, whatever works as long as a project has some sort of version control for team members to use. It's too invaluable to ignore and I'm glad I've seen a lot of project adopt those
Stormkeeper: Fury's Words of Wisdome: SVN For The Win!
Fury: Even Machina Terra, Blackwater Operations, Diaspora, etc have all gotten themselves SVN or alternative
Stormkeeper: Anyplace in particular where you had major problems during development
Battuta: The models. Bloody things aren't optimized or really even ready for in-game use
Fury: Stopping Battuta doing last-minute mission edits in his nervousness.
Battuta: There was that, yes. I rewrote an entire mission's core mechanic from the ground up just weeks before release.
Darius: Keeping my download bandwidth within limits.
Battuta: Rian actually designed the dialogue tree in m08 on paper with me, so it was very robust, which is why that mission worked so well despite being tested so little. Oh right, Darius and Dilmah have to deal with Australian internet. That was godawful.
Fury: But yes, like Battuta said. Ship models in particular have been pain in the ass because there's lack of available talent in the FS community to do uv-mapping, conversions, textures, debris, lods and whatever else is needed to get ships into top shape.
Battuta: Esarai was really a saint about helping us out with models
Fury: In a way SVN has helped our resident aussies too. As it allows you to download only what has been changed since last update. Unfortunately compression is not quite up to bar of zip, not to mention 7z. But it does help.
Battuta: He really pushed himself to get his magnum opus finished so we could release. And it's ironic that that was what held up release, as our philosophy in general is to use absolutely no new models, only already finished community stuff.
Fury: Well, finishing Solaris just hours before release was required. I don't think nobody would have liked to see Solaris with temporary textures and some bugs.
Stormkeeper: Solaris being a ship?
Fury: Yes. UEF destroyer, their only one.
Battuta: Which reminds me that The_E was also a critical, absolutely indispensable player in the later stages of our development
Stormkeeper: Why?
Battuta: He's our go-to code guy and he was able to ferret out a ton of bugs
Fury: Yes, The E is like mini-me. Equally grumpy and squashes bugs really well.
Battuta: As well as add a few new features to the engine, like the no-primary-linking flag. Fury and The_E make a formidable team. The_E solved this massive rendering engine bug that caused the game to turn into an inky black void. That fix presumably will help every mod everywhere, which is something we're quite proud of.
Battuta: Fury and Sushi (I believe?) also figured out a bug going back to retail in which AI classes set in FRED were randomly ignored by the game, so fixing that will hopefully help everybody too
Fury: Though we're quite different in other areas. He's well versed in FSO code which has helped a lot in resolving many FSO bugs, adding some new features we're using in BP2. Then he's been a lot of help in lending a hand in story and mission concepts. And voice-acting process for AoA DC.
Stormkeeper: So I this means in the process of making WiH, you pratically fixed several universal bugs and made improvements to FRED and other minors?
Battuta: We did solve a number of bugs, and we did add quite a few features that will help everybody out
Fury: Pretty much yes. It helps to have a few coders on the team, particularly The E and Wanderer.
Battuta: And one of our goals is to release every cool thing we do as soon as possible so other projects can use it; for example a lot of the stuff in the 3.6.12 MediaVPs is straight from Blue Planet. Wanderer's awesome too. But I think it's worth pointing out that other projects like Diaspora also get a huge amount done
Fury: Wanderer was great help in making new version of flashy deaths scrips and brand-new flaming debris script. And squashing few bugs and getting a new features done too. Long story short, each and every current BP staffer have made terrific contributions to the project in a way or another.
Stormkeeper: Certainly does sound that way, does it? It sounds totally different from other projects.
Fury: We haven't even mentioned half of the people on the staff so far, so it feels a bit unfair.
Battuta: Yeah. So many amazing people we should be thanking
Stormkeeper: Well, why not you take your time now, and mention them all.
Battuta: Gimme a sec to open up credits.tbl
Battuta: Nighteyes did an amazing job on the effects work
Battuta: All the new explosions in the 3.6.12 MVPs, those are his (so far as I know)
Fury: Yeah, all effects work that was done for BP2 were moved to the new mediavps
Fury: Except shockwaves which didn't make the cut due to quality concerns
Battuta: HerraTohtori is responsible for all the amazing skyboxes. He's ridiculously detail-oriented and insisted on having stuff like star positions correct
Battuta: It was sometimes frustrating because we'd ask for Jupiter to be bigger in the Europa skybox, or something like that, and he'd calmly explain that no, this was how big Jupiter would appear to be from Europa orbit
Fury: Yeah, he went as far as calculated amount of lighting suns should be casting in each mission
Stormkeeper: Wow, hardcore.
Battuta: What we really need to do is put together a list of all the stuff we've learned during BP development so everyone in the community can read it
Fury: not to mention he also added lighting from planets themselves, which means in missions you see planets, they have their own "suns" to simulate reflected sunlight
Darius: We'd give him a timeframe that the campaign would be taking place in, and he'd work out where the sun would be in relation to the planets and constellations for that particular month and year.
Fury: All in all, while the campaign takes place in Sol and you'd imagine it'd be boring without nebulae and so on, but the lighting differences in different distances from suns and planets make a hell of a difference. Though experience may vary depending on your own lighting settings. But the difference is there.
Stormkeeper: Certainly sounds good. So what plans do you have for the sequel?
Fury: Second part of WiH is already being FREDed.
Battuta: Well at the moment we're hard at work on War in Heaven R2
Fury: Thankfully we got Axem on board, so FREDing should be speedy.
Battuta: We'll be spotlighting ships that didn't get gameplay time in R1, like the Izra'il, Vajradhra, Durga and Ainsarii. And expanding the player's arsenal a bit with additional weapons and possibly some...unique new tricks.
Fury: with Darius, Battuta and Axem working on Part 2 missions, it should be even better than Part 1.
Battuta: Spoon, of Wings of Dawn, and I have been working together to pull off some pretty unique weapon concepts. Our goal for R2 is to really up the feeling of player agency; we've done our 'cog in the brutal machine' story and now we want to center the player in the gameplay space again. So we'll be introducing some interesting new mechanics on both the UEF and GTVA side.
Fury: Yeah, the so called introduction phase is over, it's time to get on to the second half of the movie. So to speak.
Battuta: Quite so. Story-wise we already have everything outlined.
Fury: Speaking of movies. It was really a gamble in itself to make BP2 more of a cinematic experience than you'd expect. But from the feedback I've seen, it has been a huge success
Battuta: I agree. We were very worried about it but we felt the risk was worth it, and we're really glad it paid off for so many players
Fury: Armor tables, better AI and lots of fredding tricks made some missions to play almost like movies
Stormkeeper: Why did you all decide to split WiH into two halves?
Fury: Two reasons: First half of the campaign was scheduled to be done as our assets were finalized, so no need to delay release just because of second half. Secondly, we really need help in getting those ships optimized for performance.
Battuta: Aye.
Fury: We can't do that internally in any reasonable timeframe.
Battuta: We wanted to get everything out to the community and collaborate on patching up Steve-O's ships.
Fury: So we're asking help from the community. Even few contributions make hell of a difference.
Battuta: Not to mention that the R1 story ends at a perfect place. We couldn't resist that. Also, as a FREDder, it turned out to be a REALLY good thing that we terminated the campaign at that point.
Fury: It's kind of funny how well it all clicked together in the end.
Battuta: A single campaign can only use up to 100 player persistent variables, and our checkpoint system had used up every single one of them by the end of R1. Our second half would have had to have no checkpoints. But now as a second release it can!
Fury: All that and collaboration with the FSU team to get new mediavps done was executed quite well in the end
Stormkeeper: So, I know you have no plans for now for VA.
Fury: Actually, I'll let Battuta correct you on that
Stormkeeper: Correct?
Battuta: Well, in fact, IssMneur has stepped up as voice acting coordinator and we're generating a script for him now. Halfway through the campaign it's already about 200 pages.
Fury: Last I heard it was half-way done and already over 200 pages
Stormkeeper: Oh? So there will be VA?
Fury: Eventually I suppose, it will take very long time though
Stormkeeper: Will the R 1 of part 2 be voice acted?
Battuta: If all goes well, there will, and it won't slow down R2. R2 will not be voice acted on release. We adjust our dialogue and writing up to the last minute, which is why R1 got so much praise for its characterization and plotting. Doing that and then getting lines voice acted would probably add years to the development cycle
Fury: Our policy on releases has been that we're not delaying our releases to make superawesomeperfect releases. That way we'd never get anything out.
Battuta: Though that said R1 did turn out extraordinarily polished except for the lack of VA.
Stormkeeper: I think you misunderstood the question, but somehow answered it anyway. I meant if the initial release of Part 2 of WiH will be voice acted..
Battuta: R2 will not be voice acted on release. War in Heaven is divided into Release 1 and Release 2; Part 1 and 2 if you prefer.
Fury: Release early, release often is more like it. As long as our releases have no bugs, are stable, we don't really mind if they have other issues like imperfect assets or missing voice-acting.
Battuta: Aye.
Stormkeeper: Neither do I. VA is more like the cherry on the cream. Will you re-release WiH as one set after BP is finished?
Battuta: We may do a director's cut at some point, but our agenda at the moment is to finish R2, then BP3.
Battuta: which will probably be a single unified release, if all goes well
Fury: Stormkeeper: WiH aka BP2 will always be one mod. BP1, BP2 and BP3 are separate mods. Everything that falls under the name of BP1, BP2 or BP3 is released in one mod meaning WiH Parts 1 and Part 2 is same mod. We'll simply update the vp-files and re-upload
Battuta: I'd love it if we could have a single unified release in the future; one remarkable thing about BP is that nothing breaks backwards compatibility. You could play FS2 retail, AoA, and WiH with WiH selected as the mod with no problems
Fury: Battuta: We'll see about unified release after BP3 is done. That's so much into the future that it makes no sense to do plans about it now
Battuta: Concur'd.
Stormkeeper: Well. I'm outta questions for now. The floor is open to questions.
Snail: How did you think up of the characters?
Battuta: Snail: well, I can't speak for Darius, who created almost every existing character in the story. I believe the only major characters I wrote in were Karen and Olefumi
Battuta: But when we were writing the characters, we always tried to give them a sense of history, so the player felt like they were bumping into people with formative pasts that had shaped who they were today. I know I was very much influenced by modern war journalism, and classic works on the psychology of soldiers like Dave Grossman and S. L. A. Marshall's work.
Redsniper:Oooh ooh. I hear that WiH basically got redone from scratch. What was the first incarnation like?
Darius: I can answer that one. First iteration was much like the first release (and what the second part will be), except stripped to its bare bones.
Darius: Characters and back story wasn't fleshed out, missions weren't as advanced/cinematic and the story still had a few holes in it.
Redsniper: so like... all the key ships and events were there, just without all this glorious fluff your team added in? Oh I see...
Darius: The characters were there but they weren't people.
Battuta: Laporte was a man!
Fury: I'd go as far as to say that WiH alpha was worse than AoA. Darius had much difficulties in coping with the story, characters and FREDing because scale of WiH is significantly larger than that of AoA.
Stormkeeper: Battuta: I will, don't worry about it. It kinda irritates me that I don't have much to ask either.
Darius: And of course there weren't any of the glorious additions by Fury, HerraTohtori and co.
Darius: Indeed. War in Heaven turned out to be an entirely different kettle of fish.
Darius: From AoA, that is.
Redsniper: How does one pronounce 'Noemi'?
Battuta: Nobody knows!
Snail: Lol
Redsniper: D:
Fury: When I reviewed WiH alpha, it eventually prompted me to suggest significant changes to how the mod was being developed. That led to scrapping the alpha and starting over with team-oriented development model.
Battuta: The_E pronounces it like his sister's name.
Darius: We need someone French to tell us.
Battuta: Ah yes, this is what I wanted to get Fury` to talk about. His heroic PM that started this whole crazy business rolling.
Fury: I don't know if contents of that PM are proper for public consumption.
Redsniper: Whoa...
Darius: Fury`: probably not.
Darius: But that was the turning point in the mod development.
Battuta: No, no, I agree, it shouldn't go public, but it was a critical moment, and it reflects something about our dynamic, which is that we tend to be our own worst critics.
Battuta: We've said much nastier things about War in Heaven between ourselves than we've heard from any of our players, and that's what helps us identify weaknesses and try to improve them
Battuta: Also, Rian says it's 'naymee'
Darius: I always read it as Noah-mee
Redsniper: Same here...
Darius: Noah-mee La-por-tay.
Battuta: I think that's how The_E pronounces it too.
Stormkeeper: I've gotta prepare for my driving class, but I'll leave the channel on, so feel free to talk till the cows come home!
Snail: Mmm... Noodles.
Battuta: Thanks for your time, Stormkeeper
Stormkeeper: I'll be seeing you all again, soon though, BP gais.
Battuta: Good luck out there!
Redsniper: I actually had some decent questions this time, yay!
Battuta: Man, that takes me back.
Battuta: Back when Noemi was Pieter and Simms was a well-adjusted commander and there were no Wargods.
Redsniper: O_o
Snail: Hmm, random question
that probably won't go into the interview, is that "Darkness" mission still bp-canon.
Darius: And the first half involved kicking the Tevs back to Delta Serpentis
Battuta: Snail: I'm sorry but you're going to be redacted now
Snail: Gah. :<
Redsniper: Whoa whoa. No spoils pl0x.
Battuta: redsniper: no spoilers have been uttered, relax
Battuta: Did you know that in early drafts of Star Wars the main character was named Anakin Starkiller? And I think Naboo was in them too.
Snail: Yeah and 3-PO was a used car salesman.
Redsniper: About the whole "Tev" thing...
Battuta: Wait are you serious?
Darius: Luke Skywalker had a robot head.
Redsniper: When I first heard it, it made sense, but upon thinking about it, it seems like a bit of a stretch.
Snail: What seems like a bit of a stretch?
Snail: How much did NGTM1R pay you?
Redsniper: Going from the TV in GTVA to Tev.
Battuta: We definitely talked about that as nobody really likes made-up words in science fiction stories. Neologisms are an unhappy tradition, however, ultimately we felt it passed the naturalism test and blended in, and given how rapidly it's been adopted by our players it seems to have worked.
Yarp. Some people even use it in a non-BP context.
Darius: It got adopted before release
Snail: xD
Darius: It's just so easy to say.
Battuta: It's a corruption of Galactic Terran-Vasudan
Redsniper: Right, like I said, it made sense before I thought too hard about it.
Battuta: Which became GalTev.
Redsniper: And it rolls of the tongue nicely
Battuta: There were so many worse options, too
Battuta: The Teevees.
Redsniper: Lololol.
Battuta: The Gee-Tees.
RK|Work Mike Teevee.
Snail: Oh shaddap
RK|Work: Sounds like the seed of a comedy branch campaign there.
Battuta: We scrapped a few prospective epithets along the way.
Snail: Fedhead
Battuta: How did you know about fedhead.
Darius: Fedhead was in the alpha
Snail: You told me
Battuta: Oh.
Redsniper: I like 'Buntus'
Battuta: Yeah, it just made them sound like an awesome band.
Battuta: The Grateful Fed
Darius: Buntus was great
Battuta: And of course the Gefs.
Darius: Very inspired.
Battuta: Who have been Gefs since forever
RK|Work: Gelfs.
Darius: Did you know, back before BP was BP I was making a campaign for Inferno.
Battuta: Yes!
Snail: And there was that Icanus fiction piece
RK|Work:Wasn't that history of sol? Or was that someone else.
Darius: The Gefs were a terrorist group who protested against the strip-mining of Mars to build the Icanus.
RK|Work: Ah no.
Battuta: No, Sol A History is different. Someone else.
RK|Work: That was...that other dude.
Battuta: BP is just a giant piece of extraordinarily elaborate Inferno fanfiction
Battuta: You heard it here first!
RK|Work: *Mobius barges in
Snail: BP has like totally eclips0r'd Inferno though I mean SRSLY
Snail: <_<
RK|Work: Darius unmasks himself as Mobius
Battuta: They do share half their letters...
Snail: If life were a sitcom that would be like the most awesome plot twist ever.
Battuta: Snail, our philosophy in general is that there's plenty of room for lots of good mods. We're not in the business of eclipsing anybody.
Redsniper: Maybe not on purpose...
Darius: I even made a disclaimer in AoA that all universes were possible
Snail: Yeah that's precisely why.
Battuta: And we would love it if every single mod hosted on HLP turned out to be amazing.
Snail: Every campaign ever is a part of BP you see
Redsniper: o:
Darius: Without Inferno there wouldn't be BP
Snail: just within a different universe
RK|Work: BP == Super Freespace Wars
Snail: Yeah, I know right?
Redsniper: So.. what is the BP team's plan to fix the oil spill in the Gulf?
Snail: Not funny man.
Battuta: Redsniper: well at the moment we're meditating and trying to reach the Vishnans.
RK|Work: They're going to shoot at the hole with archers.
Battuta: We really built a great working relationship during the voice acting of AoA.
Redsniper: Heh.
Redsniper: Vishnans as Themselves.
Battuta: Darius really had to do some smooth talking to get access to that radio telescope, but once we were set up it was pretty easygoing.
Snail: They used a radio telescope for the Vishnans you know.
Redsniper: I heard. I still don't fully understand how...
Battuta: Well once we'd traded prime numbers and Darius started doing his levitation-in-full-lotus thing, we encoded their lines and sent them out and they got back to us in a couple days with some .oggs.
Redsniper: o i c
RK|Work: Super space aliens can't afford .mp3 licensing?
Darius: Yeah it took remarkably little time to get their lines together. Wish they sounded more like Celareons though.
* redsniper feels dumb
Battuta: Well folks, I better hit the hay... Good news, ngtm1r actually likes War in Heaven and even Mobius thinks it's good.
Snail: Mobius?
Redsniper: I thought maybe you knew a guy that knew a guy that worked with a radio telescope.
Redsniper: And somehow got a sample of some space noise for the Vishan sound effects o_O
Battuta: Nah Darius pretty much just talked his way into the scope then we just had to train it towards N362 ...
Fury: Battuta: haha, I wonder how long it takes for shiv to like it. If that ever happens.
Battuta: Fury`: Well he liked AoA enough to do a campaign riffing off it...
Darius: Battuta: Wonders never cease...
Redsniper: wait, we have BP parodies now?
Battuta: And then I guess he hated it after that for some reason? And then he liked the director's cut a lot ... so whoooo knows ...
Stormkeeper: Hai gais.
Battuta: Politics!
Stormkeeper: About to head out, but had some time, so popped a look at WiH.
Darius: I think ngtm1r is a pretty cool guy
Stormkeeper: Only got past the first cinematic, but I needed a handkie, cause there was drool over my shirt.
Darius: he secretes a lot of acid and doesn't afraid of anything
Battuta: Yeah if you want to interview us again when you're done just let us know
Stormkeeper: Then it crashed on me, but I think I've figured out the problem. So, off for my driving~
Battuta: Stormkeeper: well let us know if you need any troubleshooting. Good luck out there!