what I mean it dosent affect stuff in weapons.tbl right? it needs its own table file to add it to weapons...
I strongly suggest you take the burning debris script and incorporate it into this one(with wanderer's permission of course), and add some easy optimizing functions such as effect to use, FPS for effect(basically lifetime for effect), size and how dense it should spew the particles, this would make it possible to have different burning debris effects for different species, and having it all in one big script makes it easier to mod and manage.
same for the explosion script, the one generating the bright flash as a ship dies, and all the particles on the hull of the ship when its in its death roll.
another suggestion is to split the different functions of the script to different named tbms, with a naming scheme like: prt-deathroll.tbm, prt-explosion, prt-engine.tbm, prt-weapons, prt-debris.tbm(did I forget any other functions of the script?)
and lastly, add for each a PDF file with instructions of use, if possible include a part of a working table file to start with.
having an all in one particle script, all using the new PPS would change the way particles look and help the moddability of particles tremendously, I don't know if its too much to ask one person, but I'm sure if such a thing would happen it would go straight into the newest mediavps.
sorry for the long post, its just that I was thinking about this for a while now, keep up the great work