Author Topic: MCO Campaigns  (Read 68180 times)

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Offline magic

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Download and install to folder where you installed MCO
****Please install one campaign and after you finish uninstall before installing the next. Most, if not all campaigns are from mechlab and may have pilot brains with the same names!****

Campaigns are for use with MCO240 and above.

1.)  Modified Carver V (55 MB)
Author: Mech Commander 2 development team.
Description: 24 missions. All resource points are reduced by the factor of 10 (/10). Number of available pilots is limited in order to limit salvage. New "Components Salvage" replaced technology levels and additional purchase files. Many of the old mech (and vehicle) models in missions changed to similar new models (per tonnage) for variety. New terrain look.

2.)  Carver V (51 MB)
Author: Mech Commander 2 development team.
Description: 24 missions. Campaign mission brain files are changed to be compatible with Mech Commander Omnitech (most of them automatically).

3.)  Wolf Dragoons for MCO (28MB)
Author: Mech Lab (Battlemaster (Tim O'Neal), Phantom (Damian Murphy), MatChewga (Matt Warmsbecker) Head Hunter 001 (Erwiin))
Description: Command mercenary unit Wolf's Dragoons on over 20 missions.

4.) Clan Eagle for MCO (22MB)
Author: TopAce
Description: 16 missions campaign.

5.) Day of Heroes for MCO (13MB - mission 11 bug fixed)
Author: Mech Lab (Battlemaster (Tim O'Neal), Phantom (Damian Murphy), MatChewga (Matt Warmsbecker) Head Hunter 001 (Erwiin))
Description: Take command of the Gray Death Legion through 15 missions, ranging from 3028 up through the Clan invasion.

6.) Liberation of Volstand for MCO (10MB)
Author: Head Hunter 001 (Erwiin)
Description: Liberate planet Volstand through 23 missions.

7.) Mercenaries Star for MCO (7MB)
Author: Mech Lab (Battlemaster (Tim O'Neal), Phantom (Damian Murphy), MatChewga (Matt Warmsbecker) Head Hunter 001 (Erwiin))
Description: 9 missions based on the book Mercenary's Star by William H. Keith Jr.

8.) Desert Fox for MCO (5MB)
Author: Mech Lab (Battlemaster (Tim O'Neal), Phantom (Damian Murphy), MatChewga (Matt Warmsbecker) Head Hunter 001 (Erwiin))
Description: 5 missions mini campaign

9.) Lasko's Legion for MCO (14MB)
Author: Mech Lab (Battlemaster (Tim O'Neal), Phantom (Damian Murphy), MatChewga (Matt Warmsbecker) Head Hunter 001 (Erwiin))
Description: Join Col. Lasko in 12 missions as he aids the Jabuka Liberation Front in freeing its planet from the oppressive control of House Steiner.

« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 06:22:13 am by magic »


Offline magic

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Liberation of Volstand corrected (re-release) link updated and
Desert Fox test-release added.


Offline Dred

  • 22
SYNTAX ERROR data\missions\warriors\desfox5move4.abl [line 269] - (type 42) Wrong number of parameters "secondmovepath"

On mission 5, even in Solo Mission


Offline magic

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I know what it is, will be done.
Are the first 4 OK?

EDIT: Desert Fox camp fixed, link updated.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 03:24:39 am by magic »


Offline Dred

  • 22
The first four missions were completable without issue.


Offline magic

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Old Clan Eagle campaign by TopAce added.

I had a lot of trouble to make this one work, hope it is worthy.


Offline magic

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Old Laskos Legion campaign added.


Offline magic

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March To Terra campaign added.


Offline magic

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Fixed version of March to Terra re-uploaded (2 mission fixes).


Offline Peorth

  • 23
Cannot proceed beyond Laskos Legion 7th mission (destroy relay station) because of this persistent error:

STOP      :  [ASSERT 0]  Object moved off map 
Address   : 0x00417902
Location  : MCOREL! (+0x16902)


Offline magic

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Clan Eagle campaign fixed: mission 13 - invalid gate and mission 14 missing coordinates from the brain.

All 8 campaigns are now packed and available for download in one single link.

Laskos Legion miss. 7 fixed.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 07:03:24 am by magic »


Offline Peorth

  • 23
Thanks for fixing the Laskos 7th mission!  :)


Offline Bloody

  • 21
Bug report for the Eagle 2.01 missions

there is no pilot assignment screen . You cannot assign pilots to mechs and if u remove mechs from the mech selection screen, u just get the mission select screen, clicking on the launch or next button launches the mission but u have no mechs and so the missions fail. The first mission plays ok but the next ones have no pilot selection screen.


Offline magic

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Bug report for the Eagle 2.01 missions

there is no pilot assignment screen . You cannot assign pilots to mechs and if u remove mechs from the mech selection screen, u just get the mission select screen, clicking on the launch or next button launches the mission but u have no mechs and so the missions fail. The first mission plays ok but the next ones have no pilot selection screen.

True, I dont know what is wrong with the campaign file. I tried some modifications without result. Save the game then go to the main screen and load that save - everything will be in place. It has to do something with missions that have predefined pilots and mechs.

Hi, New to the board but noticed all the campaigns are still on filesonic, they are now 'skydrive' style hosts (user and/or user and friends sharing only)... the main installer is available via rapidshare; would it be possible for someone to share the campaigns aswell... Cheers


Offline magic

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Will do soon...


Offline magic

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All campaigns re-uploaded!


Offline cowboy

  • 26
Thanks a mil.

Any chance to look at my post re:adding pilot files?


Offline magic

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Purchase has changed, I am not sure about additional purchase files, will see...


Offline Blakout

  • 20
Hey, i was trying to download the March To Terra campaign some time ago, and it wasn't properly downloading. Could you see if the download link's still good, and if possible, provide a more reliable download link for some of the campaigns? Thanks, i love MCO btw, having a great time with it.