Author Topic: MCO Campaigns  (Read 76017 times)

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Offline Starman01

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Hm, you are right, it seems to constantly stop and go while downloading very slow. I ask Magic to reupload it again. Sorry for the inconvinience, and thanks for playing (and loving) the mod :)

9 out of 10 voices in my head always tell me that I'm not insane. The 10th is only humming the melody of TETRIS.


Offline magic

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Carver V campaign uploaded, check the first post.


Offline magic

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Links to
- Wolfs Dragoons and
- Clan Eagle

added to first post.


Offline Terlog

  • 22
Dear Sir Magic!
When can we expect approximately update the remaining missions?
Is it possible to give an approximate timetable of their release?
Thank you in advance for your reply.


Offline magic

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Day of Heroes link added to first post.

Dear Sir Magic!
When can we expect approximately update the remaining missions?
Is it possible to give an approximate timetable of their release?
Thank you in advance for your reply.

In 10 days interval?


Offline Terlog

  • 22
button is missing on moddb "download"
Place alternative link to download "Day of Heroes"
« Last Edit: October 01, 2012, 03:49:13 pm by Terlog »


Offline Timerlane

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Just perhaps worth noting in the OP: The "modified" Carver V and "original" Carver V campaigns cannot properly co-exist on the same install(i.e files from whichever is installed last will overwrite many of the previous files). So, you'll have to pick one or the other.


Offline magic

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Just perhaps worth noting in the OP: The "modified" Carver V and "original" Carver V campaigns cannot properly co-exist on the same install(i.e files from whichever is installed last will overwrite many of the previous files). So, you'll have to pick one or the other.



Offline magic

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Links for Dasert Fox and Laskos Legion are add to the top.


Offline magic

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Links for
Mercenaries Star and The Liberation of Volstand added to first post.

Looks like there in no one to do March to Terra campaign transfer...


Offline Erwiin

  • 20
Download and install to folder where you installed MCO
****Please install one campaign and after you finish uninstall before installing the next. Most, if not all campaigns are from mechlab and may have pilot brains with the same names!****

Campaigns are for use with MCO240 and above.

1. :)  Modified Carver V (55 MB)
Author: Mech Commander 2 development team.
Description: 24 missions. All resource points are reduced by the factor of 10 (/10). Number of available pilots is limited in order to limit salvage. New "Components Salvage" replaced technology levels and additional purchase files. Many of the old mech (and vehicle) models in missions changed to similar new models (per tonnage) for variety. New terrain look.

2. :)  Carver V (51 MB)
Author: Mech Commander 2 development team.
Description: 24 missions. Campaign mission brain files are changed to be compatible with Mech Commander Omnitech (most of them automatically).

3. :)  Wolf Dragoons for MCO (28MB)
Author: mechlab
Description: Command mercenary unit Wolf's Dragoons on over 20 missions.

Note : If someone does know who the original creator is in person, please tell us, so that we can contact and credit him correctly.

4.  :) Clan Eagle for MCO (22MB)
Author: TopAce
Description: 16 missions campaign.

5.  :) Day of Heroes for MCO (13MB)
Author: mechlab
Description: Take command of the Gray Death Legion through 15 missions, ranging from 3028 up through the Clan invasion.

Note : If someone does know who the original creator is in person, please tell us, so that we can contact and credit him correctly.

6.  :) Liberation of Volstand for MCO (10MB Re-Release)
Author: Head Hunter 001
Description: Liberate planet Volstand through 23 missions.

7.  :) Mercenaries Star for MCO (7MB Test-Release)
Author: mechlab
Description: 9 missions based on the book Mercenary's Star by William H. Keith Jr.

Note: This campaign is auto. changed and is not tested. This release is for testing purposes. Please report any problems here.
Note2 : If someone does know who the original creator is in person, please tell us, so that we can contact and credit him correctly.

8.  :) Desert Fox for MCO (5MB Re-Release)
Author: mechlab
Description: 5 missions mini campaign

Note : If someone does know who the original creator is in person, please tell us, so that we can contact and credit him correctly.

9.  :) Lasko's Legion for MCO (14MB Re-Release - Fixed)
Author: mechlab
Description: Join Col. Lasko in 12 missions as he aids the Jabuka Liberation Front in freeing its planet from the oppressive control of House Steiner.

Note : If someone does know who the original creator is in person, please tell us, so that we can contact and credit him correctly.

10. :)  March to Terra for MCO (29MB Re-Release - Fixed)
Link: ???
Author: mechlab
Description: Clan invasion - 22 missions campaign.

Note : If someone does know who the original creator is in person, please tell us, so that we can contact and credit him correctly.

coming soon


The original Mech Lab crew were:

Battlemaster - aka Tim O'Neal
Phantom - aka Damian Murphy
MatChewga - aka Matt Warmsbecker
Head Hunter 001 - aka Troy Greig - I would prefer that you use the name Erwiin however.

This is the only Mech Lab page I could find: Over the years I have lost contact with the rest of the crew.

- Erwiin
(once known as Head Hunter 001)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Offline Starman01

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Thank you for the information Erwiin !!!! :) We will integrate the infos in our credit files.

9 out of 10 voices in my head always tell me that I'm not insane. The 10th is only humming the melody of TETRIS.


Offline magic

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Thank you Erwiin.

I will update our forum infos for now. I will then repack all campaigns with your info in campaign readme files.

After the first mission on Eagle2.01 you cannot assign mech warriors to the mechs only mission start.

Btw what happened to the other campaign links like march to terra for instance i used to be able to find it but alas no more =(


Offline magic

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Day of Heroes campaign updated. Bug in mission 11 fixed.

There will be no March to Terra campaign. There is no no interested to convert that one to MCO240.
I hired some mercs that converted all other campaigns except Carver V (modified version converted by me and the original version by Karl).

It is a lot of work and I dont have time.

Hi, I am getting the following error with the Clan Eagle campaign - trying to launch Mission 7 Sierra Foxtrot 11

 "Variant Number 3 does not exist for mech data\objects\thunder.csv.  Please set variant in editor!"

Game is crashing as a result. Any ideas? Many thanks. Great work with MCO by the way :)


Offline magic

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The game will not crush if you click "continue".


Offline zzc

  • 26
Can I extract the Carver V campaign, then copy over all the text in the fit file over into exodus campaign fit? And all the missions folder...

Then edit each mission to fix units.


I just like the idea of Exodus company continuing to work.

does anyone know a total number of how many missions for MCO exist? Are those ~170 missions above all?
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Albert Einstein